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Pakistan will not accept hegemony of any country in the region

But does this mean Indian interests must serve those of the US? Does this mean that instead of fixing irritants in the relationship that India become a US proxy?

I think Dehli is a good poker player, not a emotional one -- and I think this was the reason Mrs. Clinton found it necessary to prod Dehli in public.

India will play ball so long as their interest coincide with the US'.

It will never be a proxy since it has seen the fate of Pakistan.

And the stranglehold the US can ensure.

The fact that Ms Clinton prodded publicly was more of grandstanding to give China a message.

That is how politics is played.

With MMS around with the reins in the hand of Sonia G, its hardly poker. It is merely an aimless drifting and aping the ostrich!
With MMS around with the reins in the hand of Sonia G, its hardly poker. It is merely an aimless drifting and aping the ostrich!

Huh? please elaborate
Huh? please elaborate

There is a song in Punjabi - Rab so gaya, Bhang pi kar!

There is no policy. It is all knee jerk.

You just have to observe the way things are moving.

It is too long a story.

If I find any new items summing it up, I will send the link as a PM to you.

One example comes to mind - MMS says Bangladesh has 25% fundamentalists. He says this just before embarking on a trip to Bangaldesh. Then when the heat builds up in India for this statement he retracts!!!!!!

Now, if one was a Bangladeshi, would he pleased about what MMS had said?

Congress was a party of reckoning at one time. Sadly, for most us, it is now a gathering of self serving lotus eaters.
BJP has its baggage - the assorted Hinduvta.

However, they are more stable.

If there is a sane person heading it like Atal Behari Vajpayee, then things can be better. If not, then ..........

AB Vajpayee was the first one to start the Peace dialogue with Pakistan. Thereafter, it is all "Me Too".

Where most are fed up with the Congress led UPA is that they are thick into Corruption without any shame and there total meandering like a rudderless ship on a stormy high sea!!

Every move into good governance is being done after being given the electric cattle prod by our Supreme Court, which fortunately has an honest Chief Justice who is not looking for post retirement favour.

The last Chief Justice would make Zardari appear as pious and honest as Jesus!! (Forgive me, I could not think of better examples!)
But does this mean Indian interests must serve those of the US? Does this mean that instead of fixing irritants in the relationship that India become a US proxy?

India has not been anyone's proxy and we will not be. Thats just not our political culture, we remain peevishly skeptical of foreign powers and know only Indian can be trusted to take care of Indian interests.

It must be noted that China speaks of 'unequal treaties' when it covets and grabs territory, but trots out 'history' when she wants to expand her territorial boundaries and project hegemonic ambitions.

Well said, I don't expect the Pakistani posters here to see this because they are in love. One way love is also love.
Good question.

Frankly, while China was on what was called as Peaceful Rise, everything was understandable.

However, of late, this Peaceful Rise phase seems to be over and it is Flexing Muscle time because China has economically and militarily achieved clout.

It is obvious that it would worry any country that has territorial dispute with China since China is appearing unpredictable wherein she professes Peace but does thing to the contrary on ground.

It must be noted that China speaks of 'unequal treaties' when it covets and grabs territory, but trots out 'history' when she wants to expand her territorial boundaries and project hegemonic ambitions.

"All warfare is deception." - Sun Zi

When China starts acting overly friendly towards India... that's when the Sino-Indian border needs to be watched the most.
"All warfare is deception." - Sun zi

When China starts acting overly friendly towards India... that's when the Sino-Indian border needs to be watched the most.

India believes this from Sun Tsu

He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.
Sun Tzu


If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near.
Sun Tsu
India as regional power USA told to india

pakistani response
everyone here knows that India is the regional power of South Asia :

but in east of india dear in west there is some ghosts which never accept any tom herry dick as power.india pakistan relations are and will be as two equal nations forever. what a funny lame joke as you guys treat nepal BD sri lanks bhutan can you pakistan lolz.sonia and manmohan will come and give us speeches? and we will invite BJP leaders in every ceremony as they are regional power lol its pakistan not Maldives

but in east of india dear in west there is some ghosts which never accept any tom herry dick as there boss.

It would be adequate that in the West of India, they first become a nation that calls the shots and not have the US telling them how to fire.

In the east, one can see India's reach.

If you mean China, if it were not material, then they should not have got spooked by a mere statement of a lady - Ms Clinton and shiver and quail over mere words!

One must not miss the wood for the trees!

No one is the boss.
but in east of india dear in west there is some ghosts which never accept any tom herry dick as power.india pakistan relations are and will be as two equal nations forever. what a funny lame joke as you guys treat nepal BD sri lanks bhutan can you pakistan lolz.sonia and manmohan will come and give us speeches? and we will invite BJP leaders in every ceremony as they are regional power lol its pakistan not Maldives


compared to all the other south asian economies, military's India comes out on top this is not to undermine Pakistan but look at reality
compared to all the other south asian economies, military's India comes out on top this is not to undermine Pakistan but look at reality

so its mean its forever? and you deserve to dictate them? my dear indian brother we was not bad in 2007 .its recently some mess which will cleaned soon. what i said you can be power as friend of otherwise you guys know very well our response to power on borders every time when fire starts. we are not BD that BSF kill us and we see .we are not nepal they our 80% items come from india .we are not sri lanka and moldive that we are on mercy of indian navy .we are pakistanis a missile nuclear and strong nation .what if last 40 months we have lot of new issues rise these can be solved .india will never even enter in our brains as R.power our computers in mind can not recognize this virus .lol
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