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Who won Kargil War

Musharraf responsible for Kargil conflict: Ex-ISI chief
Sunday, 31 October 2010
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October 31:Islamabad, Oct 31 (IANS) Pakistan's former president Pervez Musharraf and his close associates were responsible for the 1999 Kargil conflict between India and Pakistan, the then chief of Pakistani army's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) said Sunday.

The retired general Ziauddin Butt, who is now the chairman of chief minister's inspection team in Pakistan's Punjab province, has demanded a thorough probe into the matter.

"The then prime minister Nawaz Sharif was not given a proper briefing on the Kargil operation. Musharraf bluffed him (Nawaz) to start the Kargil war", he said in an interview to GEO TV Sunday night.

"A thorough inquiry ought to be conducted to unearth the facts," he said.

"Pervez Musharraf, Lt. Gen. Mahmood and Lt. Gen. Aziz Khan hatched the whole plot along with a few other close associate in the military", he said, adding, "Lt. Gen. Tariq Pervez opposed the offensive in a meeting and was forcibly retired from army by Pervez Musharraf later on as a punishment".

"The political leadership was kept out of the loop", he said. "The federal cabinet demanded removal of Musharraf as chief of army staff in a meeting June 3, 1999 because the country had to face embarrassment internationally on account of Kargil war". "Nawaz Sharif decided against removing him on the pretext that it would further demoralise the morale of the army", Butt revealed. "The meetings that were later portrayed by Musharraf as briefings on Kargil to Nawaz Sharif had nothing to do with the subject."

Pakistan and India fought the battle between May and July, 1999 when the Pakistani forces tried to capture the peaks of Kargil in Jammu and Kashmir and take control of the Srinagar-Leh highway and the Line of Control (LoC).

Nawaz Sharif had said that he was never taken on board by Musharraf before starting the operation in Kargil.

General Ziauddin, who was serving as the ISI chief at that time, was appointed as Pakistan's army chief Oct 12, 1999 after Nawaz Sharif issued an order to sack Musharraf while he was returning from Colombo.

The army generals associated with Musharraf refused to accept the orders and the government was toppled soon after Musharraf's plane landed in Karachi. Ziauddin was arrested and jailed for almost two years on charges of treason, but was not court-martialed. Musharraf ruled the country for nine years following the bloodless coup.

"Instead of me, Musharraf and his close confidants who affected the coup should be subjected to court-martial", said Ziauddin, adding "Musharraf had the plans to take-over from the very first day of his appointment as army chief".

"He never deserved to become the army chief on merit and used to bug the phone of presidency and prime minister besides spying on important meetings", Ziauddin said.

"Nawaz Sharif had never conspired against the military and a false propaganda was launched to justify the coup", he added.

"If these generals would not be tried in a court of law, coups will keep taking place in Pakistan", he said, adding "the basic structure of army needs to be changed to avoid such instances in future".

"The best person to accomplish this task is the current army chief Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, who has done a lot to revive the image of armed forces", he said.

Ziauddin spent a few years in exile after being released from prison. After the ouster of Musharraf in 2008, he returned to Pakistan and is now serving as the chairman of chief minister's inspection team in Pakistan's Punjab province, which is ruled by Nawaz Sharif's party Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz.

Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

Tariq Butt
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
From Print Edition

ISLAMABAD: Former federal minister Lt-Gen (retd) Abdul Majeed Malik, who is an eyewitness to major happenings that took place during the tenure of the second Nawaz Sharif government, says the Kargil operation of Pervez Musharraf was badly conceived, faultily executed and totally unneeded.

&#8220;Musharraf&#8217;s assertion that the then government turned a won war into a political defeat is erroneous and misplaced. Rather it saved the army and Pakistan from further embarrassment, and this was a major achievement,&#8221; Majeed Malik, who was a key minister in the Nawaz Sharif cabinet, told The News. The only element of pride in the Kargil war, he said, was that the junior officers and soldiers played a heroic role, which has no parallel in the world history. The whole nation lauds their bravery and courage.

Majeed Malik said that the casualties Pakistan suffered in the otherwise limited Kargil battle were perhaps even more than those in the full-fledged 1971 war with India.

