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Pakistan will not accept hegemony of any country in the region

so its mean its forever? and you deserve to dictate them? my dear indian brother we was not bad in 2007 .its recently some mess which will cleaned soon. what i said you can be power as friend of otherwise you guys know very well our response to power on borders every time when fire starts. we are not BD that BSF kill us and we see .we are not nepal they our 80% items come from india .we are not sri lanka and moldive that we are on mercy of indian navy .we are pakistanis a missile nuclear and strong nation .what if last 40 months we have lot of new issues rise these can be solved .india will never even enter in our brains as R.power our computers in mind can not recognize this virus .lol

i already stated this i am not undermining Pakistan but reality of it is India has the potential to become a superpower, we have problems of ourselves like poverty corruption malnutrition etc but the situation is improving for us we don't want to dictate anyone..... North Korea is a nation with nukes and missiles does that make them a regional power? you have to realize just being a militarized country with no economy won't make you a power again look at North Korea however if you are a militarized country with a good economy examples like China and Nazi Germany you are definitely a power
i already stated this i am not undermining Pakistan but reality of it is India has the potential to become a superpower, we have problems of ourselves like poverty corruption malnutrition etc but the situation is improving for us we don't want to dictate anyone..... North Korea is a nation with nukes and missiles does that make them a regional power? you have to realize just being a militarized country with no economy won't make you a power again look at North Korea however if you are a militarized country with a good economy examples like China and Nazi Germany you are definitely a power
India will never become a super power sir first bring all the billion and billion of dollars which your corrupt politicians have in Swiss banks and also stop behaving properly with your neighbors
India will never become a super power sir first bring all the billion and billion of dollars which your corrupt politicians have in Swiss banks and also stop behaving properly with your neighbors

well whatever you say brother,india doestnt care about your opinion
India will never become a super power sir

are u a fortune teller???????

first bring all the billion and billion of dollars which your corrupt politicians have in Swiss banks

even countries like U.S,U.K, France,Germany etc have billions of dollars in swiss banks

and also stop behaving properly with your neighbors

what is this??? why should we stop behaving properly with our neighbors.
India will have to listen to others opinions or other wise they will not survive

no mate it doesnt have to listen opinion of other countries to become a superpower,did china listen to anybody no,america no so no is the answer
India will have to listen to others opinions or other wise they will not survive

Don't worry about the survival of great nation like India, we are here for thousands of years. On the contrary, you should worry about your country which within 60 years of its creation got divided and now on the verge of collapse. Its time for you to change the path.
Who is asking Pakistan to accept hegemony of any country? Why twist the words of Hilary Clinton?
Why Ms. Clinton is asking India to be more assertive? What is her motive?

Sincere advice: don't fall for American games.

It is not in the interest of South Asian countries to be at throats of each other. This is what Americans actually want us to do. Divide and Rule.
Why Ms. Clinton is asking India to be more assertive? What is her motive?

Sincere advice: don't fall for American games.

It is not in the interest of South Asian countries to be at throats of each other. This is what Americans actually want us to do. Divide and Rule.

Indian foreign policy doesn't change by some american diplomats words. We are more wary of the american government than pakistan. This is the same country that sent the 7th fleet to protect Pakistan in 71.

Our foreign policy has and will remain independent of foreign pressure as it has remained since independence. We do not sell our sovereignty for f16's and few dollars in aid
so its mean its forever? and you deserve to dictate them? my dear indian brother we was not bad in 2007 .its recently some mess which will cleaned soon. what i said you can be power as friend of otherwise you guys know very well our response to power on borders every time when fire starts. we are not BD that BSF kill us and we see .we are not nepal they our 80% items come from india .we are not sri lanka and moldive that we are on mercy of indian navy .we are pakistanis a missile nuclear and strong nation .what if last 40 months we have lot of new issues rise these can be solved .india will never even enter in our brains as R.power our computers in mind can not recognize this virus .lol

Sir , you are trying to say that watever Pakistan doesnt accept doesnt happen in South Asia ,then Let me remind you Kashmir has remained with India for the last 60+ years.
So either you accept it or it doesnt matter what you accept.It is happening.

Sir If I may remind you What Pakistan Accepts or not doesnt even in matter in Pakistan leave alone South Asia.E.g. Drone attacks,Abbotabad and the list goes on.
Kindly, Stop overestimating yourself and do a reality check,will help you a lot,
Or you can carry on either way India will not be affected.
India will never become a super power sir first bring all the billion and billion of dollars which your corrupt politicians have in Swiss banks and also stop behaving properly with your neighbors

And you shall never be off the Albatross around your neck - the US because every leader of yours not only has black money stashed away, but palatial buildings and property in the UK, US and Dubai!

And given your feudal setup, you will not be able to bring it back and instead support them to stash away more!
Indian foreign policy doesn't change by some american diplomats words. We are more wary of the american government than pakistan. This is the same country that sent the 7th fleet to protect Pakistan in 71.

Our foreign policy has and will remain independent of foreign pressure as it has remained since independence. We do not sell our sovereignty for f16's and few dollars in aid

i suspect your fellows in the GOI think otherwise.

a few bucks bribery could win american firms some big contract, and even your foreign policies. Corruption is an issue both our nation need to address.
India will never become a super power sir first bring all the billion and billion of dollars which your corrupt politicians have in Swiss banks and also stop behaving properly with your neighbors

All it needs is for a nationalist party to be in power for just 5 years.Which is good enough to clean up the whole mess which has been piled up for over 60 years.
Today each and every party has thier own share of corruption scandals, but Cong beats all of them in a 1:billion ratio.Maybe the reason why we let them rule for such a long period.

ITs the need of the day to encourage clean and green people into politics and support them to do some good.

AFAIK, the nearest estimate is that $4 trillion has been stashed abroad.Which is nearly 3 times the whole Indian economy.Bringing back atleast half that, will erradicate poverty just for once and all. Indrastructure can be developed at a rapid pace.Lol..... it will propel India into a developed country in no time.
But who is gonna tie that bell to the neck of the cat?
i suspect your fellows in the GOI think otherwise.

a few bucks bribery could win american firms some big contract, and even your foreign policies. Corruption is an issue both our nation need to address.

Really, that must be pretty obvious after MMRCA, evals right? Did India go on signing on to US led treaties and pacts as pakistan did. Or is any of our defense suppliers sitting on our backyard dictating our policies and making a mockery out of our sovereignty?
It is not a surprising statement by PM Gilani, this is what Pakistan has been doing for the last 50 years. Earlier we had a US-Pakistan-China trilateral that was balancing Pakistan against India. Now its down to just China-Pakistan hopefully, really post 2001.

As someone mentioned about Pakistan's foreign policy in a nutshell, "the enemy of India's hegemony is my friend" doesn't matter who they are.
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