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Pakistan to acquire six submarines from China

I think half in China and Half in Pakistan should be the deal....cuz we need our own infrastructure for our future needz...:coffee:
Another confirmation of Yuans for Pakistan Navy!

Reporter / Weidong Xu

一向对邻国军事动向关注有加的印度最近似乎又被“挑动了神经”。 The military developments in neighboring countries has always been concerned about the recent increase in India seems to be "provoking the nerve." 《印度时报》4月11日报道称,正当印度海军就名为“75号工程”的潜艇发展项目犹豫不决的时候,巴基斯坦已经“悄悄”同中国签署协议,将从中国购买6艘装备“不依赖空气推进装置”(AIP)的先进常规潜艇。 "India Times" reported on April 11, when the Indian Navy called "Project 75" submarine development hesitant when Pakistan has "quietly" signed an agreement with China, from China to buy six equipment "air independent propulsion" (AIP) and advanced conventional submarines.

巴潜艇项目顺风顺水 Pakistan submarine project so smooth

从技术上说,普通柴电潜艇每隔几天就必须浮出水面或伸出通气管换气,以便为电池充电。 Technically, the general diesel-electric submarines must surface every few days or extended snorkel ventilation in order to charge the battery. 而装备AIP系统的潜艇潜航时间更长,有助于提升潜艇的隐身性能和战斗力。 The submerged submarines equipped with AIP systems longer, help to improve performance and combat effectiveness of the submarine's stealth. 《印度时报》的报道称,就目前的发展形势来看,印度海军还要等上数年才能装备AIP潜艇;而巴基斯坦海军已装备了3艘法国制造的“阿戈斯塔”-90B级潜艇,其中的“哈姆扎”号潜艇已装备有AIP系统,现在又将从中国购买6艘采用“斯特林循环”模式的“元”级AIP潜艇,其潜艇战力势必大幅提升。 "India Times" reported on the current development situation in perspective, the Indian Navy have to wait several years to AIP submarine equipment; and Pakistan Navy have been equipped with three French-made "Agosta"-90B class submarines, one of the "Hamza" submarine is equipped with AIP systems, are in turn adopted from China to buy 6 "Stirling cycle" model of the "meta" level AIP submarines, the submarine combat capability is further enhanced.

与巴基斯坦海军顺风顺水的潜艇发展项目形成鲜明对比的是,印度一直拒绝考虑在其马扎冈造船厂生产的6艘“鲉鱼”级潜艇上加装AIP舱段。 Smooth sailing with the Pakistan Navy's submarine development projects in sharp contrast, India has refused to consider at its shipyard production of 6 Mazha Gang "Scorpene" class submarines to install AIP cabin. 印度国防部的一位官员透露,资金问题是主要障碍。 An Indian Defense Ministry official said funding is a major obstacle. “投入成本一直在上涨,要想在第5艘和第6艘'鲉鱼'级潜艇上加装AIP舱段,还要再花费大约1亿美元。”他还指出,“即使有外国公司向印度提供AIP系统,但能对陆上目标发动攻击的巡航导弹仍没有着落,因此'75号工程'仍十分复杂,可能还需要2年才能定案,至于首艇服役甚至还要等上6到7年。”显然,印度海军已经开始担忧在AIP潜艇领域落后于对手。 "Input costs have been rising, to the first five and six 'Scorpene' submarines AIP cabin on the installation, but also to spend about 1 billion." He also pointed out that "even if a foreign company to India provides AIP system, but it can attack targets on land availability of cruise missiles still did not, so '75 No. Project 'is still very complex and may need 2 years to be finalized, as the first boat in service or even have to wait 6-7 years. "Clearly, the Indian Navy has begun to worry about AIP submarines in the area behind the opponent.

增购潜艇有现实需求 There is real demand for the purchase of submarines

由于历史和现实原因,印度和巴基斯坦之间的敌意一直无法彻底消解,表现在国防建设领域,锋相对的意味甚浓。 Due to historical and practical reasons, the hostility between India and Pakistan has been unable to complete digestion, and in the field of national defense, very strong front relative to the mean. 如果说在陆军和空军领域,两国算是各有千秋的话,那么在海军领域,巴基斯坦仍落后不少。 If in the Army and Air Force field, the two regarded each has its advantages, then the field in the Navy, Pakistan still lags behind a lot.

