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Pakistan will not accept hegemony of any country in the region

We will never except indian attempts to bully the smaller nations of the South Asian region.

First learn some wordings.Then we can talk about bullying.

To the Thread,

Pak already accepts US hegemony in the region and not to mention US supremacy on its own soil.
When US has made PAK as its own soil,any statement by PAK is meaning less.

Also It wont be too long for transition of power from US to India in the IOR.This will happen post 2015.Inshallah if UPA looses next general elections.
All PAK can do is issuing statements after another and keep watching the show.
Who cares what clienton says, until Pakistan is their no one is gonna be a dominant & leading power in the region.

And people jumping happily watching current situation of Pakistan must know that every big nation have it's bad times, this terrorism thing has bring strong bond of nationalism towards Pakistan, from every ethnic group of Pakistan, their maybe some misunderstanding with each other inside the country but at the end everyone love Pakistan.


One last message for world, just wait for 1-2 years we will rise again. Inshallah.
Hegemony is such a negative word used to create a self serving argument.

Lets just say India will take up a role commensurate to our size shape and world influence and so will Pakistan. And this will happen, its only natural. Any attempts to disturb this euilibrium by outside powers propping up a small country just for a temporary role will lead to huge blowback and failure for that country.

Hopefully that country has learned their lesson and will not be a mere tool in the hand of a many many times bigger power in a 'bigger than they can chew' game.

But yes, no hegemony. I agree.
if a nation who by its perseverance of democracy and rule of people via the hard work and sacrifices of its citizens has now created unparralleled example of co-existence, religious tolerance, cultural harmony and shown astounding national character, is now being expected to move up to the plate and is being seen as expectant of its rightful place in the comity of nations then how can it be termed hegemony? It could be hegemony for some who have been utter failures on the benchmark that rightfully deserving nations set!

The whole approach of stopping the growth of a deserving nation by behaving like a child spoilt for freebies, shows utter immaturity. Something that India should no time for and continue on the path of success that we have attained by several sacrifices. India will get where it deserves to go. Gilani or pakistan accepting it or not does not make an iota of difference. Hollow words reflect poorly. A nation of substance cannot be cowed down by such bickering anyway.

But such statements do show the desperation with which pakistani elite and the offficers army look at the iNdian growth story. From a day when these elites and pakistani army used to shun Indians in the international corridors, today the situation is that they have to shout hoarse with such public innuendos and that too, just to convince themselves of their "also there" existence!
how can it be termed hegemony?

One wonders if the same characterization would apply to China?
The whole approach of stopping the growth of a deserving nation by behaving like a child spoilt for freebies, shows utter immaturity.

Indians should realize that Premier Gilani's comments were directed at the US, now if India choose to assert themselves, they are welcome to - but if the Uncle giveth, he taketh away as well - lets not put too much emphasis on this
One wonders if the same characterization would apply to China?

Indians should realize that Premier Gilani's comments were directed at the US, now if India choose to assert themselves, they are welcome to - but if the Uncle giveth, he taketh away as well - lets not put too much emphasis on this

The India should assert in Asia is not Pak centric.

It was basically Chinese centric and that is why there is so much of chagrin in Chinese political circles.

The timings of the statement by Ms Clinton is very pertinent. The happenings in the South China Sea i.e. the Chinese aggressive actions (totally a somersault to the Peaceful Rise being the credo of China) and the US actions of naval exercises with the Philippines Navy and the Vietnamese Navy. It is obvious that the US wants it responsibilities shared so that the effort is distributed.

If that statement was Pak centric, then it would have been delivered long ago and in a different timeframe.
Who cares what clienton says, until Pakistan is their no one is gonna be a dominant & leading power in the region.

And people jumping happily watching current situation of Pakistan must know that every big nation have it's bad times, this terrorism thing has bring strong bond of nationalism towards Pakistan, from every ethnic group of Pakistan, their maybe some misunderstanding with each other inside the country but at the end everyone love Pakistan.


One last message for world, just wait for 1-2 years we will rise again. Inshallah.

The world pays attention what Ms Clinton says. That is why China, to use your word, 'jumping' and surprisingly, your PM.

Unsavoury as it may appear Pakistan is dependent on the US. That is why inspite of Pasha stating that Pakistan will break the CIA rings in Pakistan, 84 (was it the figure?) visas have been given to the CIA operatives.

One should not go by rhetoric and sentiments expressed by the important personage, and instead see through the fog, at the realpolitik that is being churned in the murky waters muddying it further.
Do you think it's a good idea that there is chagrin in Chinese political circles?

And yes, Pakistani elite is dependent on the US - but we should be careful, if we fall for the 2nd cold war, or a Asian version of it, I think, the consequences have not been thought through - many Indian posters are seeing this as thumbing their nose, but US is thousands of miles away, and what great job they have done in Iraq and Afghanistan - I think we should be more careful.
Do you think it's a good idea that there is chagrin in Chinese political circles?

Good question.

Frankly, while China was on what was called as Peaceful Rise, everything was understandable.

However, of late, this Peaceful Rise phase seems to be over and it is Flexing Muscle time because China has economically and militarily achieved clout.

It is obvious that it would worry any country that has territorial dispute with China since China is appearing unpredictable wherein she professes Peace but does thing to the contrary on ground.

It must be noted that China speaks of 'unequal treaties' when it covets and grabs territory, but trots out 'history' when she wants to expand her territorial boundaries and project hegemonic ambitions.
we will dominate Asia and the world alongside China, weather Pakistan likes it or not. It does not matter if they dont want to accept it, their acceptance has no bearing on reality.
we will dominate Asia and the world alongside China, weather Pakistan likes it or not. It does not matter if they dont want to accept it, their acceptance has no bearing on reality.

I loved the Little Lulu stories, where she would fantasise that her bedroom rug would turn into a pool of water, and she could dive down into the centre of the world.
Good question.

Frankly, while China was on what was called as Peaceful Rise, everything was understandable.

However, of late, this Peaceful Rise phase seems to be over and it is Flexing Muscle time because China has economically and militarily achieved clout.

It is obvious that it would worry any country that has territorial dispute with China since China is appearing unpredictable wherein she professes Peace but does thing to the contrary on ground.

It must be noted that China speaks of 'unequal treaties' when it covets and grabs territory, but trots out 'history' when she wants to expand her territorial boundaries and project hegemonic ambitions.

But does this mean Indian interests must serve those of the US? Does this mean that instead of fixing irritants in the relationship that India become a US proxy?

I think Dehli is a good poker player, not a emotional one -- and I think this was the reason Mrs. Clinton found it necessary to prod Dehli in public.
Pakistan will not accept hegemony of any country in the region

so iran and n.korea dont accept US hegemony,india doesnt accept chinas hegemony so does it bother these countrys?
so the same is with india
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