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Pakistan to give access to Russia to warm Water

Oh yes, China will have competition from Russia and that will do a lot good overall to Pakistan.
No need to be confused. What you posted were widely known and it is already in the history books now. I am sure the Russian and Pakistani governments don't need you to remind them.

The only thing we see happening is progress are being made to better ties between the two nations. We Chinese are happy for them and India should be as well. It's all good for Asia.

What is confusing is that the country concerned was so confused that so much destruction and mayhem (still unending) was needed to get to what could have been done so simply and directly in the first place so many years ago.
Ahaa, but the world is round,no.

Happy?? We should be commiserating with them for all the extremely painful convolutions that were required to get to this point.
"Garam Pani", that is what the Russians will get.

BTW, it was this very same "garam Pani" (Warm Water) issue which brought the the erstwhile USSR (including Russia) to Afghanistan.
Which made USA decide not to give it to them.
Which made Pakistan decide that the USSR must not be allowed to get it.
Which made the CIA and ISI cook up a plan to prevent it.
Which helped to create the Mujahideen and then Taliban.
Which made the Saudis to come on board to fund that plan.
Which brought Osama Bin Laden to Afghanistan to execute that plan.
Which started "Charlie Wilson's War".
Which led to the USSR withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Which led to the US withdrawal from the area.
Which led to creation of Al Qaida and the "Talibanisation" of Afghanistan.
Which led to 9/11.
Which led to the "WOT".
Which led to the return of USA to Afghanistan.
Which led to Osama Bin Laden running around all over the place inluding Somalia and Tora Bora.
Which led to US carpet bombing of Tora Bora.
Which led to Osama Bin Laden looking for a "country estate"
Which brought Osama Bin Laden to a "mansion" in Abbotabad.
Which in the meanwhile gave a chance all kinds of "unemployed and under-employed" terrorists a chance to go around bombing all over Pakistan and kill many innocent Pakistanis.
Which brought droves of CIA agents including "Raymond Davis" all around Pakistan.
Which led to some guys being killed in Lahore.
Which led to "Raymond Davis" being arrested and then released.
Which actually was the cover for the US plan to take out Osama Bin Laden.
Which brought the US Navy seals to Abottabad.
Which led to the elimination of Osama Bin Laden.
Which led to fish in the Arabian Sea having a hearty unforgettable meal.
Which was followed by Zardari's trip to Moscow.
Which led to Pakistan offering "Garam Pani" (Warm Water) access to the Russians.
Which Pakistan did not want to do in the first place.
Which led to so many things happening.
Which makes one wonder??

ALL THIS FOR SOME "GARAM PANI" (Warm water)????????????????????? :confused:

They should have come through a peaceful way not by attacking and occupying Afghanistan.Pakistan would have been out of this mess if USSR had played proper way..
we should never have sided with the americans in the afghan war against the soviets .. infact knowing what we know now we should have made the two fight it out in the open.

It would have been far better if we worked on getting the americans to fight the soviets out in the open in afghanistan rather than helping out the americans as a proxy :angry:

Hope we learn our lesson
we should never have sided with the americans in the afghan war against the soviets .. infact knowing what we know now we should have made the two fight it out in the open

Pakistan did not side with the US.

Zia practically invited the US.

He was on his own agenda.

And his agenda has created the Frankenstein killing each other as also having the Americans do what they like in Pakistan.

Don't blame the US alone. The sorrow is Pakistan's creation, thanks to Zia!
So, Russia will have a Naval Base in Pakistan?

That means there will be a lot of foreign interests operating within Pakistan - the US, China and now Russia!

What is 'access' in actual term?

Khala ji ka ghar
Mausi ka ghar

so if they agreed its mean if anyone dare to attack Pakistan, Pakistan, Russia and China will attack them good...............lol good safety from all angels.
Pakistan did not side with the US.

Zia practically invited the US.

He was on his own agenda.

And his agenda has created the Frankenstein killing each other as also having the Americans do what they like in Pakistan.

Don't blame the US alone. The sorrow is Pakistan's creation, thanks to Zia!

LOL .. genius if Pakistan did not side wiht the US then who did we side with ? The Russians I suppose
Americans were too cowardly to face the Russians in open combat thats why they armed, funnded and nurtured the very same group that they are fighting in afghanistan

1984-1994: CIA Funds Militant Textbooks for Afghanistan The US, through USAID and the University of Nebraska, spends millions of dollars developing and printing textbooks for Afghan schoolchildren. The textbooks are “filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.” For instance, children are “taught to count with illustrations showing tanks, missiles, and land mines.” Lacking any alternative, millions of these textbooks are used long after 1994; the Taliban will still be using them in 2001. In 2002, the US will start producing less violent versions of the same books, which President Bush says will have “respect for human dignity, instead of indoctrinating students with fanaticism and bigotry.” (He will fail to mention who created those earlier books.) [Washington Post, 3/23/2002; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 5/6/2002] A University of Nebraska academic named Thomas Gouttierre leads the textbook program. Journalist Robert Dreyfuss will later reveal that although funding for Gouttierre’s work went through USAID, it was actually paid for by the CIA. Unocal will pay Gouttierre to work with the Taliban (see December 1997) and he will host visits of Taliban leaders to the US, including trips in 1997 and 1999 (see December 4, 1997 and July-August 1999). [Dreyfuss, 2005, pp. 328]
Entity Tags: USAID, University of Nebraska, Taliban, George W. Bush, Thomas Gouttierre, Central Intelligence Agency

University of Nebraska
so if they agreed its mean if anyone dare to attack Pakistan, Pakistan, Russia and China will attack them good...............lol good safety from all angels.

