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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

nah sir this happen when we were chained
the truth is we were under a delusion that Saudia would someway play a key role together with US in getting Kashmir issue to a logical conclusion, or help financially in a possible war with India.But then we see that hope bite the dust once Modi develops very cordial relations with Saudis more than the diplomatic 'normal'.
I hope it's not just words actions must follow this statement. These Arabs won't stick with us. They are the main cause of problem in their neighboring countries. Sect. Violence is also their gift. Pakistan must make strong foreign policies and try to solve Kashmir Crisis as soon as possible through any mean possible.
Tbh Kashmiries are paying the ultimate price and no one is standing for them except for Pakistan in this entire freaking world.
That's obvious, we will not abandon Kashmir no matter what.

Pakistan should approach Indonesian news media, most Indonesian popular news TV media are owned by Muslim like CNN Indonesia, CNBC Indonesia, Metro TV, and TV One. Other popular TV station owned by Muslim like Trans TV, Trans 7, Net TV.

Other news outlet that is pro Islamist agenda is Republika. Media Indonesia and Jawa Post are also popular and owned by Muslim but has more nationalist agenda.

Viva is also owned by Muslim and an integrated media outlet and quite popular on online and Youtube.

Largest Islamic organization like Nahdatul Ulama and second largest and more conservative Islamic organization like Muhammadiyah.

The current lock down in Kashmir and internet ban should be the issue that can be raised. I think Pakistani government only approach other government, while for democracy country like Indonesia, approaching the media and civil organization is also very important to influence Indonesian government who is currently ruled by Nationalist like Jokowi.
Good advice. But I don't know what our embassy and political parties does whole year other then wasting our tax.
just becuase we were friendly/brotherly with saudia doesnt imply we weren't free..however its true some people took it the wrong way and had things for granted.

How was Pakistan free when Saudi Arabia prevented PM Imran Khan from attending the Kashmir Conference in Malaysia?
the dilemma the saudis face has 2 dimensions:
1. they try to arm twist Pakistan by saying they'll send all the Pakistanis back but Pakistan does a reversal on the saudi "biraathar mulk" by saying fine, we'll pull out all our military forces as well which scares the crap out of the saudis.
2. oil & gas. saudis threaten to stop selling oil to us and we had no answer for that uptil now. Now that China has made a big strategic partnership with Iran, that pretty much guarantees us our share of the oil & gas directly from Iran thanks to China.

hence we can now very confidently & comfortably talk the talk and walk the walk.
even when we were very deep in gulf arab and USA club what we got from them ? nothing not even words . now we are neutral at least we know what are we doing .

I disagree. We get money from them, even now their deposits in SBP have helped us keep our necks above water. Lip service like other allies of ours do is easy, I'm not naming any country in particular here. The Saudis help us and our bottom line every chance they get. I think we should consider the bigger picture a little more before knowingly offending an old ally like Saudi.
I am quoting your post as FM was discussing with Indonesian Counterpart....

There's a prominent change in Pakistan foreign policy and diplomatic approach towards certain issues..... the wording is

"India has illegally occupied area of Siachen and Pakistan will regain it soon" and the message is clear to whom it may concern including UNSC hence, their closed door meeting right now.


Kashmir issue is not popular in Indonesia. Lack of coverage from Indonesian media. This is why I suggest more PR work must be done to get more coverage on Kashmir so more Indonesian will know the situation there. If the coverage is sufficient enough, the support can be seen from Indonesian Muslim. Here is for example:

NU-Muhammadiyah condemns violence in India
29 February 2020, 14:23:29 WIB


JawaPos.com - Violence against Muslims in India is under the spotlight of NU and Muhammadiyah. The two largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia condemned the actions that resulted in the loss of life. The Indonesian government was asked to urge the United Nations to deliver a strong statement.

PP Muhammadiyah Secretary General Abdul Mu'ti said he was very concerned about discrimination and acts of violence against Muslims in India. "These actions are clearly contrary to human rights," he explained to Jawa Pos yesterday (28/2).

Muhammadiyah urged the Indian government to stop all forms of discrimination and violence against all citizens, especially those who are Muslim. Mu'ti said, the Indonesian government as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council should raise the issue in India in a special session and urge UN members to submit strong statements against discrimination and security in India.


The issue raised by these two largest Muslim organization.

Here is the impact

Indonesia conveys concerns over New Delhi riots
  • Apriza Pinandita
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Sat, February 29, 2020 / 07:36 am

The Indonesian government has conveyed its concerns over the recent deadly riots in New Delhi, as anger mounts in the predominantly Muslim country over what local Islamic groups say is anti-Muslim violence in India. The Foreign Ministry said on Friday that it had called the Indian Ambassador in Jakarta to discuss the riots that have claimed dozens of lives.


India must learn about religious tolerance from Indonesia, VP says
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Thu, March 5, 2020 / 12:16 pm

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has expressed his hope for India to follow in Indonesia’s footsteps in maintaining tolerance amid rising sectarian conflict in the South Asian country.

As a fellow multicultural nation, he said Indonesia could be an example in maintaining religious moderation.

“We want India to act like us, Indonesia, in building tolerance and moderation within [our] religious life,” Ma’ruf said on Wednesday as quoted by kompas.com.


Demonstration in India embassy

Just read history, most of the Gulf military today is due to Pakistan's support which is continued to this date. Emirates that is top class airline, do you know who helped it established? PIA. This is just the tip of the iceberg on what Pakistan has to offer and had already brought to these countries?
i know the history of emirates and how pakistan loaned two of its aircraft's to setup the airline.... but you want that country to make its entire foreign policy based on you helping setup an airline is too much to ask for.

And no basically all Pakistan wants is to stand up for Kashmiris right to self determination which was promised to them. We dont mind Arab countries having ties to India just as if Pakistanis wont be emotional fools, we should not care either and have relations with Israel as well.

That was my question, on how do you plan to prove that? with what evidence? and how are you planning to make it different this time then last one year?

some of pakistani posters always mention that India is seven times bigger than pakistan, that is just the landmass they refer to. pakistan must consider India in its entire foreign policy, trade relations, number of expats living oversees.
all these countries will ask and think on these points before taking any step....

now lets come to individual countries
turkey - provided continued support to pakistan
malaysia - MM is gone, new leader is eager to restore the trade with India ... palm oil export hit its trade... in this pandemic situation every dollar is important
china - cost or war is increasing with each passing day, countries are following India's lead on banning trade with china.... they need to decide what to do now. their belligerence wont stop for now and only a war is a solution.
Iran - why?
Indonesia - why?
who else?
All the Arab states are basically PUPPETS of the US, only countries that speak out on Kashmir are Turkey and China. On a odd day sometimes Iran talks as well. We will only have an independent foreign policy when our Elite stop taking dictations from Uncle Sam.
I disagree. We get money from them, even now their deposits in SBP have helped us keep our necks above water. Lip service like other allies of ours do is easy, I'm not naming any country in particular here. The Saudis help us and our bottom line every chance they get. I think we should consider the bigger picture a little more before knowingly offending an old ally like Saudi.

nice rational thinking .... this is so true and im asking questions earlier on this thread. may be not many has read those yet to answer.
Untill economic dependence on KSA is reduced, this is all talk.
They really can do without us and the little symbolic military presence we have there.
Let's not do what the Indians do all the time i.e Tall Talk!
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