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Pakistani Climber winter summit attempt status unknown - search operations underway

There must be some hope, some pocket where they might be hidden away from the elements. I don't know the first thing about mountains but honestly I hope there is some miracle. These guys are true warriors, hardy pioneers of some of mankind's greatest endeavours, and our Pakistani brother up there stands among them. InshaAllah they make it down safely!
InshAllah Sir!
May Allah be their Guardian.
so much tax payers money spent on this, ppl risking their lives for sports should know the risk and embrace the enevitable and tax money shouldn't be spen on that but on the poor ppl, period.
following those same idiotic passions is why most people that try getting into showbiz and leave education end up as waiters and prostitutes.

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. If you are always so urged to say something then at least do some preliminary research about the topic. Before the climbing licenses are issued for the season, the climbers have to provide a rescue insurance and believe me it is of quite substantial amount, 1000s of $ per climber. So there is no tax money being spent but if you ask me I will gladly prefer my tax money spent on people like Sadpara's as compared to Sharif's, Zardari's and all the other corrupt lot. We need more of Sadpara's and less of Sharifs, Bhuttos, Zardari's, Magsi's, Tiwana's etc, they are not the true face nor the identity of Pakistan.

Anyways, I am thinking of starting a crowd funding campaign to sponsor Sajid Sadpara to continue his father's dream, hoisting Pakistan flag on all 14 x 8000m summits.

Here is my little tribute to our champ.

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Anyways, I am thinking of starting a crowd funding campaign to sponsor Sajid Sadpara to continue his father's dream, hoisting Pakistan flag on all 14 x 8000m summits.

Count me in.

The kid summitted K2 at 20 yrs of age without oxygen and made it above +8000 meters in winters. A Sadpara, that too the son of Muhammad Ali Sadpara. Pedigree is oozing out of his ears.
This is the love the man commanded from those who knew him.

More Drama on K2: Imtiaz and Akbar Refuse to Leave

The search operation on K2 remains confusing, to say the least. According to Dawa Sherpa and sources in Pakistan, Imtiaz Hussain and Akbar Ali — relatives of Ali Sadpara — have refused to retreat to Base Camp and they remain on the mountain, despite the bad weather. At the moment, it is unclear whether they are still in Camp 1 or have moved further up, as some sources suggested.

The experienced pair flew to K2 by helicopter two days ago and climbed immediately to Camp 1, with plans to hurry up K2 in time to locate the three missing climbers. They have oxygen with them but they are not acclimatized, so it is unlikely that even in the best weather, they could reach anywhere near the altitude where Ali Sadpara and his two companions disappeared.

Nor is it likely that a ground search would find anything when helicopters drew a blank despite three days of searching. Though well-intentioned, if they do indeed decide to proceed upward, they risk worsening the tragedy by undertaking a highly dangerous mission where the chances of helping are now, alas, virtually nil.

To make things worse, the Seven Summit Treks team is heading home tomorrow. Jasmine Tours and John Snorri’s home team have arranged for Snorri’s kitchen crew to remain at the foot of the mountain for a few more days, to support and communicate with Imtiaz and Akbar. But if they run into trouble, there will be no potential rescuers in place.

Meanwhile, rescue coordinator Vanessa O’Brien has confirmed that they are gathering information from the missing climbers’ satellite phones and that they will share an official release soon. Hopefully, this will offer some reliable information amid the mess of rumors, contradictory versions, fake news, and baseless comments which can only add more pain to the already bitter end of this K2 winter expedition.

Imtiaz and Akbar,

Low temperature, high altitude, lack of oxygen, hypoxia, lack of food, fatigue, loss of contact, no visuals of the team; are there any crevices on Godwin-Austen?
Its full of crevasses...I have been on it and the entire length of baltoro glacier. Men have slipped into a crevasses and never been seen again. Remember glaciers in this area are over a km deep
he didnt go up there to die-
he went up there to live-forever
No man lives forever but his name will live on. He is part of us and InshAllah we still have hope

Sadpara, has the distinction of proudly hoisting the Pakistan flag on eight high-altitude peaks.
He was born in Sadpara, a village at the periphery of Skardu city on February 2, 1976. The mountaineer began his career as porter and worked his way up to climbing high peaks with expeditions.

Sadpara was part of the team which successfully achieved the first ever winter summit on Nanga Parbat in 2016. Both his teammates, Alex Txikon and Simone Moro, have gone on record stating that they could not have done it without Sadpara brilliance.

In 2015, the same team had attempted to scale the Nanga Parbat in winter but to no avail. He has now climbed Nanga Parbat on four occasions.

In January 2018, he teamed up with Alex Txikon, a Spanish mountaineer, and tried unsuccessfully, to summit Mount Everest in winter without any supplemental oxygen. While in June 2018 he has been enlisted by Marc Batard to undertake a five-year program known as “Beyond Mount Everest”. They plan to summit Nanga Parbat, K2 and Mount Everest in 2019, 2021 and 2022 respectively.
Note: There have been multiple gofundme's opened for support however, after people contacted the family of Sadpara regarding their authenticity it was known that they had not requested or opened any so please do not donate to groups such as these which are cashing out of the tragedy.
I am madly in love with mountaineering, bordering obsession, I know all the routs up Everest, K2 and other 8000’s.

