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Pakistan to conduct missile test within a week.

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yes 6 in total....... 5 on 28th May 1998 and 6th test was conducted on 30th May 1998

Pakistan conducted only 2 nuclear tests. International insititutions recorded only 2 explosions on that day.
One Question---\
Where does the PA does the missile test? For a Shaheen -II class missile where do they conduct the test....shore to sea ( ArabianSea )? or land to land? where does the dummy warhead of missile impact?
If land to land , how do they test for full range?

when shaheen 2 was firstly tested its target was in arabian sea dont know about other tests of shaheen 2
waiting impatiently!!

Well, there is so much pressure on establishment/army from the public after India's Agni-III ,that they may end up testing some missile from their arsenal and may give it a new name....
Another question--/
why does pakistan needs a longer range missile than their present Shaeen-II? Do they also want to bring all of China into their range ???:china:
Did some one say --Isreal ??
Hitler had with him the best tank, aircraft and and ...... at the start of war. I do not know what was going in his mind ( may be he was very sure that his army is going to win the war very early ) but his new weaponry came very late when Germans had already faced big defeats and they were on retreat.

No R&D ,no new developments and you are at loss!!!!!!!!!
that they may end up testing some missile from their arsenal and may give it a new name....

When the new system will be tested it will be loud and clear, and everyone will realize. Just as in the case of Babur and Ra'ad:pakistan:.
.Pakistan conducted only 2 nuclear tests. International insititutions recorded only 2 explosions on that day.
First it were 5 and 2ndly they were not dud like of some others.
Pakistan conducted only 2 nuclear tests. International insititutions recorded only 2 explosions on that day.

Guess what these institutions also challenged not only the number of tests conducted by india but also their yields

India reported Shakti IV-V tests on 13 May being conducted with yield of 0.5 and 0.3 kt, but no outside seismic station has reported any evidence of tests on this day. The closest CTBT monitoring station was in Nilore, Pakistan 740 km to the north of Pokhran. This station is estimated to have sufficient sensitivity to detect a test at least down to 25 tons in Pokhran, yet no signal was detected. Wallace estimated that with standard seismic coupling, the test would have had to total no more than 10-15 tons to escape all detection.

Anyway results of Indian tests announced by the Indian government are still considered controversial by the “Indian scientists“

  1. Fight over the results of Pokhran N-tests continues
  2. H-Bomb controversy and nuclear deterrence
  3. Santhanam says it again: Pokhran-II a fizzle
  4. Playing Poker with Pokhran

  5. Does India really need the H-Bomb?

  6. Army affected by Pokhran-II doubts, need reassurance from scientists: Malik

  7. More Indian scientists question 1998 nuclear tests

  8. Pokhran II not fully successful: Senior DRDO Scientist K Santhanam

  9. Why K Santhanam said Pokharan II was not a success

Why did you state that Pokharan II was not entirely a success?

As I have said earlier, based on the seismic measurements and also the opinions from experts, there was a much lower yield in the thermonuclear device test. It was lesser than what had been claimed at that time.

I have maintained and will always maintain that the test was not more than 60 per cent successful in terms of the yield it generated.

Former President A P J Abdul Kalam, who was also involved with the tests, has said that Pokhran II was entirely successful.

I would like to react to that. First of all, Dr Kalam is not a nuclear scientist. He is a missile scientist and he was not present there at that time. He is blissfully ignorant of the facts. Do I need to say more?
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Guess what these institutions also challenged not only the number of tests conducted by india but also their yields

India reported Shakti IV-V tests on 13 May being conducted with yield of 0.5 and 0.3 kt, but no outside seismic station has reported any evidence of tests on this day. The closest CTBT monitoring station was in Nilore, Pakistan 740 km to the north of Pokhran. This station is estimated to have sufficient sensitivity to detect a test at least down to 25 tons in Pokhran, yet no signal was detected. Wallace estimated that with standard seismic coupling, the test would have had to total no more than 10-15 tons to escape all detection.

Anyway results of Indian tests announced by the Indian government are still considered controversial by the “Indian scientists“

  1. Fight over the results of Pokhran N-tests continues
  2. H-Bomb controversy and nuclear deterrence
  3. Santhanam says it again: Pokhran-II a fizzle
  4. Playing Poker with Pokhran

  5. Does India really need the H-Bomb?

  6. Army affected by Pokhran-II doubts, need reassurance from scientists: Malik

  7. More Indian scientists question 1998 nuclear tests

  8. Pokhran II not fully successful: Senior DRDO Scientist K Santhanam

  9. Why K Santhanam said Pokharan II was not a success

well i remember the news couple of months ago where Indian scientists themselves claiming that 1998 tests of India was not a complete success

Remember??? it was widely spread over the internet and peoples were anticipating another possible tests from India that never took place
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