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Pakistan to soon deploy a nasty surprise for Indian Aircraft Carriers.

man u yourself don't understand what u really want to say :undecided:
try to convince your self to think first then do the typing.
you insane thinking with nothing logical all you're trying say that we will launch eveything toward your CBG and DDG, FFG will be intercepted and you launch anything to us will be unstoppble that your meaning i'm fully understanding your words you twit:lol::rofl::enjoy:
Want to deter India then make a proper 2nd strike capability with SSBN and SLBM in large numbers!!!
Respected sir;
before commenting learn to understand when i speak for that speed its actual range is less as depicted further u your self understand that even if i tell u its average speed this means that it initialy would have zero speed than took some pace and after its all solid fuelis burned its would be around 2.5 to 3 mach and then 4 thus meaning at terminal phase its going to be at max 7 mach .do some reasoning:coffee:and still if so u aren't firing a dumb missile at an armed CBG With fuller situational awareness do you .

sir for god sake
tell me that your jf-17 is a stealth plane and is from another world that no one can see and that carieer is already hosting 30 mig29k/ UPG FOR that same reason with own BVR , then those missile's.:hitwall:

hahaha ,,, you are assumptions are something out of the world ... there is no point in talking to you kid
What exactly is the definition of 'near' ? 300-400 km is good enough for a Indian destroyer/frigate. This is not 1971, where we had only Styx with 80 km range.

300-400 Km is just few minutes flight for PAF jets armed with some nasty stuff, wont be surprised if PAF create a no shipping buffer for Indian way far away from Pakistan exclusive economic zone and shipping lines.

Already busted propaganda, double lol.

In a war, Pakistani your MPA's won't be there.

You are not even going to own your own busted sub? LOL
300-400 Km is just few minutes flight for PAF jets armed with some nasty stuff,

Sure, and Indian carrier & shore based aviation will have even nastier surprises waiting for PAF. Ever heard of the term BARCAP ?

And the naval ships are well defended by multi layer systems, the outermost being Barak 8.

Also, I was being a little modest, the range of Brahmos missile ATM is 450 km.

wont be surprised if PAF create a no shipping buffer for Indian way far away from Pakistan exclusive economic zone and shipping lines.

More false bravado from a country which had it's main sea port blockaded by little missile boats.

Get a map & find how distant major Indian ports & shipping lanes are from Pakistan) & take a good look at the combat radius of your JF 17. Also take a look at the altitude at which PAF jets have to fly to attain optimum range, the range of India's radar installation, AEW&C etc

:lol::rofl::rofl: look yourself Barak-1 range kid and think acorrdingly

Barak 1 is PDMS.
Sure, and Indian carrier & shore based aviation will have even nastier surprises waiting for PAF. Ever heard of the term BARCAP ?

And the naval ships are well defended by multi layer systems, the outermost being Barak 8.

Also, I was being a little modest, the range of Brahmos missile ATM is 450 km.

Kid, did you take your geography lessons? All our major shipping lines are going westwards towards ME and Europe, we dont have any worthwhile shipping lines we have to worry going east towards you lot. You have to come a long way off from your safe zone in order to attempt a disruption in our shipping lanes. You are living in fools paradise if you think if you can even come close to our exclusive waters, let alone disrupt them, your ships be touching bottom of the Arabian sea on the first indication to Pakistan that India is trying to be audacious. Not just PAF, the PN fleet including its submarines (which btw equals yours), the land base systems such as ZARB, odds are stacked against you which your bravado wont change.

On the other hand Pakistan can easily block/disrupt Indian shipping lines as all your important routes are going westwards, including energy trade.
Kid, did you take your geography lessons? All our major shipping lines are going westwards towards ME and Europe, we dont have any worthwhile shipping lines we have to worry going east towards you lot. You have to come a long way off from your safe zone in order to attempt a disruption in our shipping lanes. You are living in fools paradise if you think if you can even come close to our exclusive waters, let alone disrupt them, your ships be touching bottom of the Arabian sea on the first indication to Pakistan that India is trying to be audacious. Not just PAF, the PN fleet including its submarines (which btw equals yours), the land base systems such as ZARB, odds are stacked against you which your bravado wont change.

On the other hand Pakistan can easily block/disrupt Indian shipping lines as all your important routes are going westwards, including energy trade.

What a load of bullshit...How far away is Karachi from Saurastra coast ? Your ships would be bunched up in Karachi harbour, just as in case of 1971.

And please, cut the crap about 'Indian ships be touching bottom of the Arabian sea'. Those vessels are not under-armed corvettes masquerading as something else, like your Zulfiqar class and are perfectly capable of defending against supersonic SSMs.

And throw in a CBG & shore based air support with constant surveillance from long endurance MPAs like P-8I and you can do jack about Indian navy.

The shipping lane towards ME ports is several nm away from your mainland. where IN would have achieved Sea denial.
What a load of bullshit...How far away is Karachi from Saurastra coast ? Your ships would be bunched up in Karachi harbour, just as in case of 1971.

And please, cut the crap about 'Indian ships be touching bottom of the Arabian sea'. Those vessels are not under-armed corvettes masquerading as something else, like your Zulfiqar class and are perfectly capable of defending against supersonic SSMs.

And throw in a CBG & shore based air support with constant surveillance from long endurance MPAs like P-8I and you can do jack about Indian navy.

The shipping lane towards ME ports is several nm away from your mainland. where IN would have achieved Sea denial.