得益于近年扩充的军费开支,印度海军正在打造3支航母编队。 Benefit from the expansion of military spending in recent years, the Indian navy is building three aircraft carrier battle group. 反观巴基斯坦海军,近几年虽也开始从美国获得二手的“佩里”级护卫舰,并通过联合建造的模式,陆续接收中国设计的新式F-22P“剑”级护卫舰,但整体上仍是一支以近海防御为主的作战力量,面对印度海军的强大压力,制衡手段很有限。 The other hand, Pakistan Navy, though in recent years have begun to second-hand from the United States, "Perry" class frigates built by the joint model, the design of new China in succession to receive F-22P "sword"-class frigates, but on the whole is still a support to combat forces based coastal defense, the face of strong pressure from the Indian Navy, checks and balances means are limited.

为了令对手有所顾忌,善于以小搏大的巴海军将目光聚焦于潜艇战力。 Reluctant to opponent, good at the Pakistani Army's big eyes focused on the submarine warfare force. 目前,巴潜艇部队的主力为3艘法制“阿戈斯塔”-90B型潜艇。 Currently, the Pakistani submarine force for the three main legal "Agosta"-90B submarines. 虽然该艇性能较为先进、可发射潜射的“飞鱼”反舰导弹且安装有延长潜航时间的AIP系统,但苦于数量有限,战时很难控制大面积海域。 Although the performance of the boat is more advanced, capable of launching submarine of the "flying fish" anti-ship missiles and equipped with AIP systems to extend the time submerged, but suffer from a limited number of difficult to control large areas of sea in wartime. 尤其是在印度海军即将装备美制P-8I“海神”反潜机,并谋划批量购买同为法国制造但性能更为先进的“鲉鱼”级潜艇的情况下,巴海军相对于印度的装备劣势更趋明显。 Especially in the Indian Navy will equip American P-8I "Poseidon," anti-submarine aircraft, and plan for the bulk purchase of properties in France, but more advanced "Scorpene" class submarines in the case, the Pakistani military weakness relative to India, more equipment obvious.

为应对邻国不断强大的“潜战-反潜战”力量,巴海军确有扩编潜艇部队的现实需求。 In response to continued strong neighbors "hidden war - anti-submarine warfare" force, the Pakistani military does have expanded the practical needs of the submarine force. 如果印度媒体的报道属实,巴海军最终成功引进6艘中国制造的潜艇,那么巴海军未来将拥有足够的水下反制力量,令潜在对手不敢轻举妄动,同时也有利于防止该地区轻起战端。 If the Indian media reports are true, the ultimate success of the Pakistani Army in China to introduce six submarines, then the Pakistani Army will have enough water coming counter-forces, so that potential adversaries can not act rashly, but also help prevent the light from the war in the region end. (来源:国际在线-《世界新闻报》) (Source: International Online - "News of the World")

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I like the name change for our model, instead of 041 Yuan, it is called 041 "META"
Pakistan needs to rapidly expand the Naval and Marine Force to counter all external threats. The U-214 submarine acquistion from Germany should also move along.
Which Chinees Sumbarine Pakistan Navy is looking forward to acquire?
The submarine arm of the PN needs to be strengthened because Pakistan has a big coastal line and economi zone to defend. Submarines are more important @ the moment due to short, medium and long term challenges faced by Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to rapidly expand the Naval and Marine Force to counter all external threats. The U-214 submarine acquistion from Germany should also move along.

Sher sahib
Where is the money to acquire these subs from Germany. With Zardari at the helm, do you think anything will be preserved from him to apply to anything constructive. The other thing to note is that too much of anyhting is bad. PN can barely afford to run its current assets , howdo you think it will manage 9 more subs as indicated in you r posts. How many of the awam have to go without food for the navy to be strengthened.
If Pakistan wants to get coastal sub Pakistan have the option like andraAndrasta Coastal Submarine for Littoral Operations - Naval Technologysa class ,ula class Ula class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or any Chinese equivalent will not be so expensive within 500~600 million dollar you can get 5~6 of this type sub and gradually get other attack sub from other sources in addition to keep the current augtas running Pakistan can achieve a very deadly submarine force

All very good suggestions there.
The problem is that Pakistan is not in a position "to walk around the arms super-market and pick up items of choice from the shelves to fill the shopping basket". All these sales are tied to political considerations. And with the current situation, the sourcing options are reducing; witness how the U-214 talks wound up? or the French avionics for the Thunders?
So practically speaking, Pakistan has to look towards China for whatever hardware that is on offer. Even the follow-ons of the OHP class is now an open question.

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