He said the only objective of undertaking this venture was to interdict Indian supplies from their usual route. These hills, he said, are always unoccupied during winters, and when the Pakistan army captured it, it was untenanted as India had vacated it due to the chilly season. When Pakistani forces took the area, there was no resistance as there were no Indian forces present in that region, he said adding that no combat thus took place.

Even India, Majeed Malik said, came to know about occupation of the Kargil hills by Pakistani forces a few months later only when a shepherd went there. He said the way junior officers and soldiers transported the guns and other material to Kargil was unprecedented. Pakistan was not in a position for the logistics buildup.

Majeed Malik said the civilian government was formally briefed about the Kargil operation for the first time on May 17, 1999. Only then it came to know about the adventure.

He said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, he and some other federal ministers including Sartaj Aziz and Raja Zafarul Haq, Defence Secretary Lt-Gen (retd) Iftikhar Ali Khan, Foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmed Khan and Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs, Tariq Fatemi were present in the meeting that was given the briefing by the army generals including Pervez Musharraf, Aziz Khan, Mehmood, Tauqir Zia and Ziauddin about the Kargil operation. &#8220;It is a matter of record that I seriously objected to the venture and argued that it was absolutely wrong and would not benefit Pakistan in any way as it would not be possible for us to stay there because India has much better access to the area,&#8221; Majeed Malik recalled.

He said that India quickly mobilized its army and air force and inflicted heavy damage to Pakistan. Had the war continued for another couple of months, Pakistan would have faced more damages. In this tough situation when Pakistan was in no position to fight India in that area, Nawaz Sharif government initiated the diplomatic process by involving the then US President Bill Clinton and got Pakistan out of the difficult scenario, Majeed Malik said.

He added that when this process was started, it had become impossible for Pakistani troops to stay in the Kargil area. When the prime minister launched the efforts to end armed hostilities and after these succeeded in July that year, he kept saying that his government has taken on its shoulders the burden of blunders committed by others. He obviously alluded to Pervez Musharraf, who, some two months later, overthrew his government and imposed martial law, plunging the country into another dark era.
With all due respect, did you take every pieces of exploded rocket into account to make it to 100?
yeah we have also taken in account of all the chinese failed mission(which is btw more than 90% of your total launch):rofl:

Hey Indians you talking about Kashmir " That you are holding it for 6 decades " Let me remind you that we took half part of Kashmir under your nose. and the day is not far when Pakistan Radio would be broad casted from New Delhi InshAllah. Time is near
we are coming for you. Go find some place to hide.
joke of the day mate:woot:!i think you should give audition for Comedy circus:rofl:
^ @ Indrajit

He doesn't matter. He has his personal fued with Musharaf. He was the guy Mushi arrested after the coup..

Your OWN general who was COMMANDING the Kargil war itself has said that he isn't sure whether india really won :lol:

Pakistan captured strategic indian posts of Dalu Nag, point 5353, Saddle Ridge etc during Kargil war. We still hold these posts. Your army tried again and again to take point 5353 but they were battered by Pakistani troops sitting in the commanding position. We over-look the NH-1 highway and your army supplies to siachen.

What did india get out of Kargil war? What Pakistani post india got? What advantage india got after the war? :rofl: Nothing. You were SO victorious that you did an INQUIRY of the event after the war was over..indians do inquiry of their "victory"? no wonder their national drink is cow....uhh leave it.:lol:

Kargil War changed india's STRATEGIC STANCE. Before that, indians won't even mention the 'k' word in diplomatic talks..after the war, India, as a state, accepted the need to talk Kashmir and hence began major negotiations on Kashmir issue. So , if THIS is not a Pakistani victory, then I wonder whether indians really drink their fav cow cola...lol
1971 is a whole different ball game

Pakistan Army was surrounded on all 4 corners

To fight would mean suicide

But in Kashmir, India can never win
you people have fought three wars and still you are in illution. ha ha ha
thanks AUZ, but the war was initiated by Pakistan - what did it get , victory is according to the objective, Indian objective was to clear the hills and they acheived this target (atleast 95%) --- what was the objective of Pakistan and what did they acheive apart from embrassement from international community and fricktion between the army and goverment
^ @ Indrajit

He doesn't matter. He has his personal fued with Musharaf. He was the guy Mushi arrested after the coup..

