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Pakistan to conduct missile test within a week.

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are they 3200 km apart ... i mean i dont actually know if the missiles do cover the actual distances during tests.... if they do so then how will you achieve that distance... please dont mind i dont have idea if they are not tested for actual distances...

Not sure about pak missiles... In last test, agni three did travel the complete range.
The missile will be called Terror -1 , range of more than 3500km and capability to launch a nuclear warhead of 100K.G within 6 mins !
To test full length, we would need China to launch them from its farthest side and the target should be somewhere near the Karachi. In length we are nearly 1200 Kilometers and any missile of longer range cannot be launched and landed staying in Pakistan's territory so help of some other country would be inevitable..Alternatively India can let us test them on its territory buy blocking our rightful water for another year or so. :angel:
To test full length, we would need China to launch them from its farthest side and the target should be somewhere near the Karachi. In length we are nearly 1200 Kilometers and any missile of longer range cannot be launched and landed staying in Pakistan's territory so help of some other country would be inevitable..Alternatively India can let us test them on its territory buy blocking our rightful water for another year or so. :angel:

no we will give u water...

are you ready to trade kashmir for it then we will also let you to test your 5000 km missile also. :D

on the serious note but that can be serious problem if it is tested from china in terms of trajectory.... can it enter indian air space in case of a failure or something like that? just a humble question....
but in case
Alternatively India can let us test them on its territory buy blocking our rightful water for another year or so.

I don't agree if those Illegal Dams in Indian Occupied Kashmir are destroyed it will destroy everything in Punjab.Every Major City would be flooded and the crops destroyed.

In an event of war India itself could destroy these dams and cause enormous damage and loss of Life.

Like it or not these dams have now become Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Big mouth. Think of the consequences before you vomit.

Mind your words before you speak next time. If you have point to make then do but your nastiness is going to cost you at PDF. Its warning for you.
for mr.adwitiya please search who missile tests happen and works it will help you bro rather then ask qes.

we have a saying in the industry that if all your test cases paas without failing that means either your test cases are flawed or the product has been already tested and bugs fixed. thats a universal logic... so if all tests are passing that means either the problem is with the test cases or the process
Imran bhai i think you meant kick the troll not the thread lol

anyways any credible sources to confirm this ?
Sorry sir, but itsnt it too much?? When I read the name I thought it would be really interesting if pakistan names its new missile as terror-1. After all when referring to pakistan what comes in western minds first is terrorism. And this terror-1 could be very ironical.

I doubt it its gonna be an all together different name, maybe hatf or shaheen Vi Xi ? i dont even know where we at with roman numerals..We really need a name change.
we have many good names but you ppl blind.
Sorry sir, but itsnt it too much?? When I read the name I thought it would be really interesting if pakistan names its new missile as terror-1. After all when referring to pakistan what comes in western minds first is terrorism. And this terror-1 could be very ironical.

Well if that is really the case, perhaps Indian missiles should have such namer as Call Center Blaster or better still, Hot Air Balloon.:woot:
There is another thread with this exact title (or very similar) that was posted way back when India released their first nuclear propelled submarine for sea trials. And nothing happened.

I think this is more wishful thinking, unless proven otherwise. Until then, it is highly recommended that this thread be closed.

Well if that is really the case, perhaps Indian missiles should have such namer as Call Center Blaster or better still, Hot Air Balloon.:woot:
I think a name should describe the missile. Hence, I propose the name "dud" for the next masterpiece to come out of India.

Low blows? Yes, indeed. But the idiot deserved it.
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Wait Wait,If I am not wrong,don't we have to inform India,1 month before the test of the long range missiles?
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