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Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens

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Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens
Submitted by editor on Tue, 12/23/2008 - 19:15

Everything is not so rosy in Pakistan. Over the past 60 years of thaw between India and Pakistan, it has always been Pakistan who was belligerent. All its misadventures (including 1947, 1965, 1971 and Kargil) have backfired. It has been continuing to wage war against India through drugs, illegal currency, insurgency and terrorism. However, the entire Pakistani Military and Government seems to be badly shaken this time. In the cover of a tough posture, all is not so well with Pakistan.

India has always been alone in the war against Pakistan with China and USA strongly supporting it, although not directly. In 1971 war, USA was very close to interfering and had sent its infamous 7th fleet to participate. China and USA have always kept the supply lines running.

However, now India is a lot more important to both China and USA. Notwithstanding previous relationship with Pakistan, it is a source of continuous economic strength to both countries.

Apart from economic factors, Pakistan remains exposed to the whole world with the role that it is playing in global terrorism. Jihadi factories have produced terrorists who have waged war against not just India but also USA, China, UK, Spain, etc. The claims of ‘we don’t know anything’ have not gone favourably with anyone. USA is striking at will in NWFP and US agents are all over Pakistan.

Pakistani Military is also in no condition to fight. It is heavily deployed in the Afghan border. Majority of Pakistani Army have soldiers that are of Pathan and Baluch origin. They are strongly against Pakistani Army’s operations in Balochistan and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Morale of the fighting forces is extremely weak. In Pakistani Army, XI Corps and XII Corps comprise mostly of Baluchs and Pathans, and are expected to break quickly.

Entire operations of Army are now highly corrupted. There are many businesses controlled by the Army. War is least of the focus.

Modern wars are fought on ‘oil’. Pakistan has not learnt from Kargil debacle, where it had fuel only for a week if a full-scale war broke out. India has built a stockpile of oil and is located in operational areas.

Entire focus of Pakistani Army was to train insurgents. This can help a little in actual war. Al-Khalid Tank or MBT 2000 that is jointly developed by China and Pakistan has not been induced fully. Type 88 tank, that is the mainstay, is over 30 years old in technology. It lacks the agility and firepower of T-90 or Arjun tanks of India. M113 and M109 armoured carriers are based on a 50 year old model.

Main Pakistani cities such as Lahore, Islamabad, etc. are well within the striking distance of Indian forces. Once Indian Army is deployed, Pakistani Army will be more focused on defending. It has only one Strike Corps, Mangla Corps based out of *** that is also expected to be put in a defensive role.

Pakistani missiles that have been demonstrated in media are imported from North Korea as an exchange to nuclear technology. The source for missiles has dried-up. China has been reluctant to share its missiles. While Pakistan officially claims that it has over 20,000 missiles, the real number is less than 1/10th.

Nuclear stockpile of Pakistan is totally in US control. It will be difficult to exercise the nuclear option without the consent of USA, which is very unlikely.

Pakistan Air Force has no answer to advanced Indian fighters such as Sukhoi-30 MKI and Mirage 2000 that are built with modern avionics and assault systems. The battle for air supremacy will be one way.

Pakistani Navy has many old ships that were purchased through a non-transparent mechanism and what is deployed is, at times, complete junk. Pakistan has claimed to induct few indigenously build submarines with French assistance. It also does not have an aircraft carrier.

In all, if a full-scale war breaks, Pakistan is doomed.

LINK where is the LINK

Where is the idiots that calim it is pakistan thats asking for war read this and tell us who has a superiority complex.

pakistani weapons are made with the help of others while indians build there own:rofl: lets see the success stories DARDO need i say MORE how pathetic you can be after getting the kits you cant put them togather and you have the nerve to point fingures.

Any idiot here that thinks even for a second that any body in GHQ is sleep behind the wheel and Americans are in full control is these the same americans who are offering everything to india including proping up her economy isnt being watched by us and we will give them the keys to our nukes must B a ceritifiable ''IDIOT''.but i guess the idiot also belives arjun(which indian army refused to buy) is a technologically advance garbadge forgeting what hizbullah did to most advance israeli :sniper:tanks.:crazy:

And damm why am i sleeping behind the wheel i should invest in adult diappers indian sales are going through the roof and they say economy sucks u just have to no where to invest:cheers:
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Aaban Khan;256517]Does the Mutually Assured Destruction is the only hope of survival for a militaristically powerfull and futuristic country like Pakistan, instead it is the policy of a suicide bomber.
Did we ask for the fight NO you did we are just saying in our defence we will do every thing in our power.

How many nukes did the USSR had before disintegration? How many did it use to save itself

The only country that ever used Nukes is USA and there idea behind was if it stoped the war and saved her citizen from it we did it get my point.