Your OWN general who was COMMANDING the Kargil war itself has said that he isn't sure whether india really won :lol:

Pakistan captured strategic indian posts of Dalu Nag, point 5353, Saddle Ridge etc during Kargil war. We still hold these posts. Your army tried again and again to take point 5353 but they were battered by Pakistani troops sitting in the commanding position. We over-look the NH-1 highway and your army supplies to siachen.

What did india get out of Kargil war? What Pakistani post india got? What advantage india got after the war? :rofl: Nothing. You were SO victorious that you did an INQUIRY of the event after the war was over..indians do inquiry of their "victory"? no wonder their national drink is cow....uhh leave it.:lol:

Kargil War changed india's STRATEGIC STANCE. Before that, indians won't even mention the 'k' word in diplomatic talks..after the war, India, as a state, accepted the need to talk Kashmir and hence began major negotiations on Kashmir issue. So , if THIS is not a Pakistani victory, then I wonder whether indians really drink their fav cow cola...lol

Kargil was not really a war.. Kargil was an equivalent of a thief entering a house.. And gets beaten up while being arrrested and thrown out (international ridicule and public lashing of your PM in USA). and the interview of the General you are talking about, listen to it carefully instead of parroting what some morons interpret from it. He said, that given the beating we gave Pakistan, we should have pushed for higher gains, which we did not.

And really, in a democracy, I would rather believe a country's PM about the casualties suffered by PA and not its criminal Army chief (as designated by Pakistani courts).
Kargil was not really a war.. Kargil was an equivalent of a thief entering a house.. And gets beaten up while being arrrested and thrown out (international ridicule and public lashing of your PM in USA). and the interview of the General you are talking about, listen to it carefully instead of parroting what some morons interpret from it. He said, that given the beating we gave Pakistan, we should have pushed for higher gains, which we did not.

And really, in a democracy, I would rather believe a country's PM about the casualties suffered by PA and not its criminal Army chief (as designated by Pakistani courts).

haha what little crying girls are you? huh indians.

Also, I have listened to the interview..stop your bullsh!t..he just says that he is not convinced that india really won the war. He is THE most authentic man to speak because HE was the one COMMANDING the Kargil operation.

Also, at one hand, you indians cry "Oh, Pakistan Army controls Pakistan. Pakistani politicians don't even know jack. So we don't take their words for anything. Only if Army gives some guarantee, then we'll believe it"...while on the other hand, you believe Nawaz who DID NOT EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE WAR? :lol::rofl:

Becharay bharti.

BTW, Pakistan still holds YOUR posts that we conquered during the war. The Pakistan Army changed india's STRATEGIC STANCE on Kashmir. A clear victory for Pakistan. You on the other hand have NOTHING to show...not even on the tactical level as we still hold your posts in YOUR side of LoC.....:azn:
How effective PA can defend against IA depends upon the length of fight. For week or two, PA can hold IA at bay and both will suffer heavy causalities. But after that IA will start to have a upper hand due to its reserves and also cumulative effect of IN and IAF will show up.

In the current scenario, it is not possible to have a long wars but if it stretched for example for a month, India will in advantageous position.
thanks AUZ, but the war was initiated by Pakistan - what did it get , victory is according to the objective, Indian objective was to clear the hills and they acheived this target (atleast 95%) --- what was the objective of Pakistan and what did they acheive apart from embrassement from international community and fricktion between the army and goverment

The objective was to engage india for enough time. Pakistan successfully did that. The 'strategic' objective of Pakistan was to change india's stance on Kashmir. Guess what? Pakistan Army did just that!!!!

Pakistanis knew that once, their cover is blown, it would be hard to hold these posts. Remember just 2300 or so Pakistani soldiers were engaging almost THREE BRIGADES of your indian army...and they successfully engaged indian brigades for TENS OF DAYS! and inflicted heavy causalities on them.

Pakistan Army didn't only win the war, but it also kept its gains (Such as Strategic Indian posts of Dalu nag, Point 5353, Saddle Ridge etc). These posts give Pakistan Army a huge tactical advantage over Indian Army in Kargil sector etc now. We over-look your supplies to Siachen and NH-1 is under our artillery range...