Usual typical Indian randi rona and utter bullocks.

Kiddo, you can see the lights of Mascat from Gawadar, this is how close we are sitting from the mouth of Persian Gulf. and if needed be, we can easily chock your oil supply line in and out of ME. we dont even have to use our Air or sea based power to achieve that, our land base ZARB missile will suffice. Ormara Submarine base is also next to Gawadar, We can easily sustain Indian shipping lines blockade without any issues.
Sure, and Indian carrier & shore based aviation will have even nastier surprises waiting for PAF. Ever heard of the term BARCAP ?

And the naval ships are well defended by multi layer systems, the outermost being Barak 8.

Also, I was being a little modest, the range of Brahmos missile ATM is 450 km.

More false bravado from a country which had it's main sea port blockaded by little missile boats.

Get a map & find how distant major Indian ports & shipping lanes are from Pakistan) & take a good look at the combat radius of your JF 17. Also take a look at the altitude at which PAF jets have to fly to attain optimum range, the range of India's radar installation, AEW&C etc

Barak 1 is PDMS.
What that means?
iddo, you can see the lights of Mascat from Gawadar, this is how close we are sitting from the mouth of Persian Gulf. and if needed be, we can easily chock your oil supply line in and out of ME. we dont even have to use our Air or sea based power to achieve that, our land base ZARB missile will suffice.

Again, good luck with that but just FYI we source than 50% of our crude requirement from outside the ME. And then there are strategic oil reserves of 5 million metric tonnes, now being expanded to 15 million metric tonnes. Also do know that there are crude oil terminals in Red sea. Don't tell me you can establish a blockade there.

And if history is anything to go by, Pakistani navy would be rather busy saving their own rear than blockading anyone when IN establishes a blockade on your ports.

You have literally no way in countering a carrier based airpower providing cover to destroyers armed with Barak 8/Brahmos combo.

What that means?

Barrier Combat Air Patrol. You can expect some Mig 29s in station.

with a speed of just MACH-2.0:lol: how can it defend your CBG from a missile which has a terminal speed of MACH-5.5

Mach 5.5 ? Again, a long shot for a modified SY-400 missile.

There is Barak 8 as well for dealing with missiles at a longer range.
What a load of bullshit...How far away is Karachi from Saurastra coast ? Your ships would be bunched up in Karachi harbour, just as in case of 1971.

And please, cut the crap about 'Indian ships be touching bottom of the Arabian sea'. Those vessels are not under-armed corvettes masquerading as something else, like your Zulfiqar class and are perfectly capable of defending against supersonic SSMs.

And throw in a CBG & shore based air support with constant surveillance from long endurance MPAs like P-8I and you can do jack about Indian navy.

The shipping lane towards ME ports is several nm away from your mainland. where IN would have achieved Sea denial.
Good luck surrounding karachi , gwadar etc in presence of 13 sub + more smaller coastal subs... cruise missiles and an expanding navy...4 Milgems + 3-5 coastal subs joining more to follow.
similar to akash range 70 KM

30 km.

if you increases a range of your world best brahmouse :enjoy: to 290 KM to 600 KM so why not Pakistan

Brahmos weighs more than 3 tonnes & uses a liquid fuel ramjet engine. To increase the range of your CM400 AKG by nearly 2 times, you can increase the propellent loading but then a JF 17 maynot be able to carry it.

And there is not even one source which quotes 400 km for CM400AKG. Even heavier ramjet powered YJ 12 has range of only 400 km.

gwadar etc in presence of 13 sub + more smaller coastal subs... cruise missiles and an expanding navy...4 Milgems + 3-5 coastal subs joining more to follow.

13 sub ? if you're talking about Chinese subs that will be in 2027-28. Same with 4 Milgems (to be delivered in 10 years)

Dude, we plan to induct 7 next gen corvettes (comparable to smaller frigates) + 6 next gen missile vessels (corvettes) in the same time period. I'm not even talking about Vishakhapatanam/ P17A/ Delhi class upgrade/ Shivalik class upgrade.

more smaller coastal subs

They are for delivering SSG operatives.

And we have no answer for those we have no Fighter jets we have no AWACS, we have no BVR equipped jets

we have more of literally every one of those. That's the point.
Again, good luck with that but just FYI we source than 50% of our crude requirement from outside the ME. And then there are strategic oil reserves of 5 million metric tonnes, now being expanded to 15 million metric tonnes. Also do know that there are crude oil terminals in Red sea. Don't tell me you can establish a blockade there.

And if history is anything to go by, Pakistani navy would be rather busy saving their own rear than blockading anyone when IN establishes a blockade on your ports.

You have literally no way in countering a carrier based airpower providing cover to destroyers armed with Barak 8/Brahmos combo.

So where do you get your crude from if not ME? Is Iran not your biggest oil supplier? Dont talk BS with me kid. Even yanks have to think twice about the consequence of persian gulf getting blocked by Iran if they decide to have some action against them, you think blocking of persian gulf for Indian trade would not matter to you? Who the fk you think you are? You do understand that we operate Ormara submarine base right next to gawadar, on the mouth of Persian gulf. Its a childs play for us to have complete blockade of any Indian cargo going in and out of the gulf.

Recent history has told us that despite Pakistan doing surgery on India for months inside Kargil, which is Indian controlled territory, Indian Navy was no where to be seen, and when one Indian sub decided to show up near Pakistani waters recently, it was caught with its pants down.

Thats is the reality of today.
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