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Pakistan Using Heavy Shells - a First Since Ceasefire Agreement: Sources

If you want me to change it, then I'd have to change it to India......Lucnow is my home town. But because of the abuse that happens to minorities in India, I am SO embarrassed of my country, like majority of the American born Indian kids.

We are all Americans, not Indians. Leave us alone. People like you and our parents were first generation and they can go back to the hell hole called India. But we are all Americans and with so many murders of innocents and minorities, with bad rape record and women abuse, I don't want to be called an Indian. I'll keep my American flags!!!

India is a colorful society with color outside, barbaric and extremist behavior inside, towards any minority religion, people that are not Hindu, women for centuries, and all. I don't want to belong to a place like that.
you're a Pakistani false flagger
you're a Pakistani false flagger

And you people have 0 facts to provide then derail every thread with stupidity and nonsense about my flags???? Next time, when you respond to my posts, have some real content in it. If you have any issues with my flags, don't respond. Go cry to your moma and tell her I was mean to you online. What a waste of fukking time!!!
@Viper0011. Why a American would get so jumpy about Kashmir ?? Anyway we signed Shimla agreement in 1972, hence 1948 UN resolution stands superseded.Shimla delineated the further course to be taken in future to resolve the Kashmir issue .It further goes on to state that it needs just TWO parties henceforth to resolve the issue . And since you claim you are American, you just don't have any locus standai to interfere. Your contribution to the thread has been acknowledged by lot of Indians ,now why don't you phk off ??

Before yo do that I would like to dispel few more misconception. When we fire towards Pakistan, we know there ain't any Sikh or Hindu in the areas adjoining the border. :cheesy:

We haven't yet used 120 mm. shells , which you claim that we are using since your Eid days. Go and fetch me the source that explicitly states that India is shelling with 120 mm ammo.
I did read the document. You've not put ONE word of any wisdom in your posts. Are you going to say something or just keep writing these stupid posts which will get you banned permanently?

How about you help a caller with the Credit card account (don't steal his numbers and give it to one of your buddy, you guys do all these frauds a lot). Let me know if you work for Citi's call center, I need help with a business account, I can call you.

No, you havent. Try again. This time slowly. Use a dictionary if needed, to understand the below written prerequisite :

1. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavours:

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of material aid to those fighting in the State;


Now do bother to consult your ""the breathe of knowledge on this subject" and tell us when did this happen ..?
Totally Propganda
The IA is always the first to fire.Why the hell are we just sitting ducks and waiting for them to fire at us?Just nuke the Damn Bi***.They need another Kargil to remind them of there Ukat

If this shit doesn't stop this will be a reason for a full fledged War and India you will end up Losing Khalistan & Kashmir.
No, you havent. Try again. This time slowly. Use a dictionary if needed, to understand the below written prerequisite :

1. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavours:

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of material aid to those fighting in the State;

Now do bother to consult your ""the breathe of knowledge on this subject" and tell us when did this happen ..?

That was a Fact or an Indian Curry FART?????? One paragraphs out of a document so large? You guys need to quit eating spicy vegetables with raw red chilli on top. The food from the South has a lot to do with your mental decline in a debate. Coding Java or Call center work may be best!!! Here, the REAL details:

  1. The Government of India should:
(a) When it is established to the satisfaction of the Commission set up in accordance with the Council’s resolution of 20 January that the tribesmen are withdrawing and that arrangements for the cessation of the fighting have become effective, put into operation in consultation with the Commission a plan for withdrawing their own forces from Jammu and Kashmir and reducing them progressively to the minimum strength required for the support of the civil power in the maintenance of law and order:

(b) Make known that the withdrawal is taking place in stages and announce the completion of each stage;

(c) When the Indian forces shall have been reduced to the minimum strength mentioned in (a) above, arrange in consultation with the commission for the stationing of the remaining forces to be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

(i) That the presence of troops should not afford any intimidation or appearance of intimidation to the inhabitants of the States;

(ii) That as small a number as possible should be retained in forward areas;

(iii) That any reserve of troops which may be included in the total strength should be located within their present base area.

