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Pakistan Using Heavy Shells - a First Since Ceasefire Agreement: Sources

Even with 100 million people piss we will drown you entirely . Anyway we are 1.27 billion .

No way, you are forgetting your religious obligation. You'll be drinking that piss like Orange juice (GROSS to the remainder of the world). So between Alcohol and Piss....you should feel pretty good. The little piss that would be left, can't drown a fly, let alone people :tdown:. You can only do that by releasing water when its already flooding on the other side of the border. Even for that, the days are numbered as the Pakistanis are putting new systems and dams in place to minimize the water related terrorism from India.
@Viper0011. What is your age

Will you be on PDF in 2020

I have to HOLD you to several of your promises
( PAF ; JF 17 ; CPEC ; Pakistani Forex reserves
Pakistani GDP ; Pakistani IT industry and anything else that you have predicted )
Our response is double-triple (in intensity)," he said.
Then why are the Indians complaining about Pakistan's use of 120mm shells?

What confounded Ancient Indian logic is Raksha Mantri Parrikar subscribing to that he sees an issue with Pakistan using larger caliber shells, but no issue with (self proclaimed) Indian forces firing 'double-triple' the amount of shells Pakistan is firing?

Would one 120mm shell cause more damage than three 81mm mortars?

Shouldn't Indians be stepping up themselves to tell these BJP nut-cases to shut up and stop embarrassing their country?
Then why are the Indians complaining about Pakistan's use of 120mm shells?

What confounded Ancient Indian logic is Raksha Mantri Parrikar subscribing to that he sees an issue with Pakistan using larger caliber shells, but no issue with (self proclaimed) Indian forces firing 'double-triple' the amount of shells Pakistan is firing?

Would one 120mm shell cause more damage than three 81mm mortars?

Shouldn't Indians be stepping up themselves to tell these BJP nut-cases to shut up and stop embarrassing their country?

We always use the SAME CALIBER as you

What happens is that We fire many more shells than you

So you move to the Higher caliber shell

And it goes on

So be assured that 120 mm Shells will be raining down your posts
Ironical that Pakistanis are killing Kashmiris who they call their brethren and never hesitate to brandish that line of 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'!

This is hypocrisy at its height. The fact is that Pakistan and its rulers, the PA and ISI care two hoots for the people of Kashmir. They are actually interested in controlling the rivers that flow through Kashmir into Pakistan. All this so-called love for the Kashmiris is nothing but a sham.
Pakistan is responding militarily to unprovoked ceasefire violations by India. The targets are Indian security forces, but the population density and nature of the weapons makes collateral damage hard to avoid.

What's so hard to understand about that? Oh right, I forgot that somehow firing one 120mm mortar is horrible but India firing three 81mm mortars is completely reasonable since somehow those 81mm mortars have special Ancient Indian laws of physics implemented that allow the explosive reaction to weave its way around civilians without harming them.
We have much more manpower AND FIREPOWER than you

You can never win any Artilerry duel
We always use the SAME CALIBER as you

What happens is that We fire many more shells than you

So you move to the Higher caliber shell

And it goes on

So be assured that 120 mm Shells will be raining down your posts
So why are you complaining about Pakistan using 120mm shells? Like I said, India has been bragging about firing 'double and triple the number of shells Pakistan fires' for over a year now, so obviously India set the stage for an escalation in the amount of fire-power used in these exchanges.

So just shut-up, stop whining about Pakistan's use of XYZ caliber mortars and deal with the situation the BJP government has created.
We are not whining We were JUST stating the fact that
ESCALATION is happening from 81 mm to 120mm

We believe in escalation dominance

So we will reply in the SAME caliber ; but thrice the number of shells
We have much more manpower AND FIREPOWER than you

You can never win any Artilerry duel
Perhaps, but what is obvious is that whenever these exchanges occur, it is the Indians (government, media, commentators) who get all hysterical, whiny and aggressive - all rolled into one.

You've been 'threatening to teach Pakistan a lesson', 'shut Pakistan's mouth' etc. with 'double and triple the level of firepower Pakistan uses' for over a year now. Nothing's changed, and at some-point even you have to realize that the Pakistani media, government and military's calm approach to this Indian 'hysteria, whining and aggression' means that whatever it is you think you're doing, it's not working.

So just quit the prima donna tantrums - you're not going to accomplish anything along the LoC nor are you going to get veto powers at the UNSC with this attitude.
Perhaps, but what is obvious is that whenever these exchanges occur, it is the Indians (government, media, commentators) who get all hysterical, whiny and aggressive - all rolled into one.

You've been 'threatening to teach Pakistan a lesson', 'shut Pakistan's mouth' etc. with 'double and triple the level of firepower Pakistan uses' for over a year now. Nothing's changed, and at some-point even you have to realize that the Pakistani media, government and military's calm approach to this Indian 'hysteria, whining and aggression' means that whatever it is you think you're doing, it's not working.

So just quit the prima donna tantrums - you're not going to accomplish anything along the LoC nor are you going to get veto powers at the UNSC with this attitude.

Just BS ; all that you have written

You had become very comfortable with Man Mohan Singh

It was necessary to bring you out of your comfort zone

Why is this FIRING happening now ; that is today

Because your forces got a taste of our firepower LAST Year

They want revenge ; so they started another round

But again the SAME thing will happen

You will again get a beating

We have trapped you in a cycle of reaction

Hell with all those talks ; everybody knows they are just for show

PLEASE remember that the 2003 ceasefire WAS INITIATED BY PAKISTAN

You should try those Border RAIDS like you did in Man Mohan SIngh's tenure
@Zarvan: Why posting Indian propaganda dude? Do you expect them to write or show something that goes against their interests?

If anything it is the other way around, Indian aggression both at the border and via their terrorist proxies in Pakistan. One day this Dehati Aurat will pay for what she has been doing in the neighborhood for more than the last half century.
Just BS ; all that you have written

You had become very comfortable with Man Mohan Singh

It was necessary to bring you out of your comfort zone

Why is this FIRING happening now ; that is today

Because your forces got a taste of our firepower LAST Year

They want revenge ; so they started another round

But again the SAME thing will happen

You will again get a beating

We have trapped you in a cycle of reaction

Hell with all those talks ; everybody knows they are just for show

PLEASE remember that the 2003 ceasefire WAS INITIATED BY PAKISTAN

You should try those Border RAIDS like you did in Man Mohan SIngh's tenure
Yep, keep telling yourself that, and keep up that 'hysteria, whining and aggression all rolled into one', at least there is some entertainment value from the Indian side out of all this chaos.
Yep, keep telling yourself that, and keep up that 'hysteria, whining and aggression all rolled into one', at least there is some entertainment value from the Indian side out of all this chaos.

Entertainment for you ; Just VISIT your Border areas and see
for yourself the damage caused by our firing

It all starts when you try to send INFILTRATORS

SO we start firing ; and the whole cycle begins

But we have much more MANPOWER and Firepower

We will WIN every Time

LOC violations: JP Singh summoned to FO for 5th time in 1 month | Pakistan | Dunya News

We have summoned your Envoy only once

You have summoned our envoy FIVE TIMES


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