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Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

Most probably someone in charge of posters put wrong pictures? He/she did google search for air defence equipment and got totally wrong! Hope I am wrong?

The pictures have red info boxes inside them. More likely than not the boxes have the exact names of what kind of systems are being looked into

but like zarvan said our media people don't have the brains to pay attention to things that matter >.<
The pictures have red info boxes inside them. More likely than not the boxes have the exact names of what kind of systems are being looked into

but like zarvan said our media people don't have the brains to pay attention to things that matter >.<

I did not pay attention to the red box which does say "future induction". Good news


This was displayed at Peshawar Army exhibition by Army
After induction of SU 35 ... Another milestone in Russia PAK friendship.
For me the shocking thing Army openly telling this in a exhibition. For me this has come as a surprise and as stupid our media is no body even bothered to pick this news. My facebook group friends who went to these exhibitions noticed it.

You can celebrate for now but that ain't coming.
S400 will be HUGE! I am not so confident about it however since a LOT have to be negotiated before we get there and i am not just talking about price. Pantsir is great news for armored troops and will serve us well as point defence system as well. Igla-S is fine but VERBA would have been better and a marked improvement on current systems.

All in all, a big news. We have been hearing about Pantsir and else here and there for YEARS but this coming from Army exhibition now MUST have more significance. I hope this is secured SOON and we do not wait for another 3-4 years now.
After induction of SU 35 ... Another milestone in Russia PAK friendship.

Why is your bum on fire?

You can celebrate for now but that ain't coming.

Just like the joint military drills that wern't supposed to happen, or just like no Mi-35 going to come, right?

Anyway don't even know if these are the pictures of S-400 or not?
S400 i don't think so.
May be after 5-6 years pakistan may induct them, but right now, it seems impossible.
You can celebrate for now but that ain't coming.
Like many of Indians said MI-35 not coming they came soon other weapons will come you want to remain in denial please feel free to live in denial but Russia is offering us every weapon it produces.They give a dam about pressure other wise they would have been selling weapons to either you or China but they sell to both China these days also have serious issues with Vietnam but they also sell weapons to Vietnam. Russia's policy is simple that is you pay them and they would give you weapons.

S400 i don't think so.
May be after 5-6 years pakistan may induct them, but right now, it seems impossible.
No not at all it's fully possible

lol I m here as well @Zarvan Bhai
And who are you ??? I mean real name message me on facebook
S-400 is fake news.
In recent interview with sputnik news, head of Russia's defence export agency, Rosboronexport mentioned names of countries in talk for S-400 and Pakistan was not among them:
He believes that in addition to India and Turkey, Egypt, Iran and some Southeast Asian countries, wary of China’s growing military might, could be willing to obtain S-400 missile systems.

Calm down. Dont froth so much over a post

Et tu
Sharing my thoughts in a "what if" context :)

In case you missed,
We have been hearing about Pantsir and else here and there for YEARS but this coming from Army exhibition now MUST have more significance. I hope this is secured SOON and we do not wait for another 3-4 years now.

The truth which cannot be denied here is that this coming from an army exhibition cannot should not and WILL NOT be discarded as those Su35 rumors or even the S400 rumors from the past. This have much more significance and all we can do is look forward to the developments in this matter. :)
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