  1. The Government of India should agree that until such time as the Plebiscite Administration referred to below finds it necessary to exercise the powers of direction and supervision over the State forces and police provided for in paragraph 8, they will be held in areas to be agreed upon with the Plebiscite Administrator.
  2. After the plan referred to in paragraph 2(a) above has been put into operation, personnel recruited locally in each district should so far as possible be utilized for the re-establishment and maintenance of law and order with due regard to protection of minorities, subject to such additional requirements as may be specified by the Plebiscite Administration referred to in paragraph 7.
  3. If these local forces should be found to be inadequate, the Commission, subject to the agreement of both the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan, should arrange for the use of such forces of either Dominion as it deems effective for the purpose of pacification.

  2. The Government of India should undertake to ensure that the Government of the State invite the major political groups to designate responsible representatives to share equitably and fully in the conduct of the administration at the Ministerial level, while the plebiscite is being prepared and carried out.
  3. The Government of India should undertake that there will be established in Jammu and Kashmir a Plebiscite Administra-tion to hold a plebiscite as soon as possible on the question of the accession of the State to India or Pakistan.8. The Government of India should undertake that there will be delegated by the State to the Plebiscite Administration such powers as the latter considers necessary for holding a fair and impartial plebiscite including, for that purpose only, the direction and supervision of the State forces and police.
  4. The Government of India should, at the request of the Plebiscite Administration, make available from the Indian forces such assistance as the Plebiscite Administration may require for the performance of its functions.
  5. (a) The Government of India should agree that a nominee of the Secretary-General of the United Nations will be appointed to be the Plebiscite Administrator;

(b) The Plebiscite Administrator, acting as an officer of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, should have authority to nominate his assistants and other subordinates and to draft regulations governing the plebiscite. Such nominees should be formally appointed and such draft regulations should be formally promulgated by the State of Jammu and Kashmir;

(c) The Government of India should undertake that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir will appoint fully qualified persons nominated by the Plebiscite Administrator to act as special magistrates within the State judicial system to hear cases which in the opinion of the Plebiscite Administrator have a serious bearing on the preparation for and the conduct of a free and impartial plebiscite;

(d) The terms of service of the Administrator should form the subject of a separate negotiation between the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Government of India. The Administrator should fix the terms of service for his assistants and subordinates;

(e) The Administrator should have the right to communicate directly with the Government of the State and with the Commission of the Security Council and, through the Commission, with the Security Council, with the Governments of India and Pakistan and with their representatives with the Commission. It would be his duty to bring to the notice of any or all of the foregoing (as he in his discretion may decide) any circumstances arising which may tend, in his opinion, to interfere with the freedom of the plebiscite.

  1. The Government of India should undertake to prevent, and to give full support to the Administrator and his staff in preventing, any threat, coercion or intimidation, bribery or other undue influence on the voters in the plebiscite, and the Government of India should publicly announce and should cause the Government of the State to announce this undertaking as an international obligation binding on all public authorities and officials in Jammu and Kashmir.
  2. The Government of India should themselves and through the Government of the State declare and make known that all subjects of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, regardless of creed, caste or party, will be safe and free in expressing their views and in voting on the question of the accession of the State and that there will be freedom of the press, speech and assembly and freedom of travel in the State, including freedom of lawful entry and exit.
  3. The Government of India should use and should ensure that the Government of the State also use their best endeavours to effect the withdrawal from the State of all Indian nationals other than those who are normally resident therein or who on or since 15 August 1947 have entered it for a lawful purpose.
  4. The Government of India should ensure that the Government of the State release all political prisoners and take all possible steps so that:
(a) All citizens of the State who have left it on account of disturbances are invited, and are free, to return to their homes and to exercise their rights as such citizens;

(b) There is no victimization;

(c) Minorities in all parts of the State are accorded adequate protection.

  1. The Commission of the Security Council should at the end of the plebiscite certify to the Council whether the plebiscite has or has not been really free and impartial.
  3. The Governments of India and Pakistan should each be invited to nominate a representative to be attached to the Commission for such assistance as it may require in the performance of its task.
  4. The commission should establish in Jammu and Kashmir such observers as it may require of any of the proceedings in pursuance of the measures indicated in the foregoing paragraphs.
  5. The Security Council Commission should carry out the tasks assigned to it herein.
Ironical that Pakistanis are killing Kashmiris who they call their brethren and never hesitate to brandish that line of 'wishes of the Kashmiri people'!

