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Pakistan to give access to Russia to warm Water

Please don't tarnish the religion based on negative aspects in regards to some of their followers, they're are plenty of decent Jewish folks and your comments would be highly insulting towards them.

Brother drop these feeling, who needs jews as enemies when our own people do that job, perfectly. This blaming of the West and Israel has to stop and our public should hold our leader's accountable for any wrong doing instead of cursing foreign elements.
OK... Removed...
"Moscow has refused to join the U.S. in ostracizing Pakistan " :cheers:


Russia President show a big grin, which is a great sign as well as Zardari. Great benefits.


MOSCOW: Pakistan and Russia on Thursday agreed to promote trade, investment and pursue joint projects particularly in energy, infrastructure development, metal industry and agriculture.

In a joint communiqué issued after the meeting of President Asif Ali Zardari and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Kremlin, both leaders agreed that this enhanced cooperation would help develop a strong bilateral relationship based on mutual respect and mutual interests.

President Asif Ali Zardari is on his first three-day official visit to Russia at the invitation of his Russian counterpart. In the last 37 years, President Zardari is the first Pakistani President, who is visiting Russia officially.

Earlier, in 1974, Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, paid an official visit to the then Soviet Union.

Both the Presidents emphasized the importance they attach to promoting stability and peace in the broader region and, in this regard, to continue to enhance contacts, consultations, cooperation and coordination between the two countries.

The two sides welcomed the signing of the agreement between Pakistan and Russia on Air Transport as well as the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources of Pakistan and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in energy cooperation and cooperation in agriculture sector.

Earlier, President Zardari and President Medvedev held a one-on-one meeting followed by delegations level talks. Both leaders discussed bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest and concern.

President Zardari and his Russian counterpart emphasized the importance of developing mutually beneficial economic cooperation between the two countries, which is to be promoted by the Pakistani Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation that held its first meeting in Moscow in September 2010.

Discussing regional issues, the Presidents underscored the importance of stability and peace in Afghanistan and reaffirmed their support for Afghan-led and Afghan owned efforts towards promoting national reconciliation in Afghanistan.

The Presidents expressed their deep concern about the threat of terrorism and drug related crimes persisting in the region.

Both Pakistan and Russia underlined the importance of joint efforts to fight terrorism and narco related crimes, posing a serious challenge to the international peace and stability – along the whole chain of illegal production and distribution of drugs. The two sides welcomed the signing in October 2010 of the agreement between the Ministry of Narcotics Control of Pakistan and the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia on cooperation on combating illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

The Presidents recognized the need for promoting trans-regional economic and trade cooperation. Regional development projects would ensure prosperity for the people of the region and it was important to optimally utilize national economic complementarities. They agreed to coordinate their efforts bilaterally as well as through regional multilateral cooperative mechanisms.

In this regard, the two sides expressed keen interest in the implementation of projects related to the creation of a system to transmit electric power from Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan (CASA-1000) and to the building of a gas pipeline between Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI).

President Zardari supported Russia’s offer to participate in the projects and underscored the need for their early realization.

The Russian side welcomed Pakistan’s involvement in the activities of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Russia’s support for Pakistan’s joining the SCO alongwith other candidates was reaffirmed subject to the consent of all its members.

President Zardari and Dmitry Devedeve reiterated the importance that the two countries attach to the quadrilateral process (Russian Federation, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan) and reaffirmed their commitment to further interaction in this format in close cooperation with the SCO.

The Presidents commended the considerable progress made in the political and security dialogues between Pakistan and Russia, including at the top level. There has been a notable intensification of contacts on wide range of topics between ministries and departments of two countries, the joint communiqué said.

They commended the Russian business community’s interest in participating together with the Pakistani government and businesses in a number of economic, infrastructure and banking projects. The Russian side reaffirmed the willingness of Russian companies to cooperate with Pakistan.
Please don't give a $hit with Indian trollers, they must be hurt feeling to see this development.
Pakistan has plenty to offer if with the help of china they be able to make worthy roads hitting central Asian routs i.e connecting KKH to Kazakhstan. Even China will be a beneficiary big time.


