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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

Good, as long as our core national interests are not being challenged we should go out of our way to maintain good relationship with the west
That's what Pakistan did between 2002-2008 and they nearly ignited a civil war in Pakistan.

Anyway, why don't they station their forces in India since India-US signed up on the LEMOSA agreement?
And once the US troops have left, Pakistan will be kept on the grey list, F-16s and Vipers will still be blocked, won't see any aid or trade, the EU will keep PIA banned despite evacuating their citizens and Pakistan will be told to do more.

It’s possible, a lot of that will have to go through Congress, and unless Biden signs a waiver, they will remain blocked.
Take it easy bro, its a humanitarian mission not a military one. Our hotels will make a killing, US/West is kept away from the India and we get few brownie points which helps our economy in the long run. Even deep down the snakes who are going to stay in our hotels i wish them not so well but we should not be emotional and be pragmatic.
Key question is what Pakistan gets out of all this Dr release, Embargoed Zulu's release, for Turkish helicopters engines and quiet nod from the state department for the transfer of Jordanian f 16 should be minimum. Because for all this US government doesn't needs any congress approval where they can find themselves mission impossible for them to get through. Their diplomats must have contacted us then its up to them to get the nod from state department for our needs too. We should be fighting for our country interests and drive a hard bargain instead of being mother Theresa.

My mistake, I thought that they would establish a base here. Still, I can't see why it's needed, why not fly people to an established US base in the Gulf?

The US army doesn't exactly bring peace and prosperity wherever it goes.
Not announced by another source yet. Is this someone just shooting from the hip?
WHY do we have to help them?.........why can't india or another help them?.........why does Pakistan have to be the baby sitter of the world............ :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Well because you're their ally when they need you and you're a scapegoat when they don't. They will put an arms embargo when you are at war and remember their strategic partner,valued ally and old-time friend,when they actually want your help.
From 1.31 to 2.03

US and Allied forces have asked Pakistan for help in the evacuation.
Pakistan has agreed to help.
US + Allied forces will station 3k to 4k troops in Karachi. Pakistan will issue visas for them.
Prior to transfer to the US, they will be kept in Pakistan for a month. Accommodation will be arranged by Sindh Govt.
Flts from Kabul will possibly start landing tomorrow.
Due to rush at Islamabad airport, Karachi was chosen.

Is this due to Quad 2.0, that everyone seem to be ignoring?
July 16, 2021

What was gained in return ?
Going to cry again and complain about everyone being 2faced when full sanctions against Pakistan are in effect by next month ?
When will the policy makers and powers that be in Pakistan grow some sense and balls ?

I hope this is just GEO bullshit as usual. Will wait to see if other sources report same or confirmed.
Why can't India, the west's biggest friend, harbour US soldiers?
Why Pakistan, the enemy?
The government needs to speak up now and make those demands. If you don't ask or make public, nothing will happen as the brothers have said.
Let's see.
Engine clearance, lifting of FATF and Vipers would be a great start.

Quite frankly, this should have been done before agreeing to station American troops on Pakistani soil.
If this is true, it will be a bitter pill to swallow, but at the end of it, this is the price for being seen as Allies again. Pakistan must get the US to stop the blame game and accepts Pakistan as a genuine Ally (and behaves accordingly), and accommodate its concerns as well.

This is the PM’s way of being a partner in peace, not a partner in war, as he stated he wanted to be. It will also help Pakistan’s international image and allow Pakistan to better gets its economic interests addressed.

I just hope the Pakistani military has a tight cordon of this place, and the intel to prevent, god forbid, what happened in Kabul airport happening in Karachi.

Well they're not are they? Has Biden called Imran yet?
What should be emphasized here the absolute sh!tshow by America and its strategic partners. Cant do organized withdrawals , cant deal with security of only one place left in Afghanistan where they got presence, which is Kabul airport. Its same "black hawk down" moment where they come begging Pakistan when shit hits the fan.

All this happening when blue eyed boy of American establishment is doing this:

Why do yanks needs a month stay in Pakistan?
My mistake, I thought that they would establish a base here. Still, I can't see why it's needed, why not fly people to an established US base in the Gulf?

The US army doesn't exactly bring peace and prosperity wherever it goes.

They are running out of time and 31 August is too close for them too cope to get all snakes out. The snakes they have raised and fed have further multiplied and now they have got baby snakes too. That's what happens when you advertise free meal and free air fare, when your pants are down, you want to save your balls and your man hood is at stake. They tried to dig hole for the Taliban without realising there was a sink hole underneath and now they can't cross the hole. Tell you one thing Allah help comes in the most mysterious ways.

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