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Featured Pakistan to provide arms to Tajikistan, says PM Imran as leaders sign MoUs for cooperation in various fields

Seems very basic MOU on University cooperation , education fields and Transport of goods
However nice to see Pakistan focused on Central Asia major markets exist there
Pakistan is 75% of the economy and population of all the central asian STANS. Their integration would meant complete Pakistani hegemony in one of the most strategic locations in the world. Taking Afghanistan means we would be 75% there.

Something opposed by India, Russia, and Iran.
Sorry we trade with every one like Swiss do !!! No one opposes anyone , we want to grow contact with all countries in Central Asia

No beef with Russia
No beef with Iran
No beef with Middle East
No beef with USA
No beef with UK

Indians just don't like beef else we would get along

We sent prime Tomatoes and Vegetables to Afghanistan by road

The 70's and 80's style blocs and self inflicted , bad policies are not our focus anymore

We are now "ANTI - BLOC "

Someone has beef with Russia , sort it out in Alaska
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Nice expand business with anyone we can. Nice way to checkmate the Parsiban Northern Alliance scum in Kabul.
Pakistan needs to explore Natural resources in Central Asia, make more trade with them as that region is rich beyond comprehension, only hurdle is Afghanistan which will create issues.
You are overacting to a minor incident
This is not a minor incident. That place is inside your borders. Things will not change until and unless People and the govt stop taking these incidents as minor.
Wrong, no they don't and Pakistan's nuclear umbrella does not extend to anyone. It is for Pakistan and Pakistan only. When Pakistan creates an economy worth $5 trillion, then we can talk.

There is an old saying 'Fight as you Train, and Train as you Fight'. Strategic Command Group of Pakistan operates and deploys Pakistan's nuclear weapons. They are only trained to fight our enemy to the East and no one else. I think you Fanboys need to understand, this is not a car that you just put a key to the ignition and anyone can start driving. It takes decades of training and experience to build a doctrine and Strategic Command's Doctrine is only focused on India.

Case in Point: It took Pakistan Army more then 5 years to build a credible COIN doctrine which still had a lot of gaps because their Doctrine was based on fighting India. You think Pakistan can just turn a switch tomorrow and start offering its Nuclear Umbrella to other countries in the West. What are the logistics, where are the officers, where is the training, where will the nukes be stored? Did Strategic Command Group add more manpower to its team to accommodate West? The answer is: NO

I will end the conversation on my end for this topic. For now, what you're stating is Fanboy Rhetoric, similar to Pakistan Air Force fighting the Israelis. Come back to me when you have proof.

Good Day


Only fanboy rhetoric, similar to Pakistan Air Force fighting the Israelis.
What if I tell you, there were SPD Engineers in Saudia Arabia. :smokin:
Neither of which would have helped when they attack an outpost with a small army of men. I fully support giving FC whatever they need but This was no Roadside IED attack sadly. We can call it a failure on the part of operational readiness and response. Or an intelligence failure. My point is the same, we need to work towards ending these attacks and not trying to defend from them because a terrorist attack is a terrorist attacking wether one die or ten die. Even with all those, in an attack like this, one would have died. And that’s no better.
The solution is non-military, and so far only the military is trying to work for it, because most of Pakistan doesn’t know or doesn’t care.
How did a small army of men plan, coordinate, assemble and carry out such an attack that went on for hours? Why didn't the intelligence agencies catch wind of it beforehand, how did we miss such a force gathering for the attack and then why was no air support provided which could have reached them in 10-20mins?
Pakistan is 75% of the economy and population of all the central asian STANS. Their integration would meant complete Pakistani hegemony in one of the most strategic locations in the world. Taking Afghanistan means we would be 75% there.

Something opposed by India, Russia, and Iran.
I think the right way to go about with it is to offer them barter trade on mutually needed commodities. If there is additional stuff they need it can be provided. We need to move into Central Asia with the idea of increasing our market share and diversification. This needs to be done in a manner that these countries don't feel that we are taking advantage of them. Once Central Asia id established as Trading partners we can include Afghanistan into the equation. It is very important that we look at it from the point of view of mutual development as this is the only way to establish ourselves and develop cohesiveness and brotherhood. Once this strategy takes off we will have poorer countries lining up to do trade with us.
Very few countries are actually poor. They are mostly mismanaged and have lack of appropriate wealth distribution. With CPEC at least expansion of our influence into Central Asia and Russia via trade is a distinct possibility. If we do it on a people to people basis it may allow local small time entrepreneurs to expand their ideas into trade opportunies which will fuel growth. Since we control the trade routes the growth would be exponential and help propel the whole region into prosperity.
I knew it. I said it a month ago when the Tajiki delegation visited PK and they didn't only come for Weapons purchase but they also came for defense treaty with Pakistan imo and to come under the nuclear umbrella for their own long term safety.. The turkic states have the turkic council and they suddenly felt alone in the region and there was only one way to go that was Pakistan
Turkic council is another Oh I C another arab league. fruitless to have any joint policy .

And Tajikistan is not a Turkic state

btw Tajikistan is not a friend of Pakistan.
They will always prefer India over us.. Right now they need us so they are sucking up. We should deal this as business and nothing more.

Where have all the MODs gone. Must be asleep.
Either that or they must let certain members get away with trolling.
Turkic council is another Oh I C another arab league. fruitless to have any joint policy .

And Tajikistan is not a Turkic state

btw Tajikistan is not a friend of Pakistan.
They will always prefer India over us.. Right now they need us so they are sucking up. We should deal this as business and nothing more.

Gas stuff maybe Afghanistan. Who knows, no one tell worse no one bothers asking.

Dushanbe can be a friendly place for Pakistanis.

Leave it to the government fans to create sand castles.
probably being nice to us now that the Taliban mujahideen is going to be there new neighbour I reckon reason for there buying visit to Pakistan. i don’t forget iran & Tajikistan, are no real friends of Pakistan they have maliciously given Indian access to our neighbourhood against us. send him to Turkey
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