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Pakistani and Iranian border guards exchange fire

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That's exactly what I've been trying to say regarding the relations between Pakistan and China. There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. The sooner the Pakistanis realise this the better.

Back on topic. Pakistan seems to be having its hands full what with ceasefire violations on the LoC with India, shelling duels with Afghanistan, scraps with the ANA, and now border violations with Iran! There's the free flow of terrorists too from Pakistan to Xinjiang, China, which the latter is pissed off at, but doesn't want to ruffle Pakistan's feathers at this stage.

The situation on all of Pakistan's borders seems to be deteriorating by the day.
The LoC isn't as big a problem as you're making it, as there has been more peace there now than ever in history. The issue on Iran's border is unfortunately expected, as a result of the increased tension between Shia and Sunnis, and the Afghan border has been a problem for the last 30 years.

If we look at it correctly, as soon as Afghanistan is stabilized, we'll see the region grow more peaceful. Everything depends on Afghanistan, including the Xinjiang situation.

You keep blaming Pakistan, but it's not Pakistan that's the problem, it's Afghanistan.
Go away, and take your bogus history with you.

Shoo away Mr troll...i slap your nonsense mouth with proof & now you are hitting your head on the wall. It is pity that you don't even know basic history.:disagree::lol:

@ Pakistani civilisation. You can teach this distorted version of history to your own pupils in Pakistan but most others will not buy it.Check your own maps that you posted.

List of Indus Valley Civilization sites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Out of 4 major sites...three in Pakistan. The main river flows almost entirely in Pakistan & you whine like a little girl.:lol:

BTW you lot are funny...when it suites you, you guys post wiki as source...otherwise...:disagree:
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Denying that Pakistan is anything but a brake-away territory of India which came about as a post-WW2 colonial invention of the British empire is bogus history.

I can say "Iran is an artificial state created by West" but for the respect of good Irani members i won't do that. You need to learn proper history, old man...you are f@rting & cracking jokes continuously. Pakistan was always a different land...if for few centuries it was merged with India does not mean it was like that.

Out of 4 major sites...three in Pakistan. The main river flows almost entirely in Pakistan & you whine like a little girl.:lol:

BTW you lot are funny...when it suites you, you guys post wiki as source...otherwise...:disagree:

Who told you there are only 4 major sites ? Even then it is not a solely Pakistani civilisation as you claim. The river first flows through India, then into Pakistan anyway :haha:. Nothing of the Indus Valley culture is left in Pakistan, modern Indians are the true inheritors and link between IVC and modern Indian Subcontinent.

As for Wiki, yes it can be wrong but prove that any of the sites mentioned there are not Indus Valley sites. All or most of them factually are.
Who told you there are only 4 major sites ? Even then it is not a solely Pakistani civilisation as you claim.

There are 4 major sites of IVC. The most known 3 are present in Pakistan. There is a reason that IVC is also mentioned by the name Harappan civilization. And yes it is solely Pakistani civilization.

The river first flows through India, then into Pakistan anyway .

The river first flow in China before entering IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir(And it passes through IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir not India)...so? What a stupid logic.:haha:

FYI 93%(almost entire) Indus River flow through Pakistan, 5 % through IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir & 3% in China.

Nothing of the Indus Valley culture is left in Pakistan, modern Indians are the true inheritors and link between IVC and modern Indian Subcontinent.

Nothing of Egyptian civilization is left in Egypt...Nothing of Mesopotamian civilization is left in Iraq...does not mean these countries history will change. The history of that land will remain the same & so will the history of Pakistani land. Indian Subcontinent can do their lungi dance around ganga civilization or dravidian civilization or chola civilization.
There are 4 major sites of IVC. The most known 3 are present in Pakistan. There is a reason that IVC is also mentioned by the name Harappan civilization. And yes it is solely Pakistani civilization.

The river first flow in China before entering IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir(And it passes through IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir not India)...so? What a stupid logic.:haha:

FYI 93%(almost entire) Indus River flow through Pakistan, 5 % through IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir & 3% in China.

Nothing of Egyptian civilization is left in Egypt...Nothing of Mesopotamian civilization is left in Iraq...does not mean these countries history will change. The history of that land will remain the same & so will the history of Pakistani land. Indian Subcontinent can do their lungi dance around ganga civilization or dravidian civilization or chola civilization.

You can continue reading your "Pakistan studies" version of history, the rest of the World which reads real history will continue calling IVC an Indian civilisation (including Pakistan). You can continue living in your own delusional cuckooland.
Who told you there are only 4 major sites ? Even then it is not a solely Pakistani civilisation as you claim. The river first flows through India, then into Pakistan anyway :haha:. Nothing of the Indus Valley culture is left in Pakistan, modern Indians are the true inheritors and link between IVC and modern Indian Subcontinent.

As for Wiki, yes it can be wrong but prove that any of the sites mentioned there are not Indus Valley sites. All or most of them factually are.

I'm not really knowledgeable about the Indus civilization, but I found this picture on Wikipedia.


Extent and major sites of the Indus Valley Civilization as depicted by researcher Rajesh Rao.
You can continue reading your "Pakistan studies" version of history, the rest of the World which reads real history will continue calling IVC an Indian civilisation (including Pakistan). You can continue living in your own delusional cuckooland.

I live in USA...

Unfortunately Pakistan studies mostly focus on the era after British arrive so there is less than 0.0001% literature about IVC in Pakistan Studies. Bitter truth & so unfortunate that almost 80% Pakistanis won't even know what is IVC...I' am pretty sure about it.
All the South Asian civilisations are Great Hindu civilisations. When tribal muslims invaded India and 67 years back Pakistan formed and Bangladesh in 1971 doesn't make it theirs. They were and will be referred to as Great Indian civilisations.

To the topic, how bad the relation between Iran and Pakistan suffer with this incidence?
All the South Asian civilisations are Great Hindu civilisations. When tribal muslims invaded India and 67 years back Pakistan formed and Bangladesh in 1971 doesn't make it theirs. They were and will be referred to as Great Indian civilisations.

Hindus came out from Sindhus. The history of Sind/Sindh/Sindhu/Indus will remain remain it's property forever just like histories of Egypt, Iraq remains theirs...no matter they become Muslims or Martians.
The LoC isn't as big a problem as you're making it, as there has been more peace there now than ever in history. The issue on Iran's border is unfortunately expected, as a result of the increased tension between Shia and Sunnis, and the Afghan border has been a problem for the last 30 years.

If we look at it correctly, as soon as Afghanistan is stabilized, we'll see the region grow more peaceful. Everything depends on Afghanistan, including the Xinjiang situation.

You keep blaming Pakistan, but it's not Pakistan that's the problem, it's Afghanistan.
Where did I blame Pakistan? I just said that Pakistan's borders are under fire. Things need to stabilize soon or matters can come to a head.
Can everyone finish this non-sense troll fight?
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