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To take care of the little brother of Pakistan,China sacrifice a lot
Win or loss?


Pakistan has only two buddies on whom we really put our "trust"...China and Turkiye.

China has helped us a lot in defense sector...I m sure its vice versa...Pakistanis must be also helping you in some areas/sector...Pakistan also wants Turkish stuff, which we will get eventually...
The economy, budget, risks, procurements in the planned loan period are the decision maker here; the budget on the paper sounds well, what about the economy, risks, procurements for sustainability?

With the current $1.85 b. ready in cash, what is planned to buy?
Nothing man.. Pak can't buy anything .. You are free to market or sell your products to other viable markets as you see fit.

Pak meanwhile can take its business somewhere else whose willing to take "risks" etc...

Like the Americans who sold vipers and hellfire for 1.2 billion dollars.

Chinese who sold subs for 5 billion and so on.

The AKs systems will remain the domain of French companies like Sagem which are already supplying parts through their Pak JV partners... And so on.
The economy, budget, risks, procurements in the planned loan period are the decision maker here; the budget on the paper sounds well, what about the economy, risks, procurements for sustainability?

With the current $1.85 b. ready in cash, what is planned to buy?
IMO Pakistan's biggest near-term risks are (1) a sudden climb in terrorism, necessitating very large counterinsurgency operations similar to the ones in 2009-2012. For reference, ops Zarb-e-Azb on its own cost $1.8bn a year in 2014-2015. The second (2) risk is a disruptive government coming into power in 2018, the next Pakistani election. While the PML isn't great, the PPP is just destructive and will loot Pakistan dry. That said, the PPP leadership is very weak and the PML seems to have a stable hold, especially with CPEC in play. The bigger risk is terrorism, but unlike 2009-2012, Pakistan has the security infrastructure to better manage it.

I am not aware of 'bounced cheques' regarding past Pakistani programs, e.g. sale of 18 Block-52+ by the U.S. in 2009 or the $1bn sale of 4 Erieye AEW&C by Sweden.
The projects Turkey and Pakistan seriously discuss and to be finalized in a short time.

-Milgem corvette deal (After July 2017)
-Mini Submarine to be designed/developed by STM and will be produced under the collaboration with Pakistan.
-T-129 Atak + Mizrak-U/Cirit - Working on details of project.
-Korkut Close Range Air Defense System - Pakistan inspected Korkut technically in Turkey. It is planned to be sent one Korkut system to Pakistan for trials.
-MPT-76 New produced MPT-76 that negative feed-backs reached on summer trials have been applied, will be sent to Pakistan for summer trials again.
-Al-Khalid-1 modernization project - Offer is given !
-Tech Assistance to Pakistan for new tank project
-Marine HF radio for Pakistan warships
-Havelsan DOOB Land Forces command control software system
-Roketsan MAAT and MIGYEM in Pakistan

Excellent. ..precise. ..and do able. Very good points. I am agreed 100 %.
IMO Pakistan's biggest near-term risks are (1) a sudden climb in terrorism, necessitating very large counterinsurgency operations similar to the ones in 2009-2012. For reference, ops Zarb-e-Azb on its own cost $1.8bn a year in 2014-2015. The second (2) risk is a disruptive government coming into power in 2018, the next Pakistani election. While the PML isn't great, the PPP is just destructive and will loot Pakistan dry. That said, the PPP leadership is very weak and the PML seems to have a stable hold, especially with CPEC in play. The bigger risk is terrorism, but unlike 2009-2012, Pakistan has the security infrastructure to better manage it.

I am not aware of 'bounced cheques' regarding past Pakistani programs, e.g. sale of 18 Block-52+ by the U.S. in 2009 or the $1bn sale of 4 Erieye AEW&C by Sweden.

Similar risks and more or less so do exist here in Turkey, too.

the limit of how Turkey or Pakistan can deal is up to those parameters i mentioned.

