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Pakistan to be ruined if a war with India happens

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what will happen to Pakistan once the whole country is nuked and into a wasteland? Come on be realistic bro, India has a better chance of survival if it is nuked owing to its size. What about Pakistan?

Well Leave that out, Yes India will be pushed back decades if not centuries if its Major cities are nuked. But Pakistan will be destroyed totally and will be an Aggressor in the sight of the World. It will not get any International Help. While India on the Other hand, will be helped to rebuild! Got the point?

Lastly, it is because of this exact thought of yours that You are not the one Pressing the Trigger. Once you get the chance to Press the Trigger, do u think You will be able to do it? Kill Millions Of Innocents by Striking First? Having their Blood all over ur body? I dont know, Maybe you would, But I am sure India wont Strike First with Nukes. That Much I know.

Let sanity Prevail!

Pakistanis are not afraid to die unlike Indians and Pakistanis are not afraid to use each and every nuclear weapon they own on India...if we go mind as well use all our nukes on India destroy it much as we can :enjoy:
So Kashmir and Balochistan are not related at all, two very different stories, but I agree with you that BLA is being supported by Indians.

And I agree that LeT, and Other so called "Freedom Fighters" are supported by Pakistan.

Lastly, you are right, no Kashmiri is killing, its the outsiders who are brainwashed and kill in the Name of Kashmir! Anyways I am waiting for the Kashmir election results. God Speed
Crap, Indian propaganda!
Prove it, don't claim it.

Neo there is no link mentioned and i think its clearly mentioned in the forum rules that thread without links would be deleted. This one is no different either, no link, just crap against Pakistan.:sniper:
Pakistanis are not afraid to die unlike Indians and Pakistanis are not afraid to use each and every nuclear weapon they own on India...if we go mind as well use all our nukes on India destroy it much as we can :enjoy:
Please Die now in front of your Computer!!!!! For Pakistans Sake atleast lol Man in your country I am sure, people like you have no say, otherwise the Mullahs would be ruling Pakistan. Atleast the Pakistani Populance is mature enough not to support people like you. If you got the real guts, Do stand in an Election and Win.
If we go down we're going to take Indians down with us.
Pakistan recently tested a nuclear missle capable of attacking any area in India so dont talk **** indians.
If we go down we're going to take Indians down with us.
Pakistan recently tested a nuclear missle capable of attacking any area in India so dont talk **** indians.
so u know u will go down in a conventional warfare? So you are underestimating ur own Army, Navy and AF. Sad indeed.
so u know u will go down in a conventional warfare? So you are underestimating ur own Army, Navy and AF. Sad indeed.

You crazy nutjob you're the one talking crap about Pakistan being wiped off, if thats the case, which will never happen, then we're going to take india down with us take revenge on what they did for all these years.
You crazy nutjob you're the one talking crap about Pakistan being wiped off, if thats the case, which will never happen, then we're going to take india down with us take revenge on what they did for all these years.
Pretty sour thoughts. Well you must be living outside Pakistan because you are so damn bent on Nuking India. Well You wont suffer, but your Pakistani Brothers will once a Nuke War is Unleashed!

LET SANITY PREVAIL, and Mods Please CLOSE this thread, its a just a nut thread opened by some guy with a Superiority complex and supported by people like my friend Omar!
Pretty sour thoughts. Well you must be living outside Pakistan because you are so damn bent on Nuking India. Well You wont suffer, but your Pakistani Brothers will once a Nuke War is Unleashed!

LET SANITY PREVAIL, and Mods Please CLOSE this thread, its a just a nut thread opened by some guy with a Superiority complex and supported by people like my friend Omar!

Dont worry I'm coming to Pakistan soon for good and I stand by my comments we Pakistanis are not afraid to die its Indians who are afraid and you mean the guy who started this thread has an INFERIORITY complex!
I am amazed ,how fascinated are few guys here about the nuclear war. They talk it like some kids fiighting in street hideouts. I would like them to read few words in connection ,below.
Basic Information: There are volumes of information about nuclear weapons but to those who may be subjected to them there are less. A total nuclear war likely will exterminate us so in order for the many predictions to come true and for us to build a brave new world it has to be a limited nuclear war. This is only a superficial fortunate happenstance. One nuclear weapon is nothing less than devastating. With the right information a limited nuclear war can not only be survived but done so without lasting health effects or loss of life to you or your family.