This is hypocrisy at its height. The fact is that Pakistan and its rulers, the PA and ISI care two hoots for the people of Kashmir. They are actually interested in controlling the rivers that flow through Kashmir into Pakistan. All this so-called love for the Kashmiris is nothing but a sham.

This is what your kuta bila type game. You know very well that majority of your side of LOC is belongs to "MUSLIM" and "KASHMIRI" if you start violate border in response of Pakistan Army "Muslims" + "Kashmiri" die. In that case you are @ win win situation. First to claim and punch your line in front of kashmiris that look what Pakistani is doing with you.. killing you ... second you achieve another goal is to put down Kashmiri freedom movement on the name of "Pakistani forces killing you on the other side talk about your freedom" kisko kaka chutyaa bana rakha hey ?????

Our forces mostly not respond because they knew kay agay kya hey and you're trying to achieve something what i mentioned above.
Totally Propganda
The IA is always the first to fire.Why the hell are we just sitting ducks and waiting for them to fire at us?Just nuke the Damn Bi***.They need another Kargil to remind them of there Ukat

If this shit doesn't stop this will be a reason for a full fledged War and India you will end up Losing Khalistan & Kashmir.

Since you achieved your objectives in Kargil :rofl: , every pakistani should be proud of Kargil.:lol:

You ain't sitting duck , you killed our 6 civilians.And while you nuke us ,will you choose the cities wisely because our every city has muslims in it and can sword of Islam kill the moslems ??

I wish your General was as brave as you are. :rofl:
Since you achieved your objectives in Kargil :rofl: , every pakistani should be proud of Kargil.:lol:

You ain't sitting duck , you killed our 6 civilians.And while you nuke us ,will you choose the cities wisely because our every city has muslims in it and can sword of Islam kill the moslems ??

I wish your General was as brave as you are. :rofl:
Your government has Brain washed you but then again what can you expect from Cow piss drinking Monkeys.
R.I.P Brothers May Allah grant you the Highest rank in Jannah.
India is always in a win win situation you fire at us we fire back but if we make a single mistake friendlies die and because of this we need to start a war.It's as simple as this
Either you talk on the issue and solve it diplomatically or we Fight There will be no stale mate.
That was a Fact or an Indian Curry FART?????? One paragraphs out of a document so large? You guys need to quit eating spicy vegetables with raw red chilli on top. The food from the South has a lot to do with your mental decline in a debate. Coding Java or Call center work may be best!!! Here, the REAL details:

  1. The Government of India should:
(a) When it is established to the satisfaction of the Commission set up in accordance with the Council’s resolution of 20 January that the tribesmen are withdrawing and that arrangements for the cessation of the fighting have become effective, put into operation in consultation with the Commission a plan for withdrawing their own forces from Jammu and Kashmir and reducing them progressively to the minimum strength required for the support of the civil power in the maintenance of law and order:

(b) Make known that the withdrawal is taking place in stages and announce the completion of each stage;

(c) When the Indian forces shall have been reduced to the minimum strength mentioned in (a) above, arrange in consultation with the commission for the stationing of the remaining forces to be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

(i) That the presence of troops should not afford any intimidation or appearance of intimidation to the inhabitants of the States;

(ii) That as small a number as possible should be retained in forward areas;

(iii) That any reserve of troops which may be included in the total strength should be located within their present base area.

  1. The Government of India should agree that until such time as the Plebiscite Administration referred to below finds it necessary to exercise the powers of direction and supervision over the State forces and police provided for in paragraph 8, they will be held in areas to be agreed upon with the Plebiscite Administrator.
  2. After the plan referred to in paragraph 2(a) above has been put into operation, personnel recruited locally in each district should so far as possible be utilized for the re-establishment and maintenance of law and order with due regard to protection of minorities, subject to such additional requirements as may be specified by the Plebiscite Administration referred to in paragraph 7.
  3. If these local forces should be found to be inadequate, the Commission, subject to the agreement of both the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan, should arrange for the use of such forces of either Dominion as it deems effective for the purpose of pacification.