Remember, Point 5353 is the highest point in that region. We over-look ALL of Indian posts from there. :)

But I know, you are brainwashed by your govt to keep living in illusions. Well so be it. :) I don't mind.
Auz , I appreciate , if you can post any with credible data instead of writing what come into your illusion --- What was the objective of Kargil War , What did Pakistan acheive by that War , Was Kargil war did good to India or Pakistan , What was international community saying

Just read International data & authentic reports

Faced with the possibility of international isolation, the already fragile Pakistani economy was weakened further.[104][105] The morale of Pakistani forces after the withdrawal declined as many units of the Northern Light Infantry suffered heavy casualties.[20][106] The government refused to accept the dead bodies of many officers,[107][108] an issue that provoked outrage and protests in the Northern Areas.[109][110] Pakistan initially did not acknowledge many of its casualties, but Sharif later said that over 4,000 Pakistani troops were killed in the operation.[111] Responding to this, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said, "It hurts me when an ex-premier undermines his own forces," and claimed that Indian casualties were more than that of Pakistan.[112]

Many in Pakistan had expected a victory over the Indian military based on Pakistani official reports on the war,[104] but were dismayed by the turn of events and questioned the eventual retreat.[29][113] The military leadership is believed to have felt let down by the prime minister's decision to withdraw the remaining fighters. However, some authors, including ex-CENTCOM Commander Anthony Zinni, and ex-PM Nawaz Sharif, state that it was General Musharraf who requested Sharif to withdraw the Pakistani troops

The objective was to engage india for enough time. -- was it a training ( what was the expected time & period - how many months )
Pakistan successfully did that. The 'strategic' objective of Pakistan was to change india's stance on Kashmir --- Did India change the stance on Kashmir - what is the current status - is any third party mediation on plebisite conducted or is Kashmir militancy increased or decreased

Pakistan Army didn't only win the war, but it also kept its gains (Such as Strategic Indian posts of Dalu nag, Point 5353, Saddle Ridge etc).----Tiger Hill or "Point 5353" is a mountain in the Drass-Kargil area of Jammu & Kashmir. It is the highest peak in the area and was the subject of the most famous battle during the 1999 India-Pakistan Kargil War. Its recapture was the most important objective for Indian forces during the Kargil War

Indian artillery started shelling Tiger Hill to force the enemy to keep their head down, while the 18 Grenadiers, 2 Naga, and 8 Sikh Regiment of the Indian Army got ready to attack Tiger Hill. The main tactic was the most difficult ever employed on an open battlefield. An Indian contingent of 12-18 soldiers were to climb a steep cliff with a height of 1000 feet and attack the Pakistani forces, which were then engaged in shelling with Indian artillery, and stage a surprise attack.

The assault team had 200 men, with some 2000 troops providing rear support. Such was the determination of the Indians soldiers that most of the Grenadiers eschewed their rations to carry extra ammunition. In the 36 hour operation, the first meal they had were the dates left behind by the retreating Pakistani soldiers.

While the Alpha, Charlie, and Ghatak companies of the Grenadiers attacked from the rear, the Nagas were on the left flank, and the Sikhs on the right. The assault began at 5:15 pm on 3 July, with India shelling the Pakistani positions. The Pakistanis returned fire.[citation needed]

While this was happening, the mountaineer Grenadiers had moved into position, and at 8 pm attacked. 10 Pakistani soldiers were killed, and 2 escaped; 5 Indian soldiers were also killed. The main hero of the battle was Indian Soldier Yogendra Singh Yadav who was later awarded with the highest award of the Indian Army Param Vir Chakra .

By 6:50 am, on 4 July, the Indians re-captured Tiger Hill.
yes indian won in kargil 'DIPLOMATICALLY'
otherwise those 5000 soldiers (including mujahdeens) gave a bloody nose to 30,000 indians...and it actually shows how a heavily outgunned and outnumbered army can keep 30,000 soldiers with back up of airforce and artillery,at bay...

too bad our PM was coward enough to be pressurized by USA to retreat...
Its funny how indians mental-masturbate when it comes to military. History only shows that indians have lost, faced humiliation, got plundered, got mass raped, and saw only defeats in all of their military history. Pashtuns, Afghans, Turks, Arabs, Mughals, Persians etc etc defeated indians again and again and again and again. Islamic Military Imperialism destroyed ancient indian civilization---ruled india for thousand years---and then divided india into 3 states with two "Muslim majority" states and one hindu majority lying in the middle with no strategic advantage.

indians feel good about talking how they fought a 7 TIMES smaller nation..but when they faced their EQUALS...indians just got ***** SLAPPED by chinese..indians ran with their tails in their *****...lmao..

