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Pakistan, Turkey friendship rooted in history: Ayaz

The Khilafah cannot be established in a world such as today. It is nearly impossible. The ottomans brought it out of Arabia and brought it in their empire. And note this secularists destroyed the Khilafah because it was a threat to them.

Arab Wahhabis destroyed the Khilafah with the help of European Christians. Political Islam and Islamists, not secularists, destroyed Khilafah...


And I urge you to go back to the first page of the thread and then read it through, and then come talk

Thank You.
Arab Wahhabis destroyed the Khilafah with the help of European Christians. Political Islam and Islamists, not secularists, destroyed Khilafah...

And I urge you to go back to the first page of the thread and then read it through, and then come talk

Thank You.
Smart alack comments is a sign of weakness.
Smart alack comments is a sign of weakness.

You haven't made any useful contribution to this thread, and you refuse to read what has already been posted on this thread ... And you expect that you would be taken seriously ??
You haven't made any useful contribution to this thread, and you refuse to read what has already been posted on this thread ... And you expect that you would be taken seriously ??
you've been ranting on this issue for the past many pages:lol:. Maybe you ought to look at yourself before addressing others next time. A little useful tip.
Lol you've been ranting on this issue for the past many pages. Maybe you ought to look at yourself before addressing others .

Meray Bhai, do you have anything to say that is related to the topic ?
Obviously you do not. Don't put me in the lime light. I simply commented on Zarvans post before you went full commando. I don't have anything else.

Good then.

And one thing I will suggest you to read/research is "Jinnah and The Fabian Society" ...... That will help you understand Jinnah's fascination with Socialism, and the State Bank Inauguration speech you are referring to...

Thank You
Funny isn't it, on one hand I am and you here as well are directly quoting the Quaid on his views against western idealism and pro pan Islamic views and yet on the opposite side we read long fairy tale stories belittling the Quaid to nothing more than a westernized secularist, but no no no he was censored and silenced by those who wanted an Islamic democracy and his sister who wanted to expose Quaids pro western views was also silenced and killed off 26 years later, and her disillusionment later was not based on the incompetency of the political leaders who followed him but strictly based on the Pakistani establishment failing to implement a strict pro western secular state.

"Mr. Governor, Directors of State Bank, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The opening of the State Bank of Pakistan symbolises the sovereignty of our State in the financial sphere and I am very glad to be here today to perform the opening ceremony. It was not considered feasible to start a Bank of our own simultaneously with the coming into being of Pakistan in August last year. A good deal of preparatory work must precede the inauguration of an institution responsible for such technical and delicate work as note issue and banking. To allow for this preparation, it was provided, under the Pakistan Monetary System and Reserve Bank Order, 1947, that the Reserve Bank of India should continue to be the currency and banking authority of Pakistan till the 30th September, 1948. Later on it was felt that it would be in the best interests of our State if the Reserve Bank of India were relieved of its functions in Pakistan, as early as possible. The State of transfer of these functions to a Pakistan agency was consequently advanced by three months in agreement with the Government of India and the Reserve Bank. It was at the same time decided to establish a Central Bank of Pakistan in preference to any other agency for managing our currency and banking. This decision left very little time for the small band of trained personnel in this field in Pakistan to complete the preliminaries and they have by their untiring effort and hard work completed their task by the due date which is very creditable to them, and I wish to record a note of our appreciation of their labours.

As you have observed, Mr. Governor in undivided India banking was kept a close preserve of non-Muslims and their migration from Western Pakistan has caused a good deal of dislocation in the economic life of our young State. In order that the wheels of commerce and industry should run smoothly, it is imperative that the vacuum caused by the exodus of non-Muslims should be filled without delay. I am glad to note that schemes for training Pakistan nationals in banking are in hand. I will watch their progress with interest and I am confident that the State Bank will receive the co-operation of all concerned including the banks and Universities in pushing them forward. Banking will provide a new and wide field in which the genius of our young men can find full play. I am sure that they will come forward in large numbers to take advantage of the training facilities which are proposed to be provided. While doing so, they will not only be benefiting themselves but also contributing to the well-being of our State.

