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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

Well they're not are they? Has Biden called Imran yet?

We don’t know yet and what kind of deals have been struck. besides, we can’t expect the US establishment to do a 180 in a single day, especially considering the day’s events and the egos of career officials and military involved. Let’s wait and see.
We want to move away from transactional relationship, this is what PM keeps mentioning

Don't think he'll ask for stuff

Just be a responsible state and help em build long term relationship and credibility
... We will help them as promised with evacuation only and will absolutely not allow any sort of military base. ...

It will all be over in a month.
It'll be absolutely over in Afghanistan by 31 August 2021 but it will absolutely not for Pakistan for at least another month?

Let's not kid ourselves brother.
The headline is exaggeration and so are the comments but this is just a temporary 1 month stationary or transit :lol:
There has been no official confirmation, we shouldn't forget that.

Transiting troops are more like tourists rather than a division of army stationed. The title says "stationed", while that will clearly not be the case. Stationed implies some sort of autonomy to function. These troops will have none. They will be housed until flights can be scheduled for them to fly to where ever they need to go. We will make money by providing them services. 4K soldiers are not enough to take over Karachi, don't worry. Besides I doubt they will even have vehicles to get around in. So if anyone who thinks these soldiers are gonna walk out of their secure sleeping quarters, and walk to Karachi and take over is nuts.

Despite popular PDF belief, Pakistan and NATO/US are allies. And as weird of a relationship we have, as "allies" we will help them get out of Afghanistan. Hopefully Karachi will get some good publicity and these soldiers will spend some money on Food Panda or something lol 😂. More realistically I don't think we will get anything out of it. What we need most right now is good publicity. And I don't think there will be any western media reports on how nice we are being by giving them a safe spot. That said, the human to human bond that Pakistan will make with all these soldiers will remain. These soldiers will remember what we did for them once. Same goes for western journalists who are being accommodated for. People will remember. As for materials goods. Thats anyones guess. If the US was gonna release the Zulus for us, they would do it even without this event.

Finally, it really begs the question. Why a short stay in Pakistan. Why couldn't they be taken to various US bases in the region. Didn't they plan this properly! But if it turns out that they really needed our help due to some logistical problem, then no problem. We do deserve more details though!

Salahuddin spared lives when he captured Jerusalem. And ensured safe passage!
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If this is true, it will be a bitter pill to swallow, but at the end of it, this is the price for being seen as Allies again. Pakistan must get the US to stop the blame game and accepts Pakistan as a genuine Ally (and behaves accordingly), and accommodate its concerns as well.

This is the PM’s way of being a partner in peace, not a partner in war, as he stated he wanted to be. It will also help Pakistan’s international image and allow Pakistan to better gets its economic interests addressed.

I just hope the Pakistani military has a tight cordon of this place, and the intel to prevent, god forbid, what happened in Kabul airport happening in Karachi.

Pakistan is simply assisting the US in evacuation, nothing more nothing less. Don't read this as anything more. China and Pakistan are allied, for sure, but Pakistan and the US...that's up in the air, for the moment. How the US sees Pakistan will only emerge in the coming months, but calling each other allies is not one of them.

The guy below has it right.


And once the US troops have left, Pakistan will be kept on the grey list, F-16s and Vipers will still be blocked, won't see any aid or trade, the EU will keep PIA banned despite evacuating their citizens and Pakistan will be told to do more.

Forget military sales, that is not happening. The best Pakistan can expect is a cordial, normal relationship.
Let me do a prediction of future. I really really hope these won't come true but.

These 4K troops number will be increased to close to 10K, Pakistan will see new wave of rise in these sudden attacks Uncle Sam will blame Pakistan, Pakistani people will blame Uncle Sam, Pakistani state will show its incompetency, including Top brass of Pakistani Army and the Suddenly Pakistan will need some Love & Power of Democracy.

NOTHING Good will come out of this, Since everyone is leaving why Pakistan want to earn these brownie points for no reason while sam always treats worse then a toilet tissue paper

They already have a setup running in middle east, everyone is safe let them sort own issues

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