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Pakistani Christians Attacked by Jihadi's

Sonia Gandhi is half Italian, you Indians worship white people.

Sonia Gandhi is fully Italian. She happens to be in the govt by the sole qualification of having married Rajiv Gandhi. Where does worshiping white people come in here?

As for christians publishing material against hindus.. i thought india was largest democracy? dont you have freedom of speech in worlds largest "democracy"? is publishing material a reason for hindus to rape nuns, burn churches, burn living christian children, women, and men to death?


:rofl: It just did! Did you not look at the news article that started the thread? Seriously, why is anyone talking of India when this seems to be an internal Pakistani matter. The India obsession of Pakistanis comes to fore once again.
You Indians cant find your own people to run your country?
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You simply cant compare pakistan and India. India has christans ruling the coutnry in many positions. Sonia Gandhi our national leader is a christian. You can find many ppl in central cabinet.
Now regarding violations christans too have many organizations publishing illigal material about hindu gods and trying to forcefully convert ppl. They killed hindu saint who tryed to stop. Even hindus have religious believes and when it get hit its normal that some idiot ppl misuse it.

That's right you simply can't compare pakistan with india. India is the biggest rogue state in south east asia who sponsors terrorism in jammu & kashmir killing 70,000 innocent kashmiris denying them independence. India who claims to be the world's biggest democracy (Shamocracy actually !) indiscriminately kills memmbers of ethnic minorities amongst sikhs, christians e.t.c. The result you have 100 groups today fighting in 235 districts out of 600 against central government of india to gain independence due to brutal or animalistic crimes by hindu hardline political groups like BJP, Shiv sena, Bajrang dal, RSS e.t.c. Indian hindus hoodwinked sikhs before partition and killed 40 lakh innocent muslims, india sponsored mukhti bahini terrorists who raped muslim bangali women and killed thousands of our innocent bengali brethren.

This thread is a joke which needs closing. I know a incident like this was going to happen. Need we remind you enemies of islam that in karachi MQM who have full backing of india are terrorists who have destabilised our commercial capital over the years. I bet it was most probably MQM scums pretending to be jihadis who attacked innocent christians. Pakistan is a heaven still compared to india for ethnic minorities. In india there is a active ethnic cleansing process being carried out by hardline hindu political groups and military alongwith corrupt police.

As you said " Simply don't compare pakistan(Heaven) with india(Hell) ! "
That's right you simply can't compare pakistan with india. India is the biggest rogue state in south east asia who sponsors terrorism in jammu & kashmir killing 70,000 innocent kashmiris denying them independence. India who claims to be the world's biggest democracy (Shamocracy actually !) indiscriminately kills memmbers of ethnic minorities amongst sikhs, christians e.t.c. The result you have 100 groups today fighting in 235 districts out of 600 against central government of india to gain independence due to brutal or animalistic crimes by hindu hardline political groups like BJP, Shiv sena, Bajrang dal, RSS e.t.c. Indian hindus hoodwinked sikhs before partition and killed 40 lakh innocent muslims, india sponsored mukhti bahini terrorists who raped muslim bangali women and killed thousands of our innocent bengali brethren.

This thread is a joke which needs closing. I know a incident like this was going to happen. Need we remind you enemies of islam that in karachi MQM who have full backing of india are terrorists who have destabilised our commercial capital over the years. I bet it was most probably MQM scums pretending to be jihadis who attacked innocent christians. Pakistan is a heaven still compared to india for ethnic minorities. In india there is a active ethnic cleansing process being carried out by hardline hindu political groups and military alongwith corrupt police.

As you said " Simply don't compare pakistan(Heaven) with india(Hell) ! "

nice rant. now the only thing you need to do is convince the rest of the world that India is the bad guy. but of course, a worldwide zionist-fascist-american-Hindu conspiracy would prevent that :bounce:
As you said " Simply don't compare pakistan(Heaven) with india(Hell) ! "

Even I wish Pakistan will become Heaven. I am not at all against Pakistan. Recently pakistan just missed to get recognised as a terror state. You know who is fighting in the war against whom?

If u think todays pakistan is a heaven you need to rethink.
You Indians cant find your own people to run your country?

This time I vote for Omar. Ur rightly said. WE DONT WANT SONIA as our leader. Our party wants Advani as our PM. I dont know who you like now...:hitwall:
I started this thread to highlight the persecution of Christians in Pakistan. If you read the Pakistan Christian Post regularly you will see that this recent incident in Karachi was not an isolated event. Christians are routinely persecuted in Pakistan, not by the Government, but by "Jihadis" ( KB"s objections to my term notwithstanding, that is what they call themselves). The problem is that the GoP does not give adequate protection to religious minorities such as Christians, Shias, Bihais or Ahmadis. I think that this is an indisputable fact. I plan to add an entry to this thread every time a new incident of aggression against the peaceful and patriotic community of Pakistani Christians occurs. Pakistani culture, while giving lip service to the protection of the "People of the Book", in fact, looks the other way when extremist Muslims take advantage of them by adjudicating false charges of blasphemy against Islam or outright violence as in the case of my initial thread post. As for who is the worst persecutor of Christians, India or Pakistan, I cannot say. It is not a competition in which anyone should be proud to be a competitor.
As for who is the worst persecutor of Christians, India or Pakistan, I cannot say. It is not a competition in which anyone should be proud to be a competitor.