I need hardly dilate on the important role that the State Bank will have to play in regulating the economic life of our country. The monetary policy of the bank will have a direct bearing on our trade and commerce, both inside Pakistan as well as with the outside world and it is only to be desired that your policy should encourage maximum production and a free flow of trade. The monetary policy pursued during the war years contributed, in no small measure, to our present day economic problems. The abnormal rise in the cost of living has hit the poorer sections of society including those with fixed incomes very hard indeed and is responsible to a great extent for the prevailing unrest in the country. The policy of the Pakistan Government is to stabilise prices at a level that would be fair to the producer, as well as the consumer. I hope your efforts will be directed in the same direction in order to tackle this crucial problem with success.

I shall watch with keenness the work of your Research Organization in evolving banking practices compatible with Islamic ideas of social and economic life. The economic system of the West has created almost insoluble problems for humanity and to many of us it appears that only a miracle can save it from disaster that is not facing the world. It has failed to do justice between man and man and to eradicate friction from the international field. On the contrary, it was largely responsible for the two world wars in the last half century. The Western world, in spite of its advantages, of mechanization and industrial efficiency is today in a worse mess than ever before in history. The adoption of Western economic theory and practice will not help us in achieving our goal of creating a happy and contended people. We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving to humanity the message of peace which alone can save it and secure the welfare, happiness and prosperity of mankind.

May the Sate Bank of Pakistan prosper and fulfil the high ideals which have been set as its goal.

In the end I thank you, Mr. Governor, for the warm welcome given to me by you and your colleagues, and the distinguished guests who have graced this occasion as a mark of their good wishes and the honour your have done me in inviting me to perform this historic opening ceremony of the State Bank which I feel will develop into one of our greatest national institutions and play its part fully throughout the world."

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

1st July, 1948

"We have achieved our cherished goal of freedom and have established Pakistan as an independent, sovereign State, fifth largest in the world. That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent. We are in the midst of unparalleled difficulties and untold sufferings; we have been through dark days of apprehension and anguish; but I can say with confidence that with courage and self-reliance and by the Grace of God we shall emerge triumphant.

Some people might think that the acceptance of the June 3 Plan was a mistake on the part of the Muslim League. I would like to tell them that the consequences of any other alternative would have been too disastrous to imagine. On our side we proceeded to implement this plan with a clean conscience and honest intentions. Time and history will prove that. On the other hand, history will also record its verdict on those whose treachery and machinations let loose forces of disorder and disruption in this subcontinent causing death of lakhs, enormous destruction of property and bringing about suffering and misery to many million by uprooting them from their homes and hearths and all that was dear to them. The systematic massacre of defenseless and innocent people puts to shame even the most heinous atrocities committed by the worst tyrant known to history. We have been the victims of a deeply-laid and well-planned conspiracy executed with utter disregard of the elementary principle of honesty, chivalry and honor. We thank Providence for giving us courage and faith to fight these forces of evil. If we take our inspiration and guidance from the Holy Quran, the final victory, I once again say, will be ours.

Do not for a moment imagine that your enemies can ever succeed in their designs. But at the same time do not make light of the situation facing you. Search your hearts and whether you have done your part in the construction of this new and mighty State.

Do not be over whelmed by the enormity of the task. There is many an example in history of young nations building themselves up by sheer determination and force of character. You are made of sterling material and are second to none. Why should you also not succeed like many others, like your own forefathers. You have only to develop the spirit of the "Mujahids". You are a nation whose history is replete with people of wonderful grit, character and heroism. Live up to your traditions and add to it another chapter of glory.

