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Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started

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Frankly i think a Type 1130 with 6 HQ-10 may have been the better way to go.
PN modern ships though have better capabilities till look to have shortage of ammo i.e Milgem possibly have 12-14 VLS for LY80 but lack short range AD some what i.e not having short range SAM like HQ10 meanwhile perhaps both Milgem and Type 54 have canisters for 6 ASHM/land attack missiles which also look to be much lesser at least the type 54 should have 8-10 ASHM/land attack missiles on it with short range HQ10 availability. Meanwhile PN lighter Azmat class/FACs only have CIWS for AD purposes. Even F22P frigates require much better AD along with sole OHP. Even latest inducted OPVs perhaps have also not armed so far as no news so so far came out.
Is there chance of new helicopters for these ships from turkey or Europe or PN will keep using Chinese Z9s even on them
Kindly update this forum on above topics, regarding Turkey manufacturing Ships, T-129 and Drones, by names of the products, please ??
Picture with better quality

Pakistan Navy's Milgem-corvette program represents its pinnacle which was the dream of Turkish defense industry enthusiasts for years. It will be one of the most deterrent and cost effective platform in its class. It is also a source of happiness for us that Turkish companies can play a role in the development of Pakistan's navy.
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As far as I know Jinnah Class is the definitive shape of Milgem Program as opted by Pakistan. All the four corvettes will be configure to Jinnah class specs. All four boats will be Jinnah Class boats with VLS, HQ-16, Harbah or Supersonic ASCM, Korkut CIWS.

I was not aware of any 2 x Frigate program with the Turks


It’s hard to tell which system is on the side

It is 12.7 STAMP

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Just want to correct something, these will NOT be using HQ-16 if the KSEW graphic is to believed. HQ-16 can ONLY be launched out of H/AJK-16 which features a common uptake for exhaust gasses, this is missing on the graphic, implying the missile will be a cold launch missile, so perhaps something along the lines of CAMM/ER, which is very possible considering MBDA IT visited PN very close to the announcement of Jinnah.


On the other hand, ExLS is designed for applications where space is limited, such as on this ship type, it is a cold launch system, can quadpack CAMM/ER and comes in 4 cell configs (as present in the graphic). Its the ONLY cold launch VLS available to the PN. Theres a chance they could use SYLVER but the graphic really does not look like SYLVER cells+ SYLVER is expensive and Bulky.


One other thing to note, the existance of a 4 cell ExLS solution is assumed based off of this MBDA graphic, i have only ever seen evidence for a 3 cell ExLS, adding more mystery to the setup. Oh, also, the graphic was missing illuminators for HQ-16
But no news of 2 frigates was shared additional to these 4 by Pak Navy with turkish.. @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Or you referring to jinnah class will developed locally as follow up

Can pleases share its detial with us
@Akh1112 The absence of the uptake hatch you marked may indicate that a cold launch type missile family will be used in this VLS. CAMM is one of them, but not the only one.. UK and Italy, more open to military cooperation both with Pakistan and Turkey, so that CAMM is the usual candidate for politics part.

The model(MBDA launcher) you show: one of some "peripheral" VLS system development works that have increasing in recent years. Another and -on the service- example is MARK-57. These launch cells are mostly in tactical length, as they can be positioned on very different superstructure sections other than the middle deck or bow of the ships, compared to centralized magazines. In addition to being an extremely modular and easy to maintain launch system with the ammunition types used SVL compatible, as far as I can understand, it can be applied to all types of ships much more easily.
2 additional frigates he mentioned. Was the question ? Is any official order or he meant jinnah class
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