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Pakistan to test-fire Italian Spada 2000 in 2010

:hitwall: what is Spada a missile shield too? That's too much ;). I bet you it can't shoot down missiles.

SAM = for aircraft. Not missiles.

it's not a ballistic missile shield, it's an anti-aircraft SAM system :hitwall:

but read the article too, and see what else it can intercept

plz READ what i posted....might help. Just a thought.
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I have a question.

How much successful is anti-ballistic missile against ballistic missile? Dose India or Pak have anti-ballistic missile?

not at this time......india is working on acquiring this capability, via cooperation with the israel (arrow?)

indians are still testing Prithvi system, but i dont know much about it.

Pakistan has not put priority on anti-ballistic shield. I think we should first focus on high altitude SAM network, then worry about missile shields

a missile shield would be quite india-centric. And I suppose that given certain contraints, we can only follow a mindset whereby if india were to launch a ballistic missile at us --we wouldnt be able to stop it

but we'd just reply by sending 10 of them right back to them....and it would hurt them.

a lot
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Correct me if i am wrong but "inaugurating a complex", doesn't that point to the fact that this system may eventually be produced in Pakistan ?.
In any case the Italians seem to have acquired a taste for Pakistan's defense industry, Midget Submarines, Griffo Radars, Falco UAVs and now this awesome news.

Yes the Italians are a very reliable ally in defence sector.

complex entails depot level maintenance (updates, re-lifing type capability).

Courtesy of Shebazi2001:

A SAM battery's forte must be resistance to jamming and some countermeasures to anti-radiation weapons. From previous conflicts, we know that SAM batteries face SEAD/DEAD aircraft first or face Escort Jammers before the arrival of strike package.

Therefore if a SAM battery can function in jamming conditions AND can deal with Anti-radiation missiles, then it has some deterrence value. Now the difficulty lies in the fact that latest jamming technology is secret and we dont always know the latest jamming techniques but still its possible to test the SAM radars against known jamming techniques.

For the anti-radiation missiles that home on back-lobes and side-lobes of a radar, its not easy to escape the attack. If SPADA has some tricks to counter this threat, then it may become headache for an aggressor.

now, according to MBDA:

According to MBDA, the system is capable of protecting of vital assets from air attacks conducted in a dense ECM and clutter environment, including PGM and tactical mizzies.

it seems that the testing it underwent in Kuwait, it faired QUITE well. Pakistan will be test-firing under similar condition these batteries in "first half of 2010"

As Pakistan will be using Apside 2000 -which are improved semi-active radar homing version of the original Apside missile --it will be good to see how they fare in such an environment. 3 would be inducted in 2010. Other 7 units would be inducted up until 2013.

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gud news.
is this considered as medium range air defence?
Is it the only best option Pakistan had?
I think China has many good long range air defence system as compared to SPADA, then why Pakistan is going for this system.
Just 20 Km range and max intercept altitude even very very less
Is it the only best option Pakistan had?
I think China has many good long range air defence system as compared to SPADA, then why Pakistan is going for this system.
Just 20 Km range and max intercept altitude even very very less

Its a point defence system, would be replacing the old croatle SAM system we have for many decades now.

Chinese option is on the cards, hopefully in future we will get one, but it would be the long range version.

Problem is we have an Air Defence system based on the western standards and most of the radars are also western, so may be integrating them the Chinese SAM into our Air Defence system may be a problem due to which PAF is still shying away from acquiring Chinese system or may be its working on to integrate it.
There was a news in past, though I have forgot the source that Pakistan in colaboration with China is working on a long range SAm system development.
Is it right or are there other sources to prove it ?
There was a news in past, though I have forgot the source that Pakistan in colaboration with China is working on a long range SAm system development.
Is it right or are there other sources to prove it ?

There was news and rumors of the HQ-9 / FD-2000 system to have been acquired in few numbers as an anti-AWAC role but nothing concrete has emerged.

But looking at future threats from our enemy, it seems something must be going on behind the scenes as Pakistan does need a long range atleast 150+KM range SAM system as the qualitative and quantitative superiority in Airforce segment from our enemy is increasing day by day, which can be countered with any good SAM system. So hopefully in a few years things will get clear, who knows may be some HQ-9 batteries are operative but we don't know about them. May have been procured as stop gap measure till something final emerges.
Pakistan has none, India is making one. And as for their results, success rate isn't 100% in the test launches by the ones who are trying to make them, many failures and many success results, my personal view is they will perform 50-50, may intercept, may not. Not entirely reliable the current generation, future may become 100% effective.

I agree to you brother Taimi Khan,

This is one solid reason why ABM Shield is composed of three level defences.

First through Airspace and airbourne laser systems, then comes THAAD missile system having upto 1000 Kms range and as a final level of defence come PAC 3.

It means USA is more prudent as compared to your 50-50 chances, they consider each level of defence to be effective at the rate of 33% to 34%.

India is doing the same, its trying to use trishul for PAC 3 job, Prithvi for THAAD missile job and they are quickly improving their space capabilities to launch Airbourne and Space defence systems.
ok guys this might sounds like a dumb question but bare with me...can someone explain the detection & target range if a battery of SPADA is placed in lahore! how far would be the indian fighter inorder for our SPADA system to detect it & lock on for a shot?

SD10 has a longer range if converted to a SAM! not to mention our AIM120c what is the big deal of a 20km range! we need a longer range so that the system is our of reach of an enemy SEAD operation!

we need something along the lines of the S-300 system
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Hey guys can someone who has worked with italian systems please care to elaborate how reliable they are.
There is a big diference between a defence product and a car but Italian cars have crap electronics.You would know what I mean if you have had a punto or alfa.
MBDA is like Raytheon of Europe so don't worry...it's good enough.
Let me ask a (stupid may be) question.

Suppose Pakistan has no jets, helicopters, war-ships, tanks but a lot of many many all kinds of missiles, some advanced satellites, advanced radars and money.
Then is it possible to win the war against India by attacking with only missiles (with the help of radars and satellites) which will destroy their tanks, ships, jets, bankers, armies?

I know that will be expensive but I am asking about in case Pakistan has the money and systems.
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