All I require of you now is that everyone of us to whom this message reaches must vow to himself and be prepared to sacrifice his all, if necessary, in building up Pakistan as a bulwark of Islam
and as one of the greatest nations whose ideal is peace within and peace. Your immediate task is the rehabilitation of millions of our distressed and unfortunate brethren who are either already with us or who have still to join us in Pakistan, bereft of all they possessed or had in this world. The least we now can do for them is to receive them as our own brethren. No decent or sane person should consider that they are unwelcome burden thrust on us. Save all you can and give towards the relief of these victims of bestiality and vandalism who have suffered all this for the sole reason that they are Muslims.

Along with this, keep up your morale. Do not be afraid of death. Our religion teaches us to be always prepared for death. We should face it bravely to save the honor of Pakistan and Islam. There is no better salvation for a Muslim than the death of a martyr for a righteous cause.

I would also impress upon every member of this State, particularly our youth, to show the right spirit of devotion, courage and fortitude, to give a lead to the others and to set a nobler and higher example for those who may follow us and the coming generations.

Remember that the scrupulous maintenance and enforcement of law and order are the prerequisites of all progress. The tenets of Islam enjoin on every Mussalman to give protection to his neighbors and to the minorities regardless of caste and creed. Despite the treatment, which is being meted out to the Muslim minorities in India, we must make it a matter of our prestige and honor to safeguard the lives of the minority communities and to create a sense of security among them. I would like to impress upon every Mussalman, who has at heart the welfare and the prosperity of Pakistan, to avoid retaliation and to exercise restraint, because retaliation and violation of law and order will ultimately result in weakening the very foundations of the edifice you have cherished all these years to erect.

Do your duty and have faith in God. There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan. It has come to stay. Our deeds are proving to the world that we are in the right and I can assure you that the sympathies of the world, particularly of the Islamic countries, are with you. We in turn are grateful to every nation who has stretched out to us its hand of help and friendliness.

In the end, I once again appeal to the good sense of every subject and citizen of our State not to take law and order into his own hands but so to behave and act as to be a pillar of strength to his Government and leaders who are sincerely doing their best to put an end to the miseries and hardships of our unfortunate brethren seeking shelter with us, and battling against grave danger and menace which is facing us."

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
30th October 1947

@Joe Shearer Sir you and your colleagues here can continue to ignore my posts or maybe present more fairy tales stories and try to pass them off as historical facts, won't change history and ideology of Pakistan in any shape and form.


Dear @Waqkz ,

I just saw this at 7:20 IST.

You are labouring under a serious misapprehension. I have not, personally ignored your posts, although I have recommended to those Indians who want to learn more about Jinnah to ignore them. I had read through most of them, bar one or two, and consciously rejected them. Your interpretation is different from that of the person I follow most closely on these matters, and whenever I have tested him with a seemingly contradictory piece of evidence, he has very convincingly and rationally bridged the gap. I do not know who Azlan Haider is, but he seems quite familiar with PTH, and in particular with the writings and analysis of YLH, and his exposition of the subject adheres so closely to that of YLH that not much daylight shows between the two.versions.

It is not that there is any personal animus against you in my mind, it is just that intellectually, I am completely aligned to YLH's interpretation, except in one or two matters, which are so intimately connected to a long-dead individual's innermost soul and value system that they cannot be tested, but must be accepted or rejected purely on the judgement of the reader.

There is no effort at presenting fairy tale stories or passing them off as historical facts, and there is also no question of our pressing bizarre and alien views on the history or ideology of Pakistan. What you believe is correct has been shown to be false by a far more forceful and eminent exponent of the matter. Therefore, I prefer to go with that version, an altogether Pakistani version, developed and presented based on concrete evidence by an array of loyal and patriotic Pakistani exponents, rather than yours.

I sincerely hope that you are not bringing me into the comments in order to somehow associate the view of Jinnah opposed to yours with hostile elements from India. That would be underhand, and I expect you to deny any such intention.
Mughals came from Africa to rule india ... who said they were turks :D :woot:

Your attempt to participate in the discussion is welcomed and noteworthy. However, your above comment with smileys may be misconstrued as an attempt at trolling.

