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Pakistan VS Kenya, World Cup 2011 THREAD

Yeah but problem is Umpire's decision is final man, not much can be done. I feel sorry for the batsman though.

He should have asked for 3rd Umpire review. Anyhow whats done is done. If Pakistan looses today (God forbid) than we have got oursleves an excuse arlready :D

Umpire hii saaley chor they, hum kia karein
He should have asked for 3rd Umpire review. Anyhow whats done is done. If Pakistan looses today (God forbid) than we have got oursleves an excuse arlready :D

The decision was indeed by third umpire with replays.. anyway the replays were not that clear..
Ramiz raza and Wasim Akram seem to be going down the memory lane of some past match in commentary box.
Younus is playing sensibly and rotating the strike well, but Akmal is trying to go for big shots. He too better follow Younus to be scoring well.
Partnership between two has crossed 50 runs now.

---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 PM ----------

65/2 from 16 overs.

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