  2. The Government of India should undertake to ensure that the Government of the State invite the major political groups to designate responsible representatives to share equitably and fully in the conduct of the administration at the Ministerial level, while the plebiscite is being prepared and carried out.
  3. The Government of India should undertake that there will be established in Jammu and Kashmir a Plebiscite Administra-tion to hold a plebiscite as soon as possible on the question of the accession of the State to India or Pakistan.8. The Government of India should undertake that there will be delegated by the State to the Plebiscite Administration such powers as the latter considers necessary for holding a fair and impartial plebiscite including, for that purpose only, the direction and supervision of the State forces and police.
  4. The Government of India should, at the request of the Plebiscite Administration, make available from the Indian forces such assistance as the Plebiscite Administration may require for the performance of its functions.
  5. (a) The Government of India should agree that a nominee of the Secretary-General of the United Nations will be appointed to be the Plebiscite Administrator;

(b) The Plebiscite Administrator, acting as an officer of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, should have authority to nominate his assistants and other subordinates and to draft regulations governing the plebiscite. Such nominees should be formally appointed and such draft regulations should be formally promulgated by the State of Jammu and Kashmir;

(c) The Government of India should undertake that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir will appoint fully qualified persons nominated by the Plebiscite Administrator to act as special magistrates within the State judicial system to hear cases which in the opinion of the Plebiscite Administrator have a serious bearing on the preparation for and the conduct of a free and impartial plebiscite;

(d) The terms of service of the Administrator should form the subject of a separate negotiation between the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Government of India. The Administrator should fix the terms of service for his assistants and subordinates;

(e) The Administrator should have the right to communicate directly with the Government of the State and with the Commission of the Security Council and, through the Commission, with the Security Council, with the Governments of India and Pakistan and with their representatives with the Commission. It would be his duty to bring to the notice of any or all of the foregoing (as he in his discretion may decide) any circumstances arising which may tend, in his opinion, to interfere with the freedom of the plebiscite.

    • The Government of India should undertake to prevent, and to give full support to the Administrator and his staff in preventing, any threat, coercion or intimidation, bribery or other undue influence on the voters in the plebiscite, and the Government of India should publicly announce and should cause the Government of the State to announce this undertaking as an international obligation binding on all public authorities and officials in Jammu and Kashmir.
    • The Government of India should themselves and through the Government of the State declare and make known that all subjects of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, regardless of creed, caste or party, will be safe and free in expressing their views and in voting on the question of the accession of the State and that there will be freedom of the press, speech and assembly and freedom of travel in the State, including freedom of lawful entry and exit.
    • The Government of India should use and should ensure that the Government of the State also use their best endeavours to effect the withdrawal from the State of all Indian nationals other than those who are normally resident therein or who on or since 15 August 1947 have entered it for a lawful purpose.
    • The Government of India should ensure that the Government of the State release all political prisoners and take all possible steps so that:
(a) All citizens of the State who have left it on account of disturbances are invited, and are free, to return to their homes and to exercise their rights as such citizens;

(b) There is no victimization;

(c) Minorities in all parts of the State are accorded adequate protection.

    • The Commission of the Security Council should at the end of the plebiscite certify to the Council whether the plebiscite has or has not been really free and impartial.
    • The Governments of India and Pakistan should each be invited to nominate a representative to be attached to the Commission for such assistance as it may require in the performance of its task.
    • The commission should establish in Jammu and Kashmir such observers as it may require of any of the proceedings in pursuance of the measures indicated in the foregoing paragraphs.
    • The Security Council Commission should carry out the tasks assigned to it herein.

Why skip the very first pre-condition ..? what happened to your "the breathe of knowledge on this subject " ..? Selective amnesia ..? Kasur has scarred you for life... Tch tch tch..

Recommends to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following measures as those which in the opinion of the Council are appropriate to bring about a cessation of the fighting and to create proper conditions for a free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to accede to India or Pakistan:

A. Restoration of Peace and order
1. The Government of Pakistan should undertake to use its best endeavours:

(a) To secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting, and to prevent any intrusion into the State of such elements and any furnishing of material aid to those fighting in the State;

(b) To make known to all concerned that the measures indicated in this and the following paragraphs provide full freedom to all subjects of the State, regardless of creed, caste, or party, to express their views and to vote on the question of the accession of the State, and that therefore they should co-operate in the maintenance of peace and order. "

When was the above condition met ..?

Anyhow Shimla agreement supersedes this. Now google "Shimla agreement " and read about that .. Try reading slowly this time.
There was an American professor at the UCLA who actually wrote MANY articles on Kashmir. He's the one who actually counted and provided a number in cities of mighty Indian Army's soldiers vs. Civilians, it was 7 soldier to 1 Civilian!!! And you call that independent Kashmir. So he somehow got there a few years ago and documented the human rights abuse and sheer genocide. His cameras were taken away and he was forced to leave, an Army vehicle escorted him to the airport and stayed there till he got onto a plane.