While your attempt to infuse humour in a very serious discussion is appreciated, your post may be taken in the wrong sense. Hence, may I request you to head to the section on stupid & funny and continue there?

This is recorded history. Go to any library and search for the Khilafat Andolan.
History is boring.....interesting is , what is left ,and what it give to coming generations. ..................!!!!!!!!!!!
From Northern Pakistan to last border of Turkey people are culture wise extremely similar .....that's I have seen...
Well, The same Maulana who was against Jinnah and his Pakistan Movement was the "inspiration" behind The Objectives Resolution.

Maulana Maududi
had said (before creation of Pakistan)

it was not clear either from any resolution of the Muslim League or from the speeches of any responsible League leaders, that the ultimate aim of Pakistan is the establishment of an Islamic government..
... [Maududi, Muslims and Present Struggle, part three, p 131]

Not a single leader of the Muslim League, from Quad-i-Azam, downwards, has Islamic mentality and Islamic thinking or they see the things from Islamic point of view. [Ibid p 37]

To declare such people legible for Muslim leadership, because they are expert in western politics or western organization system and have concern for the nation, is definitely ignorance from Islam and amounts to an un-Islamic mentality. [Ibid p 70]

But once Pakistan was created, Maududi (In February 1948, while addressing the Law College, Lahore) demanded that :

The sovereignty of the state of Pakistan vests in God Almighty and that the government of Pakistan shall be only an agent to execute the Sovereign's Will.

And all existing or future legislation which may contravene, whether in letter or in spirit, the Islamic Shariah shall be null and void and be considered ultra vires of the constitution

Now read the Objectives Resolution and you will understand that what Sris Chandra Chattopadhyaya meant when he said: "What I hear in this (Objectives) Resolution is not the voice of the great creator of Pakistan - the Quaid-i-Azam, nor even that of the Prime Minister of Pakistan the Honorable Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, but of the Ulema of the land."

... The Mullahs had successfully hijacked Pakistan shortly after its creation.

After independence "some of the Ulema decided to stay in India, others hastened to Pakistan to lend a helping hand. If they had not been able to save the Muslims from Pakistan they must now save Pakistan from the Muslims. Among them was Maulana Abul Aala Maududi, head of the Jamat-i-Islami, who had been bitterly opposed to Pakistan." Mohammad Ayub Khan, Friends not Masters, P-202

Posting tons of crap/images will not prove you right.

And who will decide (that whether or not) what Jinnah and Iqbal said/believed in was in accordance with Quran and Sunnah ??

Mullah Zarvan and the Wahhabi Brigade ?

How can you declare Molana Madudi the reason behind Objective resolution? Liaquat Ali Khan tabled it. majority of the constituent assembly (which was overwhelmingly PML) approved it.But NO what we are being told here that a guy who just formed his party right before independence ,despite having no representation in the Constituent Assembly, was able to "influence" the politicians in implementing his vision of religion the same people who are not just his political rivals but also far off from his ideology. Liaquat Ali Khan , Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, Dr. Omar Hayat Malik, Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, Noor Ahmad, Begum Shaista Suhrawardy Ikramullah, Muhammad Hussain and others were basically MULLAHS since they were influenced by another MULLAH and they hijacked Pakistan. funny.

You have conveniently posted his quotes but there is a background to it. Madudi was against Pakistan because he didnt believe in a democratic system and besides he was extremely wary on the concept of Muslim Nationalism and yes he had doubts of everything being a British conspiracy thats what pushed him in all those quotes you just mentioned about many Mulsim Leaguers .But HE changed his stance when he moved to Pakistan ,he only went agaInst his own word by embracing democracy to do politics in Pakistan so it was basically he himself who had to adjust and not Jinnah or Muslim League.

By quoting form Ayub Khans book, your version of story is everything what Ayub said about him before leading him to the gallows.Ayub who called Fatima JInnah a RAW agent , Zia of that time who used a rigged election to impose his rule and a constitution he wanted was something that wouldnt make him embarrass in front of his American friends, faced heavy resistance from maududi and his gang , ofcourse he would try to convince you that Maududi was the father of objective resolution.

