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Pakistan will not accept hegemony of any country in the region

Its your legal right?? lol.can you explain how??
by this logic would you think it is our(india's) legal right to support terrorist activities in your side of kashmir.

its there legal right because they feel cheated they could not take our Kashmir from us :lol:
luckily you didnt ask to change the spelling of subtleness as well :cheers:

Kan Tuta it self has a history that summed the whole thread. give a thought about it. you will learn something....

Can you please explain what Kan Tuta means? Is it a term used for a hegemon? You have used it a lot so asking. Thanks.

You also mentioned that Kan Tuta has a history too. Was he a person of importance in Pakistani history. I do not remember that name till it was India at least in 47. Thanks for your explanation.
The US considers India as a "strategic ally" while Pakistan is treated as a "hired gun", cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan has said

Should I say who is who now. Instead of teaching and preaching, introspect.

strategic ally.... exactly what Kan tuta is. No ?

look again
Can you please explain what Kan Tuta means? Is it a term used for a hegemon? You have used it a lot so asking. Thanks.

You also mentioned that Kan Tuta has a history too. Was he a person of importance in Pakistani history. I do not remember that name till it was India at least in 47. Thanks for your explanation.

yup, its a very historic figure...quite epic too I must say.... :laugh:
it has been answered quite a few times, the cooperation is something else, being kan tuta is something else... learn something !!
Cooperation I understand so let me comment.
When a rider is riding a horse then it may seem that both are doing something together. But this in reality is not a cooperation. Rather the rider while mounted on the horse makes it go where the rider wants. In exchange, he feeds grass to the horse and takes care of it. So that is not cooperation. Currently to look closely, US flogs Pakistan in doing what it wants. So my friend that is not cooperation but rather subjugation. It is a situation of overt humiliation for the one opressed and arm twisted and it is in no way cooperation. I hope that I have been able to add to your perspective.
Mate, I asked this because you said that Pakistan indulges in Terrorism in IO Kashmir...
you know its indian version, what I meant to say was having wars on the disputed territories...
Its your legal right?? lol.can you explain how??
by this logic would you think it is our(india's) legal right to support terrorist activities in your side of kashmir.

the territory you have occupied is disputed according to your father Nehru. and we are fighting a legal battle to have our lands back...
i believe we did not kill 3 million innocent Bengalis and rape 200,000 women but you know whatever floats your boat jerkoff ^___^

what it has got to do with your support to terrorism into Pakistan ?

poking nose into others matters? ??? hain Kan tutay ?:rofl:
On the comments from Gilani, i think that he jumped the gun. Clinton made the comments in Chennai and not Delhi. If someone was smart they would have taken a direct sense out of it.

And in any case it is good that Gilani does not want to accept any hegemony. When someone wants enough, they finally get what they want.
The problem with Pakistan is, they overestimate their importance in global politics. Other countries like US, China and Saudi exploit Pakistan's craving for power and use it as their playground. Pakistan will gain world's respect when it knows its place.

LOL at the Pakistanis with Hindu caste names bragging about ruling India. It cannot be more ridiculous.
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