This is one of the reason why we Chinese always think Pakistan is a great country with plenty of potential. All it takes is for the government to make firm choices and cooperate with the other powers in Asia. America will only give carrots, bomb pakistan and gets it to fight its own war. This will only slow down and ruin Pakistan. China - Pakistan - Russia working together will stabilize the region amd Pakistan will experience faster economical growth since the war on terror will be joint operation. At the same time the pace of infrastructures and road work would pick up, the port would be used for commercial purposes and joint effort on anti piracy will secure the cargo ships and containers. Pakistan will become a hub and possibly one of the biggest financial centres linking Asia with the Middle-East in the future. So it's not all doom and gloom afterall :cheers:
Wow Pakistan sleeps around with everyone, what mischievous women... lol jokes apart! I feel that Everyone is going to Rape Pakistan of Resources.... China , Russia, and even U.S. dont have the right to establish bases in Pakistan.... why Doesn China allow Pakistan to have a base in China??? NO why not What about all weather friendshippp

wow... cries the 'Virgin Mary'? :disagree:
I am not trolling I am just saying why does China need a base in Pakistan, Couldn't pakistan ask for a a naval base in china's territorry? why not ? These Three countries are just tearing Pakistan apart, a civil war will erupt in Pakistan from so much foreign Intervebtion and it is going to split Pakistan

We know very well, it is none of your business. Thank you for your amazing advice !
Medvedev went out of his way to express his sorrow over the loss in the 'Biblical' like Flood from 2010 in Pakistan and offered 'whatever' help. Somehow that statement looked a bit anachronistic though? I mean, that was about a year ago?
But now Russia has another pawn in its hands against America--Pakistan!

But..this is the first time a Pakistani President has visited Russia in more than 30 years. I mean 30 years! That is not a trivial matter.
I am afraid the cowboy diplomacy and the Hollywoodized way to turn OBL death into election-campaign for Obama has, perhaps, permanently alienated Pakistanis from America. L. Panetta is the biggest culprit for that. I grew up seeing that Russians and the Soviets were the evil-incarnate in Pakistani graffiti. Times have changed.
‘Pakistan, Russia allies in every sense of word: Putin


Nov 2010

DUSHANBE (Tajikistan), Nov 25 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin met here on Thursday and discussed bilateral, regional and international matters of mutual interest. The two leaders, who met here on the sidelines of the 9th SCO Heads of Government Council (HGC) hosted by Tajikistan, deliberated in detail on the prospects as well as the ways and means to further strengthen their bilateral relations through increased trade and economic interaction and cooperation in various fields. Prime Minister Gilani and Prime Minister Putin, who also discussed the situation in the region, were unanimous in the view that peace and security were vital for the enhanced economic development and prosperity of the people of this region.

During the meeting, which was scheduled for half an hour but continued for around 45 minutes, the two leaders had a frank discussion on various matters of bilateral and regional interest.

Prime Minister Gilani was assisted by Minister for Water and Power Raja Pervez Ashraf, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Syed Naveed Qamar, Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir and senior officials.

Prime Minister Putin appreciated Pakistan’s efforts and sacrifices in the war against terrorism and extremism.

He said despite the global recession the bilateral trade between Pakistan and Russia had improved and picked up over the last eight months.

The Russian Prime Minister said that a number of Russian companies were interested to invest in Pakistan’s various sectors. “Pakistan and Russia are allies in every sense of words,” he maintained.

He also expressed his sympathies and condolences over the huge losses caused by the recent floods in Pakistan and said Russia was quick to respond and provided support to the Government of Pakistan in its relief and recovery efforts.

Prime Minister Gilani thanked the Russian Prime Minister for his country’s support and assistance after the devastating floods hit Pakistan in summer, affecting over 20 million people.

Gilani also extended invitation to the Russian Prime Minister for an official visit to Pakistan.

The Prime Minister recalled his last meeting with the Russian leader in Beijing in October 2009 and noted good progress in the bilateral relations, including high level contacts.

He said, ”Pakistan seeks a comprehensive partnership with Russia and is prepared to invest in developing mutually beneficial relations between the two countries for the shared goals of peace, stability and prosperity in the region.”

The Prime Minister said he believed that their interests at most of the strategic, political and economic planes converge, adding, there are complementarities that must be utilized optimally to the mutual advantage.

He said Pakistan and Russia should also consult closely on evolving new security architecture in the Asia-Pacific region as well as Greater Eurasian region.

Prime Minister Gilani suggested a bilateral dialogue between Pakistan and Russia on matters relating to peace and stability of Afghanistan.
He said the two countries must supplement the existing mechanisms between the two foreign ministries for a high / senior level dialogue on strategic and political issues.