As for Sris Chandra, he was totally oblivious to what Constituent Assembly was thinking, it deosnt really matter what he said becuase he left Pakistan shortly after giving that statement, sadly he gave up on his land that gave him such an important position.., he didnt even think for a sec for the respect he got, didnt consider putting up a fight..maybe he had a better offer from Nehru and this was just an excuse?opportunist?
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How can you declare Molana Madudi the reason behind Objective resolution? Liaquat Ali Khan tabled it. majority of the constituent assembly (which was overwhelmingly PML) approved it.But NO what we are being told here that a guy who just formed his party right before independence ,despite having no representation in the Constituent Assembly, was able to "influence" the politicians in implementing his vision of religion the same people who are not just his political rivals but also far off from his ideology. Liaquat Ali Khan , Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, Dr. Omar Hayat Malik, Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, Noor Ahmad, Begum Shaista Suhrawardy Ikramullah, Muhammad Hussain and others were basically MULLAHS since they were influenced by another MULLAH and they hijacked Pakistan. funny.

Maududi's first demand (Feb 1948):

The sovereignty of the state of Pakistan vests in God Almighty and that the government of Pakistan shall be only an agent to execute the Sovereign's Will.

First clause of Objectives Resolution (March 1949):

Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Allah Almighty alone and the authority which He has delegated to the state of Pakistan, through its people for being exercised within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust.

Mere coincidence ?? I don't think so. Many, including the ex-deputy speaker of Sindh Assembly, had concluded (after researching the topic) that Maulana Maududi was the actual author of Objectives Resolution. And you are unwilling to accept that the author(s) of The Objectives Resolution were influenced by Maulana Maududi ??

Still don't believe it ? Here is what Jamat e Islami website has to say:

... It was due to the efforts of Maulana Maududi and his Jamaat that the Objectives Resolution was passed on March 12, 1949..


Shabir Ahmed Usmani and Dr Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, quite understandably, were the main proponents of the resolution in the constituent assembly.

However, One may wonder why did a non-practicing Muslim like Liaquat Ali Khan (who had a remarkable ability to consume alcoholic drinks without losing sobriety) support such a resolution ? .. Perhaps for political reasons .... Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the man who declared Islam as the state religion of Pakistan in 1973 and banned alcohol, too was a sharaabi ... Maybe Mullahs are not the only hypocrites around

As for the other names you have mentioned, Begum Shaista Ikramullah was one saner voice among them who, in deed, spoiled the party.... She said:

“What exactly have we achieved? I do not think that for a State where the majority of the population is Muslim, it is such a tremendous achievement to have declared that the sovereignty of this universe belongs to God alone… I do not think mere declaration of it is such a great achievement justifies and orgy of praise we have been giving to ourselves.”

You have conveniently posted his quotes but there is a background to it. Madudi was against Pakistan because he didnt believe in a democratic system and besides he was extremely wary on the concept of Muslim Nationalism and yes he had doubts of everything being a British conspiracy thats what pushed him in all those quotes you just mentioned about many Mulsim Leaguers .But HE changed his stance when he moved to Pakistan ,he only went agaInst his own word by embracing democracy to do politics in Pakistan so it was basically he himself who had to adjust and not Jinnah or Muslim League.

What matters is Maududi opposed Jinnah and Pakistan movement. We are not interested in knowing the reasons behind his opposition. And we don't have any problem with his opposition either. But we do have problem with his hypocrisy ... He quickly became the protector of ideology of the country whose creation he had unsuccessfully opposed, and whose creation was described as "Birth of the Beast" by him ..

By quoting form Ayub Khans book, your version of story is everything what Ayub said about him before leading him to the gallows.Ayub who called Fatima JInnah a RAW agent , Zia of that time who used a rigged election to impose his rule and a constitution he wanted was something that wouldnt make him embarrass in front of his American friends, faced heavy resistance from maududi and his gang , ofcourse he would try to convince you that Maududi was the father of objective resolution.