Weapon types: There are many technical details about nuclear weapons but to the survivor there are only two. There are airburst detonations and ground burst detonations. Airburst detonations produce little of the deadly radioactive fallout that will kill the most people. These will be used on cities or industrial centers and detonated in the air to maximize surface damage... The other is the groundburst which incinerates thousands of square feet of the ground, turning it into a radioactive ash which is sucked high into the sky and falls like snow downwind killing people. This type of detonation will be used on military targets like missile silos or bases. For all intents and purposes the airburst is only dangerous to those in the area. The groundburst is dangerous for thousands of miles downwind. It is the groundburst that you must defend against. A terrorist weapon will be close to the ground and will create dangerous fallout.

Effects: Near a nuclear explosion, there is heat which can severely burn you and start large fires and blast which can destroy buildings and throw debris much like a tornado. Then there is radiation. Small particles of ash and dust will fall like snow onto the ground and will emit invisible beams of energy, which is lethal radiation. You can be exposed to a fatal dose of radiation and not know it for days so it is insidious. Things may seem normal but the beams of energy are penetrating your cells and scrambling the DNA. This is the area which needs concentrating on because it can be defended against while the other two effects (blast and heat) are much harder to defend against and will kill less people.

Now if you undertand my words, refrain repeating nuclear conflict.
You said It tornado, was trying to tell these Kids this.

Its Superiority Complex I believe, since Sunil Feels Superior. ;) God Speed.

Come back to Pakistan quick, and get urself a stinger and shoot down a MKI from the roof of ur house jus like some other kid said some days back!
You said It tornado, was trying to tell these Kids this.

Its Superiority Complex I believe, since Sunil Feels Superior. ;) God Speed.

Come back to Pakistan quick, and get urself a stinger and shoot down a MKI from the roof of ur house jus like some other kid said some days back!

You hindus have major INFERIORITY complex this superior act you put on is just BS. Forever you been having INFERIORITY complex and will continue to have it. So glad I'm not an Indian.
You hindus have major INFERIORITY complex this superior act you put on is just BS. Forever you been having INFERIORITY complex and will continue to have it. So glad I'm not an Indian.
I am an Indian Muslim, its ur ignorance and the inability to win an argument that has prompted you to attack me as a Hindu. Let me tell you, The Hindus of India are any day better than So called "Muslims" like yourself. It is the Hindus who stand up to Protect the Rights of Muslims In India, It is the Hindus who have built Indias Oldest Mosque situated in my State, Kerala! Now Decide whether to classify humans based on Religion.

I am an Indian Muslim and I see No difference in the two.
My 11 year old cousin could write a better article. Very amateurish indeed.

He might have better choice of words, and some intellectual research work to pendown, from no where this crap looks an authentical one, oh yeah this can be treated as a part of cheap propaganda scheme from BH*****.....
I am an Indian Muslim, its ur ignorance and the inability to win an argument that has prompted you to attack me as a Hindu. Let me tell you, The Hindus of India are any day better than So called "Muslims" like yourself. It is the Hindus who stand up to Protect the Rights of Muslims In India, It is the Hindus who have built Indias Oldest Mosque situated in my State, Kerala! Now Decide whether to classify humans based on Religion.

I am an Indian Muslim and I see No difference in the two.

Yea and its also the Hindus who raped and killed innocent Muslims who wanted to cross into Pakistan in 1947, its the Hindus who wiped out the entire Muslim population in Ferozpur when it was majority Muslim before partition, its the Hindus who burned your houses down in Gujrat in 2002, its Hindus who destroyed Babri Masjid and killed innocent Muslims who were trying to protect the masjid, it was Hindus who were coming after Muslims when they found Gandhi was killed and later found out it was Hindu who killed Gandhi and didnt even apologize to your kind. And dont get me started on Kashmir, but Kashmiris are not like you Indian "Muslims".
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