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Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started

These ships pack more punch than Chinese frigates. I really hope we fully utilize TOT that will come with Jinnah class ships rather than sitting on their blueprints waiting for tech to be obsolete.
Babur class Corvette are not having bigger punch than tyoe54ap . They are very good but bit on bit comparison and type54ap comes out on top
Babur class Corvette are not having bigger punch than tyoe54ap . They are very good but bit on bit comparison and type54ap comes out on top
No it doesn’t, Babur class comes out on top. At least from what we know of their weapon systems so far. Realistically we can only decide when they both get armed because we truly know jack about what they’re getting.

If 054A gets HHQ-16A and CM302 and Babur gets CAMM-ER and the upcoming Pakistani Supersonic AsHM then Babur will have superior SAMs and comparable ASHMs, but what they’re actually getting remains to be seen.
No it doesn’t, Babur class comes out on top. At least from what we know of their weapon systems so far. Realistically we can only decide when they both get armed because we truly know jack about what they’re getting.

If 054A gets HHQ-16A and CM302 and Babur gets CAMM-ER and the upcoming Pakistani Supersonic AsHM then Babur will have superior SAMs and comparable ASHMs, but what they’re actually getting remains to be seen.

Well, it coudl well be both are just equal but PN (like PAF) wants to have both western and chinese systems as a fail safe, both will likely fill very similar roles despite 054A being a bit heavier.

I would say these 8 boats, plus upgraded 4 F-22Ps and 6 Jinnahs will gives us a very very optimal mix of western/chinese systems and also decent numbers. In fact vis a vis the IN, this will be the biggest the PN has every been in terms of force rations, add 11 AIP subs and 14 odd MPAs to that and for a country with our coastline this is a really formidable punch. Easily bigger then anything in Mid East and more then half the size of IN.
This could be future point defense weapon system of PN in future.

Babur class Corvette are not having bigger punch than tyoe54ap . They are very good but bit on bit comparison and type54ap comes out on top

200s millions vs 350ish million per ship and 1000 tons plus difference well cannot compare apple and oranges 🍊 😉
It'd be funny if the PN decided, "hey, let's use the MILGEM as the basis for an OPV!" Granted, ASFAT designed this for the market in general, but at some point (and perhaps to this day) the PN had a need for follow-on OPVs.

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maybe they read my article 😫😛
Babur class Corvette are not having bigger punch than tyoe54ap . They are very good but bit on bit comparison and type54ap comes out on top

they really don’t but i’m not going to explain this again for the trillionth time
No it doesn’t, Babur class comes out on top. At least from what we know of their weapon systems so far. Realistically we can only decide when they both get armed because we truly know jack about what they’re getting.

If 054A gets HHQ-16A and CM302 and Babur gets CAMM-ER and the upcoming Pakistani Supersonic AsHM then Babur will have superior SAMs and comparable ASHMs, but what they’re actually getting remains to be seen.
Babur is not even close to Type 54. Type 54 in all probability has 32 VLS for Air Defence and some sort of Anti Submarine rocket. Plus Anti Ship Missiles and Anti Submarine Torpedoes
Babur is not even close to Type 54. Type 54 in all probability has 32 VLS for Air Defence and some sort of Anti Submarine rocket. Plus Anti Ship Missiles and Anti Submarine Torpedoes
Don’t just look at what it carries. Also look at the capability of what it carries, The type 054A are great frigates, but if you were following mine and Akh112s conversation you’d see there’s some issues with it due to its age and the age of the weapon systems on it. While it’s certainly bigger and carries more ordinance, the systems on Babur class are more modern, regardless, for PNs needs and uses, compared to what they have now and what the enemy has, they're both very capable ships.
I also believe both will be upgraded further as time goes on and if China completes work on its next-Gen SAMs and we install them on 54A (and F22P as well hopefully) then it could certainly bring 054A above Babur too.
Is this ship considered to be "stealth"? In 2014 the Buyukada corvette was roaming between Greek islands for about 26 hours. All the while it was being followed by the frigate Elli. If it was supposed to test if the Hellenic Navy would be able to locate it or not,it failed. Then in 2018 the Buyukada provoked again.

Screenshot_2021-08-30 AegeanHawk on Twitter.png
Is this ship considered to be "stealth"? In 2014 the Buyukada corvette was roaming between Greek islands for about 26 hours. All the while it was being followed by the frigate Elli. If it was supposed to test if the Hellenic Navy would be able to locate it or not,it failed.View attachment 774284View attachment 774285View attachment 774286
What do you think is a “stealth” Ship? An invisible one? So you’re telling me the Hellenic navy spotted a ship off their coast after it roamed around there for 26 hours? My god! What an Achievement!
If the Hellenic navy had failed to detect that thing then Greece should have surrendered its rights to have a navy in the first place. Theres no such thing as a stealth ship, lowering the RCS of a ship doesn’t mean making it a “stealth ship“, any country that’s hostile to another is always tracking and following the others fleet, Turkey probably has an eye on every single Hellenic navy ship before they leave port. Because guess what, real time satellite imagery exists.
What do you think is a “stealth” Ship? An invisible one? So you’re telling me the Hellenic navy spotted a ship off their coast after it roamed around there for 26 hours? My god! What an Achievement!
If the Hellenic navy had failed to detect that thing then Greece should have surrendered its rights to have a navy in the first place.
No,they didn't spot it after 26 hours lol! They were following it for 26 hours since it entered into that weird roaming. The rumors were the Turkish side considered or presented this class,at least back then,as stealth ships or with some stealth elements. Supposedly back in the early 2010s there was a lot of bragging about the Ada class.
No,they didn't spot it after 26 hours lol! They were following it for 26 hours since it entered into that weird roaming. The rumors were the Turkish side considered or presented this class,at least back then,as stealth ships or with some stealth elements. Supposedly back in the early 2010s there was a lot of bragging about the Ada class.
I don’t think anyone here has claimed the Ada is a stealth ship, I know a lot of BS bragging goes on between Turks and Greeks about their own stuff on their forums and social media (not unique to them, it goes on between any two countries that don’t get along, India and Pakistan are no different), but the ship is just like any other modern ship, it has elements and design choices in it to reduce its RCS, but there cannot truly be a “stealth“ ship, even the US zummwalt and freedom class can be seen from quite far on radars, it’s just that looking at them on radars wouldn’t tell you what you‘re looking at as the RCS is much smaller than it’s size and the shape comes out to be different, in a nutshell that’s what all RCS reduction measures are trying to do, make the ship a little harder to detect, but much harder to identify, and such elements are in all ships that have been designed after radars became common place.
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