The Prime Minister said Pakistan and Russia have had good interaction at the official level between various departments as well as at the inaugural session of Inter-Governmental Commission in Moscow.

“Our President has been participating in the quadrilateral process. We are happy that this process is now being institutionalized. We need to especially focus on our cooperation in building connectivity in trade and energy sectors”, he added.

The Prime Minister proposed that Pakistan, Russia, Afghanistan and Tajikistan should initiate consultations on quadrilateral transit trade arrangement.

Gilani said Pakistan was keen to expand its trade ties with Russia and he believed that the present volume of trade of $700 million could be enhanced to $1 billion.

He also sought increased market access to Pakistani products in Russia, adding that there had been a renewed interest in Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline.

The Prime Minister mentioned the signing of a new MoU on Cooperation in Oil and Gas between the two countries on November 19 during Pakistani Minister of Petroleum’s visit to Moscow and said, “We welcome the interest of GAZPROM and its subsidiaries in participating in Iran-Pakistan and TAPI gas lines projects.”

He said, "Pakistan hopes that the Russian leadership and government will endorse this participation and encourage the Russian companies to take part in these projects.”

The Prime Minister reiterated Pakistan’s interest in the purchase of MI-35 attack gunship helicopters to fight terrorism. He also proposed the signing of an MoU on Defence collaboration between Pakistan and Russia, to intensify cooperation in this important field.
Medvedev went out of his way to express his sorrow over the loss in the 'Biblical' like Flood from 2010 in Pakistan and offered 'whatever' help. Somehow that statement looked a bit anachronistic though? I mean, that was about a year ago?
But now Russia has another pawn in its hands against America--Pakistan!

But..this is the first time a Pakistani President has visited Russia in more than 30 years. I mean 30 years! That is not a trivial matter.
I am afraid the cowboy diplomacy and the Hollywoodized way to turn OBL death into election-campaign for Obama has, perhaps, permanently alienated Pakistanis from America. L. Panetta is the biggest culprit for that. I grew up seeing that Russians and the Soviets were the evil-incarnate in Pakistani graffiti. Times have changed.

There are no permanent enemies in politics what matters are mutual interest. Having said that I admire the relationship of Pakistan and China. We have been together through thick and thin and is still there for one another. :pakistan::china:
There are no permanent enemies in politics what matters are mutual interest. Having said that I admire the relationship of Pakistan and China. We have been together through thick and thin and is still there for one another. :pakistan::china:

Now, we just need to pull India away from the Western powers. Then, from the western shores of Africa to the Central Asian states all America will find will be Israel and a couple of foreign-dependent Persian Gulf states.

Patrick J. Buchanan (I posted a link to his latest article from Amconmag.com a few days ago) is a staunch American patriot. Perhaps a bit racist. But no more 'racist' then the rest of us are. His theory is that American and the West is being kicked out of North Africa, Middle East and South/Central Asia. Patrick says that with great sorrow.
So, Russia will have a Naval Base in Pakistan?

That means there will be a lot of foreign interests operating within Pakistan - the US, China and now Russia!

What is 'access' in actual term?

Calm down Sir, there will be no permanent presence of Russian Naval Assets in the ports of Pakistan. Russians would be given access to our warm water ports and they are more than welcome to invest in our ports as we lack the funds to invest in these ports as our economy is going through a severe economic crunch. Russian investment in Pakistan will bring lots of benefits to Pakistan because Pakistan is in dire need of 'energy', and the Russians have an abundance of energy. Similarly, the access to our warm water ports will give the Russians a direct access to an all year round port.

Russians have been looking for a route to warm waters for a very long time, it is said that when the Soviets arrived in Afghanistan, they famously said that they could smell warm waters of the Indian Ocean. If the Soviets would have not been halted in Afghanistan, there was nothing stopping the 58th Army from crossing over and taking Balochistan by force. In the end, if this proposal takes effect, it would benefit economically both Pakistan and Russia. Its a pure commercial relationship, there is no strategic or defence pact with Russia envisioned in the future. I have a hard time believing that the Indian Government will convince the Russians to back off from signing commercial deals with Pakistan, its not a zero sum game.
There are no permanent enemies in politics what matters are mutual interest. Having said that I admire the relationship of Pakistan and China. We have been together through thick and thin and is still there for one another. :pakistan::china:

Thank you!

The friendship with China means a lot to the people of Pakistan :china::pakistan:
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