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Pakistani Christians Attacked by Jihadi's

i think one should post articles here regarding american soldiers dirty acts in iraq, and post pictures to make him realize, if americans given liberty, they avail ful opportunity to display their stereotypes!!!

seconf TS, you have no idea about what happens in pakistan, most of the tyms, its the christians that fuel the anger, other wise, muslims here have no reason to bother them!!!, muslims get angry when christians start preaching, which is strictly prohibited in islam!!, other wise muslims have no stereotypes against them!!!

But the same "Muslims" preach to India when some states enact anti-conversion laws against forced conversions!

Double standards here! Hypocrisy at it's worst!
But the same "Muslims" preach to India when some states enact anti-conversion laws against forced conversions!

Double standards here! Hypocrisy at it's worst!

forced conversions??, but preaching is no forced conversion, whos forcing indian to become muslim???
A Deplorable Incident. Reminds me of Saddam Hussain, While he was in power the religious minorities lived peacefully and he provided for the upkeep of gurudwaras and chruches! Look at it now after the so called Democratic changes brought by the USA! Priests are being kidnapped and killed!

Let us all join together to reform ourselves to rid ourselves of any kind extremists attitudes if we carry any!
hahahha... maulvis with lathis have been common sight on new year's eve for decades now.... the are labeled 'jihadis' now... ! good one!
hahahha... maulvis with lathis have been common sight on new year's eve for decades now.... the are labeled 'jihadis' now... ! good one!

these "jehadis" were american heroes during soviet rule, getting praise from every damn western corner, now these same jehadis in afghanistan kick their a$$, thats why americans r jealous of them now:D, they will name even their pat dog "jehadi" or "osama bin laden", to express their burning inside :D, lol, i watched a video in youtube, an emrican couple drapped a b.itch in long cloak as "burka" and they kept repeating, shes a muslim, how funny :D, its called "islamophobia"
these "jehadis" were american heroes during soviet rule, getting praise from every damn western corner, now these same jehadis in afghanistan kick their a$$, thats why americans r jealous of them now:D, they will name even their pat dog "jehadi" or "osama bin laden", to express their burning inside :D, lol, i watched a video in youtube, an emrican couple drapped a b.itch in long cloak as "burka" and they kept repeating, shes a muslim, how funny :D, its called "islamophobia"

they were created by the americans and when the americans got what they wanted they want to destroy them
but neither are right [the taliban or the americans]
its all political stuff and barely has anything to do with religion
You guys frequently trash these threads with all your off-topic garbage. How can you be proud of not letting Christians preach about their religion? Why are Muslims (or Hindus) so afraid to let other Muslims (or Hindus) hear about Christianity? Afraid that the truth might be told? :victory:
You guys frequently trash these threads with all your off-topic garbage. How can you be proud of not letting Christians preach about their religion? Why are Muslims (or Hindus) so afraid to let other Muslims (or Hindus) hear about Christianity? Afraid that the truth might be told? :victory:

At least in India the way the preach is going on is by opening schools, hospitals etc. Govt has no way to stop them..but is this ethically right to offer human basic needs and preach? I dont know whats happening in pakistan...I believe this is how christian missionaries work.
.but is this ethically right to offer human basic needs and preach? I believe this is how christian missionaries work.

I guess I don't understand what is unethical about providing needy human beings with basic services. It is part of the Christian belief system to help the poor and to witness the faith of Christ. How can you see this as "unethical". What is unethical is to deny these poor people this help because you fear they may hear the message of the Christians and believe it.
I guess I don't understand what is unethical about providing needy human beings with basic services. It is part of the Christian belief system to help the poor and to witness the faith of Christ. How can you see this as "unethical". What is unethical is to deny these poor people this help because you fear they may hear the message of the Christians and believe it.

Look at the otherside of it. Help the poor and witness the faith of christ is not the way. its called bribe. One should get attracted to jesus with his ideas believes etc. Tuning the weakminds like patients in hospitals, kids in school is not acceptable. ppl goes to hospital not becouse they want jesus; becouse they want to get their health right. kids goes to school not to learn about jesus but to get basic education. The intension of ppl going their is NOT to learn about jesus. Christians preach about jesus in hospitals telling jesus will help u etc. Preaches should be in church. No one can complain about that...its meant for that and let them do it in right way.
Are you saying that in a Muslim charity hospital they do not talk about Mohammed? In a Hindu charity hospital is there nothing about Hinduism? Here in the US, many religous groups run all kinds of charities. Some have a overt message about their religious beliefs, for others it is subtle. I think the problem is your use of the term "weak minds". That shows that you do not want other people to make their own decisions about what they want to listen to or believe. You want to control their "weak minds" to believe what you want them to believe, through the power of the State, i.e. by the violence of enforced coercive laws. THAT is unethical in my view.
Are you saying that in a Muslim charity hospital they do not talk about Mohammed? In a Hindu charity hospital is there nothing about Hinduism? Here in the US, many religous groups run all kinds of charities. Some have a overt message about their religious beliefs, for others it is subtle. I think the problem is your use of the term "weak minds". That shows that you do not want other people to make their own decisions about what they want to listen to or believe. You want to control their "weak minds" to believe what you want them to believe, through the power of the State, i.e. by the violence of enforced coercive laws. THAT is unethical in my view.

I agree with you TS. Your statement perfectly suits US. I dont have arguement. Since u have two flags (meaning ur home country in USA) i assume you hant practically experienced ppl in India and Pakistan. Religion is not about going to church for them. Its a culture and they are not educated enough. The last attack on christian missionary happened in my state becouze christan missionary offered $100 to convert them. Do you believe this. So some states are making strict rules about change in religion. These convertion ppl dont teach them anything about christians. Except Jesus word, a cross symbol and one or two songs they wont be knowing anything.
That shows that you do not want other people to make their own decisions about what they want to listen to or believe..

This is where birth religion comes to TS. A born muslim should remain as muslim unless he loves/likes another religion. A blind transform of someone telling jesus is best is not acceptable. Me as a Hindu executes the same job in india talking to converted ppl to check how comfortable they are. They still pray hindu gods during our festivals. We dont want to leave them in christianity for the sake of it. We want them back as long they believe in.
We will just have to disagree about freedom of religion. I believe that adults should be free to explore various religious thoughts and to respond to that which touches their heart, without the interference of State coercion and punishment. Children should be under the guidance of their parents for religious matters. Further, I believe that societies that allow freedom of religion and are respectful of the choices that their citizens make are more likely to be peaceful and prosperous. Of course, some limits on religious precepts are necessary. Just because a group wants to worship the devil and perform human sacrifices doesn't mean that society should permit it. In the US the Mormon Church had to give up polygamy before the US would admit Utah (the original Mormon home territory) as a State. So what if the Christians waste their $100 on a poor person who takes their money but isn't a true addition to their Christian community. Let the Christians be "ripped off"! It only harms the Christians who are "swindled" by the false converts.
So what if the Christians waste their $100 on a poor person who takes their money but isn't a true addition to their Christian community. Let the Christians be "ripped off"! It only harms the Christians who are "swindled" by the false converts.

TS, You have to look at the other side. I dont want to loose a hindu for $100. He is accepting the money for his poverty. This is completely illegal. Offering any service and conversion is banned in India. But states are not following it. Even some christians tried to preach near our holy temples and got beating from the mad. Imagine someone preaching about hindus near vatican...So who ever wants to spread or preach about jesus should do that with proper education and good interst of the society. tats all i am telling. It shuldnt be for the sake of addition. This results in communal violation.
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