Would you pour money into such country without serious calculations and assessments but with wishfull thinking?

The past gives you credibility, but cannot make sure you will not be another Greece in near future.
Similar risks and more or less so do exist here in Turkey, too.

the limit of how Turkey or Pakistan can deal is up to those parameters i mentioned.

Would you poor money into such country without serious calculations and assessments but with wishfull thinking?

The past gives you credibility, but cannot make sure you will not be another Greece in near future.
considerin similiar French & Shibli systems were considerably expensive... How about AKOR? Hope they replace the Varta I APS.

Isn't Shibli systems a local private company?

If it is and her product is good than why MOD and MODP is not allowing Local Private Companies to come forward..

The past gives you credibility,
this is all new defence exporter wants to know..

To take care of the little brother of Pakistan,China sacrifice a lot
its a Two-way road bro..

nothing comes free..
Isn't Shibli systems a local private company?

If it is and her product is good than why MOD and MODP is not allowing Local Private Companies to come forward..

this is all new defence exporter wants to know..

its a Two-way road bro..

nothing comes free..

Shibli is a private company but they are also partners with Sagem.. And produce their systems along with their own products...
Shiblis is a JV partner of Sagem and in the past they supplied imagery systems for T-80UDs etc.
Shibli is a private company but they are also partners with Sagem.. And produce their systems along with their own products...
Shiblis is a JV partner of Sagem and in the past they supplied imagery systems for T-80UDs etc.
Shilbi has very few products. Yes Pakistan should buy the products which they make off course only after they pass tests. But we need sights like Red Dot and for Sniper and other for that Turkish Companies like 3E EOS and Aselsan are the best
Please somebody buy these turrets and UMTAS missiles and place it on Dragoon


My point is fiscal situation;Therefore, requirements or the size of budget means nothing. the credibility of Pakistan does partially come from the deals in the past; but what about the situation now and the future?

I speak of number, which is realistic; no interest in emotional adjectives for such business.
Pakistan's fiscal situation is much better than a lot of potential buyers of Turkish equipment you can think of. There is a reason all the professionals from government and private organizations from your country are exploring the opportunities in Pakistan and I am sure they do have the wisdom and ability to foresee the trends and potential of keeping relationships with a country like Pakistan much better than arm chair analysts.
Pakistan's fiscal situation is much better than a lot of potential buyers of Turkish equipment you can think of. There is a reason all the professionals from government and private organizations from your country are exploring the opportunities in Pakistan and I am sure they do have the wisdom and ability to foresee the trends and potential of keeping relationships with a country like Pakistan much better than arm chair analysts.
Be assured of the Turkish government position which is to take the ties with Pak to a much higher level. This is from the journalist folks closest to the government stating on record. I am pretty sure this venom spitting folk has nothing to do with the policy or decision making bodies of the Muslim government. Last time he was suggesting to provide sensitive ASELSAN made communication equipment to India...
Be assured of the Turkish government position which is to take the ties with Pak to a much higher level. This is from the journalist folks closest to the government stating on record. I am pretty sure this venom spitting folk has nothing to do with the policy or decision making bodies of the Muslim government. Last time he was suggesting to provide sensitive ASELSAN made communication equipment to India...

We Pakistanis have a great respect for our Turkish brothers and Turkey to us is like extension of our own country. Whenever we see terrorists hit Turkey, our hearts sink and we feel just like our own blood spilled. In shaa Allah, we'll be there for Turkey whenever the need comes.
We Pakistanis have a great respect for our Turkish brothers and Turkey to us is like extension of our own country. Whenever we see terrorists hit Turkey, our hearts sink and we feel just like our own blood spilled. In shaa Allah, we'll be there for Turkey whenever the need comes.

Needless to say the feelings are mutual. Almost every month there're very high level delegations visiting each other. While Turkey is in the middle of military campaigns unheard of since the war of independence, Turkish deputy chief of general staff is visiting Pak. I am sure they have very good reasons!!

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