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Pakistan WARNS India's Arms Deals, Including S-400, Can Encourage Misadventure © Spu

Qureshi is BS.
When there was a time to get rid of Indian Army Chief for good, it was him who told IK to not hurt Indian army.
Are you stupid?
Killing an army chief is a declaration of war that would have resulted in a nuclear holocaust.

Your blind and insane hatred of PTI has lead you to think a full on nuclear was is a good thing.
Are you stupid?
Killing an army chief is a declaration of war that would have resulted in a nuclear holocaust.

Your blind and insane hatred of PTI has lead you to think a full on nuclear was is a good thing.

You are stupid and IK is IG of stupids.
Killing Indian army chief and all of their military gurus, would have been a deterrent for another 1/2 decade.
Already shooting 2 jets, brought immediate peace and mind it IK didn't sanction shooting of a single Indian jet or soldier.
Once air HQ knew that 2 Indian jets are shot, they immediately told all of the air-force to stand down.
This is open treason by all definitions.... under the cover of SMQ diplomacy.
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You are stupid and IK is IG of stupids.
Kill Indian army chief and all of their military gurus, would have been a deterrent for another 1/2 decade.
Already shooting 2 jets, brought immediate peace and mind it IK didn't sanction shooting of a single Indian jet or soldier.
Once air HQ knew that 2 Indian jets are shot, they immediately told all of the air-force to stand down immediately.
I'm so done with you, you are absolutely foaming at the mouth insane.

After we shot down their planes they were going to send missiles our way, it was due to IK diplomacy that that didn't happen.

Your reading of the situation is akin to a 7 year olds, that is not how the world works.
it was due to IK diplomacy that that didn't happen.
Give me the details of claimed diplomacy?

Indian missile theory is also same as SMQ's latest claim of India attacking Pakistan.

rest, i have given my statement many times.
If India army chief was dead there would be no air battle on first place and neither any missiles.

And you are foaming because your very own IRGC is also a terrorist organization. :yahoo:

And for Indian style false allegations and lies...
Repetitions do not make truth of a lie,
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Why not use the influence over China in turn influence Russia to pull off the deal?
It should work given many were gloating about the China - Russia - Pakistan 'Axis'.
Give me the details of claimed diplomacy?

Indian missile theory is also same as SMQ's latest claim of India attacking Pakistan.

rest, i have given my statement many times.
If India army chief was dead there would be no air battle on first place and neither any missiles.
Appeasing mental patients is not the best idea.
I'll leave this here in case there was ever doubt that you are not insane


As for killing their army chief....you have no idea how the world works.
No country on Earth would allow that to go unavenged.
Now can you shut up already, no one is impressed with your emo "I hate PTI" bit.
Appeasing mental patients is not the best idea.
If you were appeasing than give it a try at your home.

As for killing their army chief....you have no idea how the world works.
No country on Earth would allow that to go unavenged.
You think only you know, how this world work!
Now can you shut up already, no one is impressed with your emo "I hate PTI" bit.
Stop hiding behind PTI, i hold an opposite opinion of the decision taken by IK upon false advise of fake foreign minister. If that's hating PTI than you are at another level.
May be my next criticism, would be termed as genocide of PTI.

Last but not least, you didn't gave me any clue of IK diplomacy, in middle of war, which somehow only you know.
If you were appeasing than give it a try at your home.

You think you know... how this world work...

Stop hiding behind PTI, i hold an opposite opinion of the decision taken by IK upon false advise of fake foreign minister. If that's hating PTI than you are at another level.
May be my next criticism, would be termed as genocide of PTI.

Last but not least, you didn't gave me any clue of IK diplomacy, in middle of war, which somehow only you know.
The problem I have with you is that like a child you only sit there and cry. Grow up and do something instead of whining all the time.
The problem I have with you is that like a child you only sit there and cry. Grow up and do something instead of whining all the time.

You get lost already and for your problems visit a charity hospital near you.
@BATMAN, I too would have loved to decimate their army’s heads.

But it would have been an overkill.

I don’t think it would have been a clever move from our part to do an overkill like that.

If we go as you wanted then why not nuke them directly ? That’s better than decimating their army heads only . Isn’t it ?

I’m sur you will understand that their wasn’t there isn’t and there won’t be need to do an overkill shot.
@BATMAN, I too would have loved to decimate their army’s heads.

But it would have been an overkill.

I don’t think it would have been a clever move from our part to do an overkill like that.

If we go as you wanted then why not nuke them directly ? That’s better than decimating their army heads only . Isn’t it ?

I’m sur you will understand that their wasn’t there isn’t and there won’t be need to do an overkill shot.

Sorry i do not agree... and what's this term over kill?
What could have Indians do maximum?
As per my guess, India army personals would abandon their positions within hours into any conventional war.
Nuclear war they can't have and the idea of missiles confirm their level of cowardice.
I think what happened there was, India army refused to be in war even for a minute, it's only one man in India, who is leading this war hysteria and that's Ajit Devil, who him self will take the first flight out of India, in case war breaks out.
Sorry i do not agree... and what's this term over kill?
What could have Indians do maximum?
As per my guess, India army personals would abandon their positions within hours into any conventional war.
Nuclear war they can't have and the idea of missiles confirm their level of cowardice.
I think what happened there was, India army refused to be in war even for a minute, it's only one man in India, who is leading this war hysteria and that's Ajit Devil, who him self will take the first flight out of India, in case war breaks out.

This is exactly what wants the backers of India in this event.

Had we decimated their army’s heads, then in order to save India against the nefarious Pakistanis, an international pack of wolfs would have put sanctions on us, blacklisted at FAFT, and CPEC stopped. And of course we would have beet back to square zero.

But I agree that’s only speculations about what could have been the outcomes of such strike from our Army.

So let’s accept that what have been done is done and nobody could change it.
While long range AD is a requirement that has been long overdue, and a system like FD-2000 is highly desirable, it is however too expensive...and not my suggestion here.

Pakistan does not need an S-400 alternative to reset the strategic stability of the region.

So the regular ol' fighter jet buildup then...
You forget to mention Iran.Why not influence Russia with CPEC,it will be a deal, Russia cannot say no to it.
Deal could not be cancelled .Russia only cares about money and pak economy us not strong enough .
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