Before Leading him to the gallows ?? Maududi was sentenced to death in 1953 (but he was released later), Ayub Khan became the President of Pakistan in 1958 and his book was first published in 1967 ... What are you on about ?

As far as "American Friends" are concerned, let me remind you that it's Maududi and his Jamat who are criticized for Dollar Jihad ...

As for Sris Chandra, he was totally oblivious to what Constituent Assembly was thinking, it deosnt really matter what he said becuase he left Pakistan shortly after giving that statement, sadly he gave up on his land that gave him such an important position.., he didnt even think for a sec for the respect he got, didnt consider putting up a fight..maybe he had a better offer from Nehru and this was just an excuse?opportunist?

He left because he knew there was no hope.

Even Jinnah himself had lost hope. He told Dr. Bash in Aug 1948: "I wanted to live. Now, However it does not matter whether I live", he had tears in eyes. He died like a helpless refugee in a broken down Ambulance a few weeks later.
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Maududi's first demand (Feb 1948):

The sovereignty of the state of Pakistan vests in God Almighty and that the government of Pakistan shall be only an agent to execute the Sovereign's Will.

First clause of Objectives Resolution (March 1949):

Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Allah Almighty alone and the authority which He has delegated to the state of Pakistan, through its people for being exercised within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust.

Mere coincidence ?? I don't think so. Many, including the ex-deputy speaker of Sindh Assembly, had concluded (after researching the topic) that Maulana Maududi was the actual author of Objectives Resolution. And you are unwilling to accept that the author(s) of The Objectives Resolution were influenced by Maulana Maududi ??

Still don't believe it ? Here is what Jamat e Islami website has to say:

... It was due to the efforts of Maulana Maududi and his Jamaat that the Objectives Resolution was passed on March 12, 1949..


Shabir Ahmed Usmani and Dr Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, quite understandably, were the main proponents of the resolution in the constituent assembly.

However, One may wonder why did a non-practicing Muslim like Liaquat Ali Khan (who had a remarkable ability to consume alcoholic drinks without losing sobriety) support such a resolution ? .. Perhaps for political reasons .... Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the man who declared Islam as the state religion of Pakistan in 1973 and banned alcohol, too was a sharaabi ... Maybe Mullahs are not the only hypocrites around

As for the other names you have mentioned, Begum Shaista Ikramullah was one saner voice among them who, in deed, spoiled the party.... She said:

“What exactly have we achieved? I do not think that for a State where the majority of the population is Muslim, it is such a tremendous achievement to have declared that the sovereignty of this universe belongs to God alone… I do not think mere declaration of it is such a great achievement justifies and orgy of praise we have been giving to ourselves.”

What matters is Maududi opposed Jinnah and Pakistan movement. We are not interested in knowing the reasons behind his opposition. And we don't have any problem with his opposition either. But we do have problem with his hypocrisy ... He quickly became the protector of ideology of the country whose creation he had unsuccessfully opposed, and whose creation was described as "Birth of the Beast" by him ..

Before Leading him to the gallows ?? Maududi was sentenced to death in 1953 (but he was released later), Ayub Khan became the President of Pakistan in 1958 and his book was first published in 1967 ... What are you on about ?

As far as "American Friends" are concerned, let me remind you that it's Maududi and his Jamat who are criticized for Dollar Jihad ...

He left because he knew there was no hope.

Even Jinnah himself had lost hope. He told Dr. Bash in Aug 1948: "I wanted to live. Now, However it does not matter whether I live", he had tears in eyes. He died like a helpless refugee in a broken down Ambulance a few weeks later.
Jinah never lost hope. Secondly Madudi Sahab opposed Jinah because he thought Pakistan is being created on wrong concept of Muslim Nationalism but after Pakistan was created he stood and vigorously fought for Islam and Pakistan at all fronts. Again what matters in what Quran and Sunnah wants from Muslims not what Jonah or Iqbal or even Molana Madudi had in mind.

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