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Pakistan to acquire six submarines from China


Bro that's a Type 094 SSBN (boomer) which we won't be getting anytime soon. Although they will lease it to us in two to three years, once they work out the chinks in the armor.

Type 094 (09-IV) Jin Class Nuclear-Powered Missile Submarine - SinoDefence.com
with the sharing "know how to build". it will be a big help to Pakistan ships building industrial....more ships and more jobs at the same time :tup::pakistan:
Apart from Arihant class nuclear submarines with 3500 kms SLBM that is a game changer + Akula II + Anti Submarine Warfare(ASW) Corevette + Boeing P-8 Poseidon you can't expect anything better then that.

Above combination with the carrier battle group + hypersonic brahmos will be deadliest on this planet earth after the USA.

Pakistan Navy will have a potent submarine fleet, with F-22s and Type 54 Ships, Fast attack missile boats, F-16s and JF-17s for Naval Support, P-3 Orions, SAAB AE&W, ZDK-03s, Z-9s etc..

Now to counter the Indian Fleet RAAD, Spada, Exocet and Harpoon will be there to deal with the threat. Plus Babur Cruise missiles will back the PN's punch.
with the sharing "know how to build". it will be a big help to Pakistan ships building industrial....more ships and more jobs at the same time :tup::pakistan:

Pakistan needs to enhance its manufacturing capability and utilize the skills that were acquired in building and maintaining the French Submarines over the last 4.5 decades.
Pakistan needs to enhance its manufacturing capability and utilize the skills that were acquired in building and maintaining the French Submarines over the last 4.5 decades.

It's not only the know-how, it's basically the lack of infrastructe for manufacturing complex heavy machinery. Unless we encourage and provide aggressive incentives to private sectors, we will not be able to start 100% local production. For a start we can focus on smaller ingigenous sub-systems, especially in the field of electronics.
Apart from Arihant class nuclear submarines with 3500 kms SLBM that is a game changer + Akula II + Anti Submarine Warfare(ASW) Corevette + Boeing P-8 Poseidon you can't expect anything better then that.

Above combination with the carrier battle group + hypersonic brahmos will be deadliest on this planet earth after the USA.

veeru bhai my views are purely based on my wisdom as research analyst.

wen we talk of naval capability, there are two important factors to be kept in mind one place second time. US is the only country right now to have a universal superiority any where in the world. india will have deadliest capability second only to US in india ocean. but does it mean it has same capability in south china sea/arabian sea. hell no.

our navy can match chineese navy in india ocean but can it match chinese navy in south china sea. the answer is no. so how are we the second deadliest navy in the world.

india has a requirement ot have a blue water navy to engage china. so it requires battle groups and nuclear subs and aircraft carriers. pakistan doesnt have that requirement. it only requires capability against a closely located country that is india. so to counter indian moves to purchase carriers/nuclear subs/battle groups it has gone ahead with the best available option that is to acquire AIP submarines which are quieter then nuke subs and are also a major thrat to air craft carriers and other ships.

wen a carrier moves it requires corvettes and destroyers to guard as a carrier never moves alone. however if u have 02-03 good submarines in that area thay can give the whole battle group consisting of carrier/destroyers/frigates/corvettes a good run for the money.
Hi, it will be interesting what version they do buy/co-develop. More importantly, can this submarine launch cruise missiles through a vertical launch system, or via torpedo tubes. If they do have a vertical launch system, then Pakistan will have to develop it.
Hi, it will be interesting what version they do buy/co-develop. More importantly, can this submarine launch cruise missiles through a vertical launch system, or via torpedo tubes. If they do have a vertical launch system, then Pakistan will have to develop it.

IMO this is the reason for a new design.
Hi, I wanted to expand on some of the comments made by Mr. "Thorough Pro". I completely agree with his comments. Pakistan currently does not have the heavy industrial base to manufacture heavy manufacturing/industrial and/or high tech precision equipment. This makes it dependent on foreign suppliers, makes it sanction prone, and also chews up vital foreign exchange. Having this industrial base is useful not only for defense, but construction, the automotive sector, housing, power generation, etc.

I specifically remember reading an article back in 1997 on Dawn which covered the Agosta submarine project. Back then the PN was gearing up to assemble the second sub. I remember reading that the PN had imported equipment from France, Sweden and Switzerland. Moreover, all the special high strength steel for the assembled sub and the manufactured sub (Agosta # 3) had to be imported from France. Pakistan at that time could not produce this high strength steel. I hope Pakistan can also get this steel technology in house from China, if it does not currently have it.
Hi, it will be interesting what version they do buy/co-develop. More importantly, can this submarine launch cruise missiles through a vertical launch system, or via torpedo tubes. If they do have a vertical launch system, then Pakistan will have to develop it.

The vertical launch system exists with the Chinese boomers, it will have to be modified so that it fits in comfortably with an SSK.

HS80 Steel was used in the manufacture of Agosta 90B, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese are already using HS100 in the manufacture of their subs.
i think we need two different types of subs not all 6 subs of same claass would be stupidity
Hi, I meant to say that the PN would have to develop a cold start VLS. Currently the Babur is hot launched.
Hi, according to this article, the submarine purchase is still up in the air as there are no funds (3rd to last paragraph).

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Later on speaking with reporters, Senator Lt Gen (Retd) Javed Asharaf Qazi said because of current financial crunch in the economy of the country, panel could not recommend to purchase the sub-marines, though it is needed, but there is no money for the purpose, as directing to concerned officials to plan a new strategy for meet the defense requirement as keeping in view next 25 years.

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