Regarding Pakistan, indians again shown their military incompetence, and lack of capability. This is how indian wars went against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan).

1948 war

In 1948 , Pakistanis got THE MOST strategically important lands in Kashmir. Pakistan captured population centers of Gilgit , Skardu etc and secured access to central Asia...Cutting India off from Central Asian route..and hence containing poor indians in useless gigantic plains .... Where India would've got entire Kashmir due to Hindu treachery ...it only got some parts..and that too which are strategically of very less importance...and made even less important due to Indo-Pak water-accords ..

1965 war

In 1965 , Pakistan defeated Indian attack on Lahore city and forced indians to retreat , captured strategically important Indian towns like Khem Kharan , captured strategically important Indian supply-lines like Muna Bao railway station , PAF just badly blasted the a$$ of five times larger IAF , and all this eventually forced India to face the humiliation of signing an agreement of stalemate with SEVEN TIMES smaller nation-that was badly outgunned and outnumbered during the war... Your OWN media back then called it as "giving a walkover to Pakistan." :lol:

Kargil Conflict

In 1999 Kargil war , just 5000 Pakistani troops+fighters got 30,000 indian soldiers with their pants down .... We slaughtered the f*ck outa your poor troops...At the end of the war , Pakistan captured strategically important Indian heights such as point 5353 , Dalu Nag , Saddle Ridge etc etc..We STILL hold these Indian territories ... We over-look NH-1 and Indian supplies to Siachen...

So in every war against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan) , Indian forces have faced humiliation from SEVEN TIMES smaller nation..When indians faced their EQUALS...they were a$$-raped by Chinese But Pakistanis faced SEVEN TIMES larger nation and stood their ground pretty...

180 million Pakistanis contained 1200 million indians ...

1971 war was a civil war so it is useless to even talk about it...

I have not seen less accurate version of History ANYWHERE!

1948: You captured MOST STRATEGIC LANDS of Kashmir? looool I didn't know sparsely populated Gilgit-Baltistan were of more strategic value then densely populated Kashmir Valley (Which your Army tried to capture million of times but failed.) Secured access to Central Asia?! :rofl: Didn't know Pakistan uses Gilgit Baltistan to connect its' dynamic multi-trillion economy to Central Asia through tough Himalayan plains and it denied India of this advantage! loooool!
Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1965 war
First of all, Pakistan started the war by sending intruders inside LoC and locals notified the Indian Army. Indian Army then captured Lahore and I didn't know deserted post of Khem Karan was more important than the City of Lahore. But heyy it makes you sleep at night though right? Btw all the neutral analysts say India had an upper hand or won the war. I expect one of your reply to be 'it's all propaganda/conspiracy theory by West to malign Pakistan.' or 'Wikipedia is not accurate.' :)
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kargil conglict:
LMAO You slaughtered? hahaha Even after obvious advantage of height Pakistan 450 troops whereas India lost 520 troops. Yes, that does seem like slaughtering? :disagree: Even today Pakistan controls territory captured during Kargil? :rofl: "Kargil War Result: Pakistani military retreat; India regains control of occupied territory, Territorial changes: Status quo ante bellum" and then Nawaz Sharif was humiliated in UN. ASEAN/G8/EU all supported India's stance and supported India's stance to protect itself.
Kargil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're in such a denial that India has either won/had an upper hand in every single war with Pakistan and that's a fact. I think you probably know it till some extent that's why you have to bring '7 times bigger enemy'. looool Pakistani generals/analysts/journalists all know how Pakistan started ALL the wars and lost ALL of them. Even mods on this forum know that. Last time a thread about 1965 war opened, it was closed Oscar saying 'We lost the war because of poor leadership but our soldiers didn't lose' or something along those lines. :)
No need the Navy. New Deli is only 3 or 400 kms from the border.

