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Featured Pakistan to provide arms to Tajikistan, says PM Imran as leaders sign MoUs for cooperation in various fields

Lol that is not even the real NATO agreement but just a formality one for public use and you think that is the real NATO agreement behind the scenes.. Just based on that you lose the credibility..

You don't need to be math genius that if the escalation had continued it would have spread into every country in the region including Pakistan and could even lead to some state figures getting usurped and yes you are wrong in that one also

And what's your credibility? What proof do you have? You have presented nothing, absolutely nothing. Just a dream you had last night that Pakistan would provide its nuclear umbrella to others, when Pakistan does not has those resources and neither are Pakistan's Armed Forces trained to do this.

So thank you for making it clear that you have no proof, no logic but you had a dream last night that Pakistan is providing its nuclear umbrella to others. Lets end the conversation here.
I wonder if the Russians will allow there STANS to buy small arms from outsiders,
I wonder if the Russians will allow there STANS to buy small arms from outsiders,

These stans have nothing with Russia except economical relations and Russia has no judicial sovereignty outside of it's borders... Example the Turkic states have great turkish tech weaponry.. Example we saw it in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict With Azerbajian.. The Turkic states are better armed then other Russian allies state like Belarus that is ethnically russian... Tajiki has better trade links with China and in fact all the Stans do with China more then Russia.. But politically they differ completely some are Turkic council countries and Tajikistan is the lone wolf trying to befriend Pakistan..... They follow their own path and write their own story... politically and culturally they have nothing in common with Russia... Different entities with different agendas, peoples and sovereignty
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So am i, but that doesnt mean we project that bitterness upon every positive development about Pakistan, would u agree?

No positive development is possible or feasible in long run if terrorists are having upper hand against your military anywhere in Pakistan

We are losing against BLA. Simple.

We can win against them but there is no will by the military and civilian establishment to do that. They are okay with poor sons from impoverished families getting killed every now and then
Bro can we leave this on the thread for it, and you know how I feel about it i.e. very angry. Thanks.

We are continuously doing a great disservice to those who got killed by ignoring the questions that need to be asked

These arms exports etc is all bullsh!t if our soldiers are getting slaughtered every other day

02 June, 2021: As a gesture of hospitality and brotherhood, a contingent of JF-17 Thunder aircraft from No 18 Squadron of Pakistan Air Force, presented ceremonial air escort to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Mr Emomali Rahmon as his aircraft entered the Pakistani Air Space. JF-17 formation leader extended greetings to the President of Tajikistan.

H.E. Mr Emomali Rahmon reciprocated the gesture by thanking the JF-17 formation leader.

Either Al-Khalid or Thunder.

Thunder depends on the will of the Tajiks to raise a squadron.
Tajiks have been on the opposing side of the Afghan equation.

It will be wise to offer trade route, coupled with strategic partnership.

I will be very interested to understand what arms would the Tajiks want that they can't get from their soviet era cousins.
UCAVs and MRAP vehicles .....
Neither of which would have helped when they attack an outpost with a small army of men. I fully support giving FC whatever they need but This was no Roadside IED attack sadly. We can call it a failure on the part of operational readiness and response. Or an intelligence failure. My point is the same, we need to work towards ending these attacks and not trying to defend from them because a terrorist attack is a terrorist attacking wether one die or ten die. Even with all those, in an attack like this, one would have died. And that’s no better.
The solution is non-military, and so far only the military is trying to work for it, because most of Pakistan doesn’t know or doesn’t care.
I imagine Tajikistan is hedging its bets with BRI and china... Its a win/win situation honestly, I think people are understanding that once the US leaves there will be a huge power vacuum and it will be filled likely by china. Most of these land-locked central Asian countries will need a route to the sea. It is not a coincidence that this is happening as soon as Gwadar became operational..
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