So "Garam Pani" means that, hunh? That they signed a Mutual Defence Agreement?
I hope that it is'nt "Garam Hawa"?
Goodbye America, Hello Russia

How the world changes. In the 80s, the US was allied with America fighting the USSR and Islamabad was instrumental in the implosion of the Soviet Union. The Kremlin admitted defeat and retreated from Afghanistan. The ingrates in Washington abandoned Pakistan and on the eve of the victory celebration sanctioned Pakistan for ephemeral faults and perceived crimes.

Today, the US-Pakistan relations are fraying, a victim of Gung-Ho Ramboism, and John Wayne imperialism that tramples on countries to achieve real or imaginary profits. President Zardari’s visit to Moscow is a seminal event. Kremlin has since de-hyphenated its relations with New Delhi and Islamabad. Moscow is no longer looking at Pakistan through Bharati eyes. It is looking at Pakistan through the glasses of self-interest. Pakistan has now taken centre stage in Russia’s efforts to seek out new profits in the area. Mr. Zardari has met Russian President Dmitry Medvedev five times in the past three years. Catherine the Great would be proud of Prime Minister Putin for helping Moscow get access to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea.Pakistan in return will get links to the Central Asia states. Pretty profitable ventures for both countries.

While the US media obsesses over Abbottabad, Beijing and Moscow are looking at the strategic impact of the US withdrawal or lack thereof in Afghanistan.. There are several events that have taken place.
1.Pakistan’s role acting as Praetorian guard in defense of Bahrain, Kuwait, the UEA, and Saudi Arabia.
2.The Pakistani-Chinese “Strategic Dialogue” that happened in April.
3.The Chinese-Russian dialogue in Moscow. Chinese President Hu Jintao met his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev Wednesday in the southern Chinese beach resort of Sanya and the two leaders agreed to further improve cooperation and safeguard common interests.
4.The visit has been hailed as a ‘leap forward’ in Pakistan-Russia relations to promote greater understanding between the two countries.
5.Shortly before the G20 London summit , China’s central bank governor announced that the dollar should be replaced by SDRs.
6.The Shinghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is successor of Shinghai Five created in 1996. Pakistan is on the brink of joining it.
7.The “fizz” seems to have gone out of the US-Russia reset, and in this psot-Libya, post-OBL era, Moscow has been compelled into a reality check .
8.China has prepared for years for the U.S. to leave.

In Sochi last August, Russia institutionalized a new organization with Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The four countries are building economic structures to undertake joint economic projects in power generation, transport infrastructure and coal, copper and gold mining. They are rebuilding a trade Silk Route from former Soviet Central Asia via Afghanistan to Pakistan. Tajikstan is exporting and Russia is fundng a road and rail network. Moscow is investing in energy, (oil, gas and hydropower) sectors of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

The US could have been part of the new bounties, but it has chosen to bank on drones and stealth choppers to achieve its objectives.

Pakistani President Zardari’s current official visit to Russia on May 11-14 will be the epitome of Moscow’s strategy of bringing Islamabad closer to Central Asia. One Russian scholar Vladimir Radyuhin writing for The Hindu says “Russian-Pakistani relations have recently acquired breathtaking dynamics.”

Russia has done astonishing things to develop relations with Pakistan. During the current visit of Mr. Zardari’s Pakistan and Russia will finalize the modernization of the Soviet built Pakistan Steel Mills in Karachi, the building of rail tracks from Dushambe to Islamabad, cooperation in the energy sectors and agriculture.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced the funding of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting in Dushanbe.

Moscow has refused to join the U.S. in ostracizing Pakistan– is Afghanistan. A minor detail in this classic web of profits is the US withdrawal from Afghanistan–after a debilitating expense of $3 Trillion.

The quid-pro-quo is real and beneficial to both sides. Russia wants dialogue with the Talibs and get peace from Pakistan, just like China has made peace with Pakistan and has peace with the Ughyers. In return Moscow promises to support Pakistan’s bid to join the SCO–a Russo-Chinese club which includes all the Central Asia states. The mutual benefit continues in a virtuous circle. Russia gets access to warm waters.

Vladimir Radyuhin is “All the settings are there that the current summit may be a momentous event not only for Russian-Pakistani relations, but for the entire region.”

Goodbye America, Hello Russia | Pakistan Akhbar
LOL .. genius if Pakistan did not side wiht the US then who did we side with ? The Russians I suppose
American were too cowardly to face the Russians in open combat thats why they armed, funnded and nutured the very same group that they are fighting in afghanistan

University of Nebraska

Or that Pakistanis were so dumb that they ended up becoming American lackeys to achieve what the Americans wanted?
Kind of unthinking mercenaries?
Was that "Charlie Wilson's War" or Pakistan's War?
The state television in Pakistan (PTV) has gone into over drive about coverage of Russia , about its history , about its present , its past etc .. this means that Russia is being courted as part of a policy change at the highest level.
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