So Americans who have international experience in various fields do have interest in getting this region stable. The US's trade interest run on stability so yes, I do have interest. Sorry, it doesn't match your national agenda.

I could care less about how many Indians have acknowledged my share of "writings on these forums". You can have Modi dressed up like a girl, getting spanked by his body guard and writing posts to me, I won't care.

A nation who got to where it is today, because of jobs and donations my country provided, do you think I give a rats as* about it? Indian businessmen, Indian workers, all display (majority of them) a seriously fraudulent and lying behavior (there are good people but not the ones on the forum). So you can be pissed off, it doesn't matter to me. You'll see more and more writings. If the truth hurts cup cake, go hug your mother and get her prayers. Otherwise, man up and argue based on facts, not your periods and hormones that make majority of you people look like 14 year old girls on periods.

On the comment about the shelling that you do it knowingly there are no Hindus and Sikhs, l know that. Like I said, you represent a nation who doesn't do anything but lying, licking balls of the American master and back stabbing. So in that regard, you found your match with the Pakistani Army. They know the language you speak and they've kept you in check. So if you are killing their people on purpose, I'd expect them to do their fair dealings with you. Not my issue.

you didn't debunk anything , try again.

And fetch me the source about your 120 mm story.


Your government has Brain washed you but then again what can you expect from Cow piss drinking Monkeys.
R.I.P Brothers May Allah grant you the Highest rank in Jannah.
India is always in a win win situation you fire at us we fire back but if we make a single mistake friendlies die and because of this we need to start a war.It's as simple as this
Either you talk on the issue and solve it diplomatically or we Fight There will be no stale mate.

Diplomatic resolution ?? :rofl: Did you gave up on jehad ?? :lol:

:rofl: , all those religious slurs on pakistani forum won't get you Kashmir. Yes we are in win win situation. So which city you choose to nuke ??
you didn't debunk anything , try again.

And fetch me the source about your 120 mm story.

Diplomatic resolution ?? :rofl: Did you gave up on jehad ?? :lol:

:rofl: , all those religious slurs on pakistani forum won't get you Kashmir. Yes we are in win win situation. So which city you choose to nuke ??
Fine then prepare for the war
We don't need your condolences. Just accept the fact 56 inch chest has been shrunken by the same so called future less nation. Super power aspirant. LoL

Lol are u serious ? . We know what we are capable of what u are capable of. Your attempt to thwart nsa level talks are well known . We are not congressi we are Hindu nationalist party . So u r minor shelling already met with triple the retaliation meanwhile we will carry out near level talks and will expose u r proxy to the global community like shanghai corporation forum. Enjoy the show . Unlike media black out in up country we openly dhow what is happening !!!

Hey wake up, time to go to school. Oh crap, you pissed in your PANTS AGAIN!!!! I knew you had that Soup-O-Powa dream again. I am tired of cleaning you up everyday, you are a big kid now, take care of yourself. And we DON'T have bathroom, how come you don't dream of building bathrooms, instead of the soup-o-powa, we don't need soup right now. Clean bathrooms would do for now (this was your mother screaming at you firs thing in the morning). So please quit pissing in your pants and use the community toilet you have.

The moral of the story is, if 600 MILLION people can't piss properly or can't take a proper shiit (literally), you can NEVER be a soup-o-powa!!! Buying weapons because of your few millions working is a great idea. But a developed nation eventually becomes a super power. Go start from the basics, build bathroom for God's sake. It stinks!!!

Just like there are millions of you who rape women that never hits the TV, and then you don't even leave Western women? You rape visitors too? No wonder no women, even Indian women living in the US don't want to go to India!!!!

The story was from the training course our organization makes people like you go through before getting an H1B visa. God FORBID if I EVER report to an Indian like you. I am VERY happy running my own organization. Will never put my head in shiit as it'll smell as such (and a little that weird smelly oil you people put on your head).

@Irfan Baloch @Oscar : boys this troll fest need to be stopped and both trolls need to be banned please. Every time these two jump in, the thread is wasted.
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Is india serverving juice again ? ..
"Tali dono hathon se bajti ha"

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