Would the jewish state attack palestine if they had nukes let me think hmmmmmm NO only a suicide idiot would consider that so if india is considering that guess what if the shoe fits.
cant wait for the war to start so indian bullsh!t can finally be proven wrong
i mean the indian way of thinking and looking at things is very idiotic and childish
The only country that ever used Nukes is USA and there idea behind was if it stoped the war and saved her citizen from it we did it get my point.

Would the jewish state attack palestine if they had nukes let me think hmmmmmm NO only a suicide idiot would consider that so if india is considering that guess what if the shoe fits.

Yes the one and only coutry that could dream of using a nuke is USA.

Pakistan is not a USA to use nuke and India will not be at the losing end like Japan was to accept a nuclear strike.

So, stop dreaming about the PERCEIVED threat from India workout a practical plan to retake SWAT as Pakistan has lost this territory to Taliban. All your major newspapers are full of this news.

I say perceived threat in the above para because there is no way India will think about surgical strikes if you were able to manage the charity organizations just doing charity.
Yes the one and only coutry that could dream of using a nuke is USA.

Pakistan is not a USA to use nuke and India will not be at the losing end like Japan was to accept a nuclear strike.

So, stop dreaming about the PERCEIVED threat from India workout a practical plan to retake SWAT as Pakistan has lost this territory to Taliban. All your major newspapers are full of this news.

I say perceived threat in the above para because there is no way India will think about surgical strikes if you were able to manage the charity organizations just doing charity.

The only reason you want that charrity stoped cause they helping depressed kashmiries and that will never happen.
So, stop dreaming

are we dreaming .

Originally Posted by Sunil
Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens
Submitted by editor on Tue, 12/23/2008 - 19:15

Everything is not so rosy in Pakistan. Over the past 60 years of thaw between India and Pakistan, it has always been Pakistan who was belligerent. All its misadventures (including 1947, 1965, 1971 and Kargil) have backfired. It has been continuing to wage war against India through drugs, illegal currency, insurgency and terrorism. However, the entire Pakistani Military and Government seems to be badly shaken this time. In the cover of a tough posture, all is not so well with Pakistan.

India has always been alone in the war against Pakistan with China and USA strongly supporting it, although not directly. In 1971 war, USA was very close to interfering and had sent its infamous 7th fleet to participate. China and USA have always kept the supply lines running.

However, now India is a lot more important to both China and USA. Notwithstanding previous relationship with Pakistan, it is a source of continuous economic strength to both countries.

Apart from economic factors, Pakistan remains exposed to the whole world with the role that it is playing in global terrorism. Jihadi factories have produced terrorists who have waged war against not just India but also USA, China, UK, Spain, etc. The claims of ‘we don’t know anything’ have not gone favourably with anyone. USA is striking at will in NWFP and US agents are all over Pakistan.

Pakistani Military is also in no condition to fight. It is heavily deployed in the Afghan border. Majority of Pakistani Army have soldiers that are of Pathan and Baluch origin. They are strongly against Pakistani Army’s operations in Balochistan and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Morale of the fighting forces is extremely weak. In Pakistani Army, XI Corps and XII Corps comprise mostly of Baluchs and Pathans, and are expected to break quickly.

Entire operations of Army are now highly corrupted. There are many businesses controlled by the Army. War is least of the focus.

Modern wars are fought on ‘oil’. Pakistan has not learnt from Kargil debacle, where it had fuel only for a week if a full-scale war broke out. India has built a stockpile of oil and is located in operational areas.

Entire focus of Pakistani Army was to train insurgents. This can help a little in actual war. Al-Khalid Tank or MBT 2000 that is jointly developed by China and Pakistan has not been induced fully. Type 88 tank, that is the mainstay, is over 30 years old in technology. It lacks the agility and firepower of T-90 or Arjun tanks of India. M113 and M109 armoured carriers are based on a 50 year old model.

Main Pakistani cities such as Lahore, Islamabad, etc. are well within the striking distance of Indian forces. Once Indian Army is deployed, Pakistani Army will be more focused on defending. It has only one Strike Corps, Mangla Corps based out of *** that is also expected to be put in a defensive role.

Pakistani missiles that have been demonstrated in media are imported from North Korea as an exchange to nuclear technology. The source for missiles has dried-up. China has been reluctant to share its missiles. While Pakistan officially claims that it has over 20,000 missiles, the real number is less than 1/10th.

Nuclear stockpile of Pakistan is totally in US control. It will be difficult to exercise the nuclear option without the consent of USA, which is very unlikely.

Pakistan Air Force has no answer to advanced Indian fighters such as Sukhoi-30 MKI and Mirage 2000 that are built with modern avionics and assault systems. The battle for air supremacy will be one way.

Pakistani Navy has many old ships that were purchased through a non-transparent mechanism and what is deployed is, at times, complete junk. Pakistan has claimed to induct few indigenously build submarines with French assistance. It also does not have an aircraft carrier.