Ali Sadpara is an icon, the things he has achieved is legendary especially the first winter ascent of nanga parbat.
It’s actually unfortunate that Ali was born in a south Asian country, in any other country he would have been a national hero.

I am not just accusing Pakistan, here India is same or even worse.
I am madly in love with mountaineering, bordering obsession, I know all the routs up Everest, K2 and other 8000’s.

Ali Sadpara is an icon, the things he has achieved is legendary especially the first winter ascent of nanga parbat.
It’s actually unfortunate that Ali was born in a south Asian country, in any other country he would have been a national hero.

I am not just accusing Pakistan, here India is same or even worse.

Pakistan and Pakistanis are to be accused, heavily. These men are born in dirt. They slave themselves off and many times die for amounts that anyone sitting in Lahore, Karachi, or Islamabad would not spit for. Most of them don't even want to be there but they have no other choice. There are countless incidents of them being used, abused, and heavily exploited by foreigners and then of the Pakistani gov and authorities burying it all up. These bastards care more about the measly permit fees they receive. Tourism! We want the white man's dollars on the broken backs and dead bodies of our own men.

These men are born of rock and ice. They are genetically engineered to be climbers. A fraction of what this country wastes on the corrupt cricketers would turn you Ali Sadparas behind every boulder and ridge. Men who give everything they have for their country without ever receiving anything back. This man's entire life was a tragedy. Does anyone even know that he climbed his first 8000er, Gasherbrum II, without a down jacket?!?! Forget down suites, he bought a used and worn-out fleece jacket from Skardu and stitched it up himself. He did what he did without any reward, recognition, or help from his own inept and useless countrymen. He did it because he just wanted to raise his flag up there. It took the foreigners' voices and praise to make this country realize what it had lost. Now, everyone is a fan. His is the story of every Pakistani climber.

And then we have good for nothing degenerates calling him names just because he makes their insignificant existence all too obvious.

Even if true, too little too late.
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We want the white man's dollars on the broken backs of our own men.
It's not just these guys. Millions of poor Paks from tiny villages go abroad, risk their lives and then send dollars home which keeps the country going. Yet urbanites living in Karachi, Lahore etc bitch and mian all day ..... with hand outstretched to the government. Give, give, give .....

It's not just these guys. Millions of poor Paks from tiny villages go abroad, risk their lives and then send dollars home which keeps the country going. Yet urbanites living in Karachi, Lahore etc bitch and mian all day ..... with hand outstretched to the government. Give, give, give .....


Very true. When Muhammad Ali Sadpara faced all that he did, he didn't moan or whine. He made do with whatever he had and quietly achieved the impossible. Never asked for anything in return. Yet these halfwits have the audacity to ridicule him.

I am this vocal about these guys because I've personally seen everything they go through. And they do it singing, dancing, laughing, and dying. If you ever get to see how the "mighty" foreigner stands taught, thinking of himself a benevolent lord, handing out a few hundred rupees one by one to a queue of dozens of bowing porters with both hands stretched out, it will break your heart in a million pieces. It is not the foreigner's fault, it is the Pakistani authorities' who literally auction off their lives for peanuts. It is shameful how the most vocal voices for their support are all foreign.

I haven't even begun describing the conditions they live their normal lives in because I want to keep this about our climbers and porters.
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These men are born of rock and ice, they are genetically engineered to be climbers. A fraction of what this country wastes on the corrupt cricketers would turn you Ali Sadparas behind every boulder and ridge. Men who give everything they have for their country without ever receiving anything back. This man's entire life was a tragedy. Does anyone even know that he climbed his first 8000er, Gasherbrum II, without a down jacket?!?! Forget down suites, he bought a used windbreaker from Skardu and stitched it up himself. He did what he did without any reward, recognition, or help from his own inept and useless countrymen because he just wanted to raise his flag up there. It took the foreigners' voices and praise to make this country realize what they had lost. Now, everyone is a fan. His is the story of every Pakistani climber.
It is the story of every high-altitude Pakistani climber and the porters who carry around 30 kg weight for 3$ a trip. We as nation always had wrong priorities, as you rightfully mentioned the cricketers are given millions in match fee yet they sell the motherland for a few extra pennies and the whole nation still cheers and supports them while people like Ali are lost in the oblivion. Even now it is his rescue media coverage that shed some light on him and now some keyboards warriors are jumping up and down in support until they find a new thing to toy with.

If my memory serves well I saw an interview few years ago where he even showed that his first climbs were done in sandals (F**** Sandals) until some white climber came to his rescue and couldn't believe how he can summit with such poor equipment and gave his own boots to him. From Ali Sadpara, Hasan Sadpara, Samina Baig, Meherban Karim, and all the way back Hunza Mehdi all had similar stories, all lived similar life - zero support from Governments, communities and general public while celebrated as Gods of mountaineering by the western world.

Yet we have the audacity to go on public forums and question why they were at K2 in the first place. Some of them are cursing and calling it stupid while some are trying to cash on the opportunity by creating fake accounts. Intelligence has never been a forte of the Pakistani masses but this is a new low for them.
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