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Pakistan-US joint air exercise - Falcon Talon III

plz Don't go in to a new trap of us/ind :pakistan::china:
There is a saying "Keep your friends close and enemies even closer".
Doing a joint exercise is not falling into a trap. Its about learning the tactics of others while hiding your own ability and overcoming one's shortcomings.
All those whining about using Chinese jets against USAF simply not aware that, IAF uses Russian jets while doing excercize with USAF and in US itself. Its not an actual concern and all radar are off mode just as its WVR engagements.

So relax and enjoy it :)
They'll be gathering information that they'll use against you tactically when they decide to attack.

That's all.....Don't get too happy lol
They'll be gathering information that they'll use against you tactically when they decide to attack.

That's all.....Don't get too happy lol
To an extent I agree with you... its part of the long term strategy if they dont wanna give us anything then why the hell are they so keen to do exercise with us..
They can mouth off all they want, the fact is USAF is always very keen to test it's best with the PAF, apart from our F-16s, they even tested the F-22 against our humble F-7.


Only to check their aircraft against potential threat. Not an admission of our prowess. As you can genuinely understand, in a confrontation with USAF, PAF stands zero chance.
Only to check their aircraft against potential threat. Not an admission of our prowess. As you can genuinely understand, in a confrontation with USAF, PAF stands zero chance.

They are not coming to check our prowess. The Americans are coming to repair the damage inflicted by Trump in the past few years. Since Trump took office a lot of damage has been inflicted to many US relationships around the world. After the American government halted all kinds of interaction with our armed forces this might be an attempt to restore some of it. The US military regime is very anxious as our dealings in their absence has increased manifold with our Chinese counterparts. The Americans have lost a lot of clout and ground. The American security establishment doesn't like this. The US civilian leadership has no clue how to manage their relationships. The US romance with India can only achieve so much. US India relationship cannot serve as a substitute to US Pak relationship. The American security establishment understands this very clearly. We have to view this development as an attempt to mend diplomatic ties.
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If they can come for the exercise and leave without oh say about a sqn of f-16 then Relations are back :D correct ??
There is / are F-22 based out of Afghanistan, USAF likely knows what it needs to know about the KE-3s, JF-17s. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an F-22 present in Pak airspace during the Shaheen-VII exercise. I am not trying to make USAF sound like something that is invincible but they are real good and have some kick A## equipment.

Let JF-17 go against the F-18, let them do a real "What you can do, i can do better."

PS: I don't think PAF is going to buy any new F-16s ( Block 70 or 80 or 90 ). If PAF was interested in paying 100% out of its pockets, they would have signed for the 8 that they passed on. Now that being said, PAF is very likely to pick up used if they can get OK from US Gov't. Biggest hurdle would be getting OK for the best MLU to what these jets can get. PAF is getting AESA, its a mute point for US to hold that upgrade, only issue would be the Indian Sponsored lobby jacked up on Indian Business Communities funding.
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They are not coming to check our prowess. The Americans are coming to repair the damage inflicted by Trump in the past few years. Since Trump took office a lot of damage has been inflicted to many US relationships around the world. After the American government halted all kinds of interaction with our armed forces this might be an attempt to restore some of it. The US military regime is very anxious as our dealings in their absence has increased manifold with our Chinese counterparts. The Americans have lost a lot of clout and ground. The American security establishment doesn't like this. The US civilian leadership has no clue how to manage their relationships. The US romance with India can only achieve so much. US India relationship cannot serve as a substitute to US Pak relationship. The American security establishment understands this very clearly. We have to view this development as an attempt to mend diplomatic ties.
Obama is the real mofo who had a rod up the arse for Pakistan. Trump hasn't been as bad as he was being made out to be .
They'll be gathering information that they'll use against you tactically when they decide to attack.

That's all.....Don't get too happy lol
Looool. Attacking pakistan will be everyones worst night mare....here are some examples for you.

1. 1965...indian claim of having tea at lahore gymkhana. Well lets say politely that it didnt go to indian plans
2. Russian invasion of afghanistan with a view to warm waters. Ummm we know how that turned out.
3. American in afghanistan and their daily threats. Umm. We know who is running with tails firmly tucked.
4. Nuclear option. Pakistan is unpredictable but responsible. Had that not been the case india america would have attacked long ago. America knows it masters in telaviv will be warm for a 1000 years. Yes we may die but we are taking a lot with us

So no one is attacking pakistan. Inshallah

Obama is the real mofo who had a rod up the arse for Pakistan. Trump hasn't been as bad as he was being made out to be .
Nope real mofo were our politicians and military that allowed it. Its not allowed now and no one is doing it. Those drones can be take out and air chief is on record for saying its the politicians that decide not the air force
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