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Pakistan will not accept hegemony of any country in the region

Enjoy, not all the Pakistanis feel the same and not all of them are delusional. Video title is misguiding.
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what over estimation in it ? just avoiding any kan tuta in the region...

Pakistan wanted to be the power center of muslim world.
That lead to Islamization of your country and allowing Saudi money and culture entering your country.

Pak became a mercenary army by acting against muslims in Palestine just for power.

Let the cold war enter South Asia which ultimately destroyed Afghanistan and radicalized millions of Pakistanis.

Now history repeats itself with US replaced by China.
1. Interpol Red corner notices against Saaed , Lakhvi.
2. UN ban of JuD.
3. Implication of ISI in US Federal Lawsuit.
4. Headley's confession in US courts.

Plus tons of evidence provided post-26/11 investigations.

Pakistan has deliberately not taken actions for these , therefore it has led to realization of an evolving rogue state who doesnt comply with international laws ....

So ?
we also banned? so ?
so ?
update yourself on this :P

instead of ton of evidences cooked in your brains, just come up with something sensible...
Pakistan wanted to be the power center of muslim world.
That lead to Islamization of your country and allowing Saudi money and culture entering your country.

Pak became a mercenary army by acting against muslims in Palestine just for power.

Let the cold war enter South Asia which ultimately destroyed Afghanistan and radicalized millions of Pakistanis.

Now history repeats itself with US replaced by China.

and just someone said before this great enlightening post, Pakistan over estimates its importance in global politics...:laugh:

short term memory lost? :laugh:
and just someone said before this great enlightening post, Pakistan over estimates its importance in global politics...:laugh:

short term memory lost? :laugh:
Lol Pakistan is important at global stage just because it probably has the maximum number of terrorists in the world..(maybe after Afghanistan)
Not for a good reason mate ;)
What'sup with all these Indian trolls on the forums nowadays.
Makes me sick to the stomach.

Moderators where are you? Stop these childish accusations thrown back and forth between both sides.
PM Gilani said that Pakistan will not accept any hegemony in the Asian region.
Yes it does sound hypocritical because people tend to look at the current and past Pakistani governments as "puppets" of the U.S.

However, yet another hegemony in OUR region is not required.

And we know the Indians have their ambitions and dreams, but dream along, you will always be contained by China.
Pakistan wishes to stay neutral because we do not have the population or resources to be a dominant force.
We can however be independent and not influenced by any of our neighbours/

But whatever PM Gilani says, it's not really credible in my opinion, if he wishes to not accept any hegemony in the future,
then he must do his utmost to get the country back on track, put the people first, and try getting out of this difficult tangle with the U.S.

It's a tough world out there, and only the strongest survive and have a say in matters. We can't afford to stay behind.
Also, Hillary Clinton needs to shut the f__k up.
Why make these statements if she damn well knows how the relationship between Pakistan and India is right now, and that both nations are carefuly going for dialogue and trying to restore a sense of mutual understanding.

We have other things on our mind right now, and these statements are useless. What exactly does she mean by saying that India should play a bigger role in Asia? In what matters?

Let the Indians feed their hundreds of millions of homeless first before they even think of being some kind of regional mentor for other countries.
No offence intended, but this is the U.S. policy of "divide and rule".

It's already helping, as Pakistanis and Indians on this board for example are already fightning over this statement of hers.
No offence intended, but this is the U.S. policy of "divide and rule".

It's already helping, as Pakistanis and Indians on this board for example are already fightning over this statement of hers.

Divide and rule has always been their greatest strength.

And it costs them nothing but a small statement, which they don't even have to back up.
So ?
we also banned? so ?
so ?
update yourself on this :P

instead of ton of evidences cooked in your brains, just come up with something sensible...

VOIP call records b/w terrorists and handlers in Karachi ...is cooked ?
GPS locations used by terrorists on their voyage ...is cooked ?
VOIP Western Union payment trail leading to Pakistan ...is cooked ?
GOP's Confession of Pakistanis involved in 26/11 attack ...is cooked ?

Dude , denial is a Pakistani's best weapon , you are no different !
VOIP call records b/w terrorists and handlers in Karachi ...is cooked ?
GPS locations used by terrorists on their voyage ...is cooked ?
VOIP Western Union payment trail leading to Pakistan ...is cooked ?
GOP's Confession of Pakistanis involved in 26/11 attack ...is cooked ?

Dude , denial is a Pakistani's best weapon , you are no different !

yes possible, these havenot been testified yet... so its your mind's creation...nothing else, you cannot just digest the fact that you guys couldnot prove anything, being indenial is your sole life saviour !
yes possible, these havenot been testified yet... so its your mind's creation...nothing else, you cannot just digest the fact that you guys couldnot prove anything, being indenial is your sole life saviour !
Ignorance is a bliss,David Headley,your own government's confession ,phone records,Ajmal Kasab!etc.
The world knows,you are just being in denial,you know the truth.
Divide and rule has always been their greatest strength.

And it costs them nothing but a small statement, which they don't even have to back up.

come on Indians and Pakistanis have been at each other throats for long time, when Hillary Clinton was crawling as a baby in Chicago home. Give me a break.
come on Indians and Pakistanis have been at each other throats for long time, when Hillary Clinton was crawling as a baby in Chicago home. Give me a break.

And your solution is for her to make more political sensitive statements because, apparently, it doesn't matter since we've been at each others throats for a long time? :coffee:
come on Indians and Pakistanis have been at each other throats for long time, when Hillary Clinton was crawling as a baby in Chicago home. Give me a break.

True. Please remember that next time you guys accuse China of using Pakistan to contain India.

P.S. I was not referring to Hilary Clinton specifically, but any hegemonic power. Today that just happens to be America, they are the only country in the world that can be described as a global hegemon (superpower).
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