Yes Yes the 50 cent army is going to come down the Himalayas with their mighty Keyboard and Mouse. They will attack Delhi and save Pakistan unlike the PLA which was left wanting in 65, 71 and 99 :rofl:
India has changed massively since 1971. How does India's huge economy can affect war prospectus? any veteran there to guide about the economy factor?
1971 is a whole different ball game
Pakistan Army was surrounded on all 4 corners
To fight would mean suicide
But in Kashmir, India can never win

Replace India with Pakistan and it makes sense.You are trying your best but FAILING each time.In the process of Kashmir you LOST Bangladesh.

These are all Indian army formations excluding the eastern and southern command.
Conclusion: India does not enjoy a remarkable superiority over pakistan as far as land warfare is concerned. Given this data, India cannot defeat pakistan in a quick campaign. it has the only advantage of greater resources which can be utillised in a long drawn out war.

Actually the quick campaigns suits Pak more since they are good in initial attacks and 1971 is a BIG example of how India can tear apart a country in 2 pieces in just 14 days.Wars often are not fought on mere "data"... almost 100,000 of your men surrendered to mere 25,000 Indian men.How can you forget that? :lol:

What you are doing is self-satisfying statements far away from reality.

Its funny how indians mental-masturbate when it comes to military. History only shows that indians have lost, faced humiliation, got plundered, got mass raped, and saw only defeats in all of their military history. Pashtuns, Afghans, Turks, Arabs, Mughals, Persians etc etc defeated indians again and again and again and again. Islamic Military Imperialism destroyed ancient indian civilization---ruled india for thousand years---and then divided india into 3 states with two "Muslim majority" states and one hindu majority lying in the middle with no strategic advantage.

indians feel good about talking how they fought a 7 TIMES smaller nation..but when they faced their EQUALS...indians just got ***** SLAPPED by chinese..indians ran with their tails in their *****...lmao..

Regarding Pakistan, indians again shown their military incompetence, and lack of capability. This is how indian wars went against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan).

1948 war

In 1948 , Pakistanis got THE MOST strategically important lands in Kashmir. Pakistan captured population centers of Gilgit , Skardu etc and secured access to central Asia...Cutting India off from Central Asian route..and hence containing poor indians in useless gigantic plains .... Where India would've got entire Kashmir due to Hindu treachery ...it only got some parts..and that too which are strategically of very less importance...and made even less important due to Indo-Pak water-accords ..

1965 war

In 1965 , Pakistan defeated Indian attack on Lahore city and forced indians to retreat , captured strategically important Indian towns like Khem Kharan , captured strategically important Indian supply-lines like Muna Bao railway station , PAF just badly blasted the a$$ of five times larger IAF , and all this eventually forced India to face the humiliation of signing an agreement of stalemate with SEVEN TIMES smaller nation-that was badly outgunned and outnumbered during the war... Your OWN media back then called it as "giving a walkover to Pakistan." :lol:

Kargil Conflict

In 1999 Kargil war , just 5000 Pakistani troops+fighters got 30,000 indian soldiers with their pants down .... We slaughtered the f*ck outa your poor troops...At the end of the war , Pakistan captured strategically important Indian heights such as point 5353 , Dalu Nag , Saddle Ridge etc etc..We STILL hold these Indian territories ... We over-look NH-1 and Indian supplies to Siachen...

So in every war against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan) , Indian forces have faced humiliation from SEVEN TIMES smaller nation..When indians faced their EQUALS...they were a$$-raped by Chinese But Pakistanis faced SEVEN TIMES larger nation and stood their ground pretty...

180 million Pakistanis contained 1200 million indians ...

1971 war was a civil war so it is useless to even talk about it...

Yeah its funny how you were the same part of Hindu India being a Hindu who got their ancestors raped/plundered.Never seen anyone becoming so happy talking about rape/plunder of their own ancestors.What a disrecpect but only expected from Pakistanis like you.

India holds the MOST important part of Kashmir ie. SriNagar...if you have guts come and take it and we would change the World geography again after 1971. :lol:

Regarding China... it was a war fought by 10,000 Indians Vs 80,000 Chinese and before India was getting ready for air offensive China withdrew knowing the result.Later on we had skirmshes with China and Chiha had to back off.We have Arunachal Pradesh so China is welcome to try take it.:yahoo:

How 1971 is a useless war??? Because you lost pathetically shamefully surrendering 1/3 of your army.We can understand your pain.:cheesy:

These ignorant statements really entertains us and PROVES Pakistan is living in dis-illusion. :lol:
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