In all, if a full-scale war breaks, Pakistan is doomed.
Mr Aaban khan you should worry about your own trouble sum and so called democracy (india) then blame others
No country would be dumb enough to use her nukes. A single nuclear explosions will bring about radioactive debris that will harm innocent civilians, whether it's on Pakistani or Indian soil. Not only that any country which uses nukes is asking for her destruction because that country will be suppressed by the international community as they will loose recognition and they will have constant sanctions.
Does the Mutually Assured Destruction is the only hope of survival for a militaristically powerfull and futuristic country like Pakistan, instead it is the policy of a suicide bomber.

How many nukes did the USSR had before disintegration? How many did it use to save itself?

This is an invalid argument, because the Soviet Union was defeated at the hands of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979-1989, they were fighting what most would call a "unconventional army." The difference between Pakistan and India is that it is War between two nation states each with their respected territory and geography.

The reason Soviet Union did not use Nukes against Mujahideen, because one it would be embarrassing for the Soviets to have to resort to Nukes against the Mujahideen many of whom were fighting with broken and teared shoes...

Two because you normally never use Nukes against a weaker country when your conventional forces are capable to defeating the opposite force.

Three because the Soviet Union was trying to take hold of Afghanistan and occupy it at the invitation of their Communist puppets Pres. Najibullah....

In the case of Pakistan and India Nukes play a major factor because each side is capable of Nuclear attacks, possibly destroying each others country, and both have conventional forces, and both are nation states.

To make a long story short, the nature of the Soviet Union's demise and the conflict between Pakistan and India is different...Hence your argument is invalid.
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We want to start war !!
so .
1. India had moved her troops along border before us.
2. India had violated our Airspace & we haven't done it yet.
3. India is threatening us with a possible war if we don't agree to them.
4. India say they will do Surgical Strikes.
5. India says there are terror camps in Pakistan & they will destroy it.
6. India says they are clean as water & haven't done anything bad yet, but We Pakistanis are the worst thing existing in the whole world.
7. India is Funding the whole BLA etc. & accuses us of funding Kashmirs.

Yes after looking on the above points any peaceful country will want war.

No country would be dumb enough to use her nukes. A single nuclear explosions will bring about radioactive debris that will harm innocent civilians, whether it's on Pakistani or Indian soil. Not only that any country which uses nukes is asking for her destruction because that country will be suppressed by the international community as they will loose recognition and they will have constant sanctions.

This is the sanest message so far, May your tribe Increase! Please, Sunil etc cut the crap, Never freakin underestimate your freaking enemies!!!!! For all we know they might be fighting with broom sticks, but dont underestimate.

Pakistan wont fire Nukes just as soon as war is declared. It will only fire when Indian Forces overwhelm it and try to control it. I believe what India will try to do is destroy the fighting capability of the PAF, army and navy and then get the hell out of there. There will be freaking damages on both sides, But ECONOMICALLY speaking, Pakistan is at a Disadvantage.
What will happen to India when its Loses all its Major Cities ?

It will also be Ruined Economically
What will happen to India when its Loses all its Major Cities ?

It will also be Ruined Economically
what will happen to Pakistan once the whole country is nuked and into a wasteland? Come on be realistic bro, India has a better chance of survival if it is nuked owing to its size. What about Pakistan?

Well Leave that out, Yes India will be pushed back decades if not centuries if its Major cities are nuked. But Pakistan will be destroyed totally and will be an Aggressor in the sight of the World. It will not get any International Help. While India on the Other hand, will be helped to rebuild! Got the point?

Lastly, it is because of this exact thought of yours that You are not the one Pressing the Trigger. Once you get the chance to Press the Trigger, do u think You will be able to do it? Kill Millions Of Innocents by Striking First? Having their Blood all over ur body? I dont know, Maybe you would, But I am sure India wont Strike First with Nukes. That Much I know.

Let sanity Prevail!
We want to start war !!
so .
1. India had moved her troops along border before us.
2. India had violated our Airspace & we haven't done it yet.
3. India is threatening us with a possible war if we don't agree to them.
4. India say they will do Surgical Strikes.
5. India says there are terror camps in Pakistan & they will destroy it.
6. India says they are clean as water & haven't done anything bad yet, but We Pakistanis are the worst thing existing in the whole world.
7. India is Funding the whole BLA etc. & accuses us of funding Kashmirs.

Yes after looking on the above points any peaceful country will want war.


Well BLA is a terrorist organization and they're responsible for many kilings in Pakistan. Kashmiris didnt kill anyone, instead they're being killed for doing peaceful protests. Also Balochistan is not a disputed territory, its recognized by the entire world as part of Pakistan. Kashmir, however, is recognized by the entire world, except India, as a disputed territory and the Line of Control is not an international boundary.
So Kashmir and Balochistan are not related at all, two very different stories, but I agree with you that BLA is being funded by Indians.
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