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Pakistan to let Americans and Afghans transit through Karachi

It'll be absolutely over in Afghanistan by 31 August 2021 but it will absolutely not for Pakistan for at least another month?

Let's not kid ourselves brother.

Bro yes they already fucked up the evacuation operation, and with the bomb blast its basically it. Staying after 31st is not possible for them, and it is in our interest that they don't extend their stay in Afghanistan under any pretext.

ISKP was used to create circumstances that warrant America extending its stay in Afghanistan. I have every doubt that Saleh (NDS remnants/Raw) has his hand in it. See Panjishir immediately called off/delayed the negotiations. Biden did not take the bait.

What we are confusing this evacuation with is a US military station, even if the news is true they will at most be kind of immigration officers coordinating and wrapping up the evacuation operation. Its not a military presence as such.

Furthermore it will dessipate the negative propaganda and will win us a great deal of goodwill ( don't count media but the actual diplomatic community). Remember we are helping dozens of countries in their evacuation efforts.

With this attack basically made ISKP the foremost enemy of America, ISKP is an open enemy of Afghan Taliban and Pakistan. ISKP is the other name for the most brutal and inhumane factions of TTP which are guns for hire and had/have a working relation with NDS and RAW.
The current factions dominating TTP including its head is ISKP.
US and Allied forces have asked Pakistan for help in the evacuation.
Pakistan has agreed to help.
US + Allied forces will station 3k to 4k troops in Karachi. Pakistan will issue visas for them.
Prior to transfer to the US, they will be kept in Pakistan for a month. Accommodation will be arranged by Sindh Govt.
Flts from Kabul will possibly start landing tomorrow.
Due to rush at Islamabad airport, Karachi was chosen.

Is this due to Quad 2.0, that everyone seem to be ignoring?
July 16, 2021

If someone asks me to plan these evacuations, I'd take out US embassy and related staff ASAP (a couple of days before Kabul fell). And I'd immediately contact Pakistan and Turkey and let them run the airport while ensuring their flights will deliver American / Westerners back.

I think the West needs to understand in these situations that we need to avoid the risk, the locals don't like us. So it's better to ask for a Muslim nation's military to help then risk our own people, who may not be liked by the new regime. Just my two cents.

This QUAD mentioned here, has no real value left since the entire take over of Afg. with the new regime.
If this news is even slightly true Bajwa and Imran Khan can pack their bags. US or NATO presence in Pakistan won't be tolerated.
There is difference between adda daina and visa daina …Good move by Pakistan , we cant deny if they are applying for visas
Pakistan is simply assisting the US in evacuation, nothing more nothing less. Don't read this as anything more. China and Pakistan are allied, for sure, but Pakistan and the US...that's up in the air, for the moment. How the US sees Pakistan will only emerge in the coming months, but calling each other allies is not one of them.

The guy below has it right.


Forget military sales, that is not happening. The best Pakistan can expect is a cordial, normal relationship.

I was referring to the MNNA status, but your right, the best that can be hoped for at this stage is Normal cordial relations.
Pakistan is making very sensitive decision which in future will haunt us usa should not be given help they always betrayed us ALLAH knows what is plan of usa in this i dont think so usa has any evacuation issues since it can send C 5 and hire airliners more flights dailt our think tankers arr nuts pak is going to be a hot spot for us india funded terorists

Remember where ever usa goes there is violance
This QUAD mentioned here, has no real value left since the entire take over of Afg. with the new regime.

Thank you for proving my point as stated in another topic.

This Quad 2.0 was brought up in a Press Meeting (once) over a month back and now its one of those things that'll just go in the archives.
Forget military sales, that is not happening. The best Pakistan can expect is a cordial, normal relationship.
- Pakistan will get out of the FATF grey list - eventually. I think India has done all it could in the past couple of years in trying to get Pakistan in the Black list. Unsuccessful ofcourse.

- PIA will eventually be allowed to fly back to the EU. They questioned our Safety Record. I think that has been set aside since we were/are the only commercial airline currently operating into Kabul.

- One of our former Air Chief told the US DoD to F-off with further F-16 deals. I think its pretty apparent that we can get a whole lot more from China at a fraction of cost then we would from the US.

- The US hasn't given Pakistan any aid in nearly 5 Years and we're perfectly fine with that.
Why ? This one month will increase surely and slowly it will be a permanent one ...
There presence will make a city target to terror attacks once again ...
Should have been kept in islamabad ..if necessary
Don't know what this government is smoking ...
Call to Biden na phir be nai krni Khan sab ...
- One of our former Air Chief told the US DoD to F-off with further F-16 deals. I think its pretty apparent that we can get a whole lot more from China at a fraction of cost then we would from the US.

- The US hasn't given Pakistan any aid in nearly 5 Years and we're perfectly fine with that.

These are untrue. Pakistan showed lots of interest in -16's Block 70. Issue is, there is no hard money to pay for and LM won't subsidize it unless financing is involved through FMS. Plus, now, the mood in the congress has changed. Dems favor India a lot more than Pakistan so these -16's are probably dreams of the past and the QUAD is not the most essential to the US over Pakistan tbh.

You can get a whole lot more from the Chinese, but it is battle proven and truly as advanced as the US military hardware is?
Why ? This one month will increase surely and slowly it will be a permanent one ...
There presence will make a city target to terror attacks once again ...
Should have been kept in islamabad ..if necessary
Don't know what this government is smoking ...
Call to Biden na phir be nai krni Khan sab ...

Bro we are basically giving them kind of a face saving, so they can say we concluded our evacuation operation, if you noticed the forces opposing American withdrawal are going at max length to use fuckups in evacuation operation to not only target Afghan Taliban but also make ground for continued US military presence in Afghanistan. That serves their interests as their goal is destability in Afghanistan.

It is in our national interest that this evacuation operation goes on and a peaceful settlement is reached in Afghanistan which we are perusing . If we corner US and with their domestic politics they will be left with no option but to take rash decisions which goes against our interests.

As far as their presence is concerned in karachi visit their embassy which is churning out yalda hakim Pakistani cousins the pseudo Liberal anti Pakistan dissenters in numbers under the guise of peace activists human rights activists working for VOA to BBB urdu to Washington Post to Dawn to what not, who are brainwashing our youth from LGBT marches to PTM/PDM media wings. They don't need karachi airport for that 😂
Last edited:
From 1.31 to 2.03

US and Allied forces have asked Pakistan for help in the evacuation.
Pakistan has agreed to help.
US + Allied forces will station 3k to 4k troops in Karachi. Pakistan will issue visas for them.
Prior to transfer to the US, they will be kept in Pakistan for a month. Accommodation will be arranged by Sindh Govt.
Flts from Kabul will possibly start landing tomorrow.
Due to rush at Islamabad airport, Karachi was chosen.

Is this due to Quad 2.0, that everyone seem to be ignoring?
July 16, 2021

I think it is irrespective of QUAD 2.0.

Quad 2 is not a security arrangement but a trade route to reach central asia.

In any case Pakistan dont want negative relationship with USA and accordingly want to help US in leaving afghanistan as this is a win win.
Good, as long as our core national interests are not being challenged we should go out of our way to maintain good relationship with the west

Mate! we can have good relationship with "West" without foreign troops stationing in Pakistan. For the love of God, we need to understand the concept of "sovereign country" :(
WHY do we have to help them?.........why can't india or another help them?.........why does Pakistan have to be the baby sitter of the world............ :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
change it stance for money??.....So many time it has happened in the past.....From Absolutely Not to Absolutely Yes

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