Truth seeker this is a offtopic than the thread...but I want to reply. I dont know abt pakistan; But I have posted my views on christians in india. There are 24 million (may be more) christians and they are in every sector of govt and public service. Govt gives reservations in cabinet, govt jobs and in education. They have full liberty to spread the community and pray in the church all. If you hear any crime on christian first you should see is it a religious or not. U can never say that rape theif etc are religious. Also some of the recent violations on the church in india got triggered by illegal conversion of christanity. ppl offered money to change to be christian. Books were found blaming hindu religion. Hindu saint got killed. There are both side stries. What matters is govt action on the crime. Everytime u cant say christians are right just becoz they are minorities. Same goes with hindu too.

Infact forceful change of religion is banned in India. Also he should change his certificates. He cant continue to be a backword hindu and claim his reservations. Here is the problem ...Hope u understand.
Hey.. all my pakistani friends here have been bragging about Inida's aritrocacies .. India's Genocide.. India's Problem.. But unfortunately they are sweeping their own wrong doings under the carpet..!!! But that doesent take away the communal violience going on in india..!!! But the indian democracy is transparent, if at all anything happens the entire country and world knows it.. Indian media is the first to report it..!!! And make sure that the perpetrators are brought to the book..!!! Like in orissa.. the guys who raped the Nun.. they are behind the bars..!!! But your country not even dare to REPORT IT..!!!!!!! See i am sure and i strongly believe what ever MISCONCEPTIONS we have about each other.. i am sure indian demoracy and the social system is far better than pakistan..!!! India have survived majorily peacefuly eventhough we have Multiple religions, languages beliefs.. faith..!!! But with one major religion and with two major factions..!! and some minorities and a single language.. pakistan is far way behind india..!! as they themselves have a huge amount of intollerance between themselves with shia's sunnis christians and hindus..!!!!! Only thing that binds that country is the hate towards INDIA..!!! :tsk:God bless All and lets pray that peace returns to all..!!!!
Hey.. all my pakistani friends here have been bragging about Inida's aritrocacies .. India's Genocide.. India's Problem.. But unfortunately they are sweeping their own wrong doings under the carpet..!!!!

I dont know about pakistan. You being an Indian better not to comment on pakistan unless ur sure what otherside looks like. I will tell u the reason. What if christian starts advertising infront of a musque? definitely he will be beaten no matter its pak or India. If media projects its a communal violation it doenst make sense. ! So Action is neither wrong or right. The feeling behind the action determines its right or wrong.
Ideally this should be an internal problem of Pakistan. Why do people compare it with Indian incidents?
THis only shows these kind of incidents happen everywhere and need to be condemned.
I dont know about pakistan. You being an Indian better not to comment on pakistan unless ur sure what otherside looks like. I will tell u the reason. What if christian starts advertising infront of a musque? definitely he will be beaten no matter its pak or India. If media projects its a communal violation it doenst make sense. ! So Action is neither wrong or right. The feeling behind the action determines its right or wrong.

You are right my friend..!!! We shouldnt be commenting on the internal issues of Paksitan..!!! But with so much hate these guys talk about the so called religious intolerance in our country, I feel the hate is not justified as every one needs to understand each country have its own share of religious intollerance.. and you need to look at it neutrally..!!!! So if you have an incident of religious vilonce in india.. then condmen it but dont generalise..and hate and malign the entire country..!!!!
Pakistani charged with blasphemy


Sandul Bibi was arrested in October 2008.

Pakistan (MNN) ― Twenty-year-old Sandul Bibi faces anywhere from four years in prison to the death penalty if she is convicted of blasphemy under section 295-B of Pakistan's legal code.

She has been falsely accused of ripping pages from the Quran, Voice of the Martyrs reported. She was arrested with her father, Gulsher, on October 9.

Local mosques broadcast messages over loudspeakers on that day, accusing Christians of disgracing the Quran and inciting a mob to attack Christians and burn their homes. The mob attacked a group of Christian families at a church with stones and guns, shouting "Kill Gulsher and his daughter, Sandul." The mob also threw stones at Sandul's home and set it on fire.

Since Sandul and Gulsher were zealously evangelizing the villagers before their arrest, local Christians believe the mob specifically targeted them for persecution.

Since her imprisonment, Sandul has written letters to her family. "I am praying a lot that God releases me from here and I can meet you, but I don't know when," she wrote in a recent letter. "He will give answers for our prayers. Please pray for me."

Much of Pakistan, which is an Islamic republic, is ruled by Sharia law. About 96 percent of the population is Muslim. (Cont'd)
i think one should post articles here regarding american soldiers dirty acts in iraq, and post pictures to make him realize, if americans given liberty, they avail ful opportunity to display their stereotypes!!!

seconf TS, you have no idea about what happens in pakistan, most of the tyms, its the christians that fuel the anger, other wise, muslims here have no reason to bother them!!!, muslims get angry when christians start preaching, which is strictly prohibited in islam!!, other wise muslims have no stereotypes against them!!!

no respect for the holy place

half built church being protected


a stubborn christian lady. she has vowed to preach and brain wash muslim children, very shameful, look at this video

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Same problem with christians and christian missionaries all over my friend.
They don't keep quiet. But try converting people. When this takes alrge scale and becomes visible, it makes the locals angry.
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