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Pakistan to acquire six submarines from China

What about our arihant when they will come it will shift the balance again

of course bro.

nuclear subarines have more endurance as compared to normal submarines. they can remain under water till they have shortage of food on board. normal submarines (even AIP ones) have to come up on surface.

however one big advantage diesel submarine has over nuclear is that it is much more quieter wen running on batteries. so it is comparitively difficlut to detect on sonar.

pakistan doesnt require nuclear submarines to counter india. it needs more AIP submarines (which it is already purchasing).
Why is there a need a develop a new type of submarine when the models are already in service with china like the yuan class?
Isn't it will be time consuming and more costly.
Why is there a need a develop a new type of submarine when the models are already in service with china like the yuan class?
Isn't it will be time consuming and more costly.

Since Pakistan needs its own specifications to be incorporated, thus it would not be the exact model the Chinese are fielding, but it would be based on it. So, in other words call it a new variant of some Chinese model.

Yeah, it may be time consuming and costly, but it will yield very positive results at the end and for any future acquisitions as we can built with Chinese help more efficient subs for ourselves and can have them in numbers to counter the adversary who may be enjoying superiority in the surface vessel department.
Why is there a need a develop a new type of submarine when the models are already in service with china like the yuan class?
Isn't it will be time consuming and more costly.

Since Pakistan needs its own specifications to be incorporated, thus it would not be the exact model the Chinese are fielding, but it would be based on it. So, in other words call it a new variant of some Chinese model.

Yeah, it may be time consuming and costly, but it will yield very positive results at the end and for any future acquisitions as we can built with Chinese help more efficient subs for ourselves and can have them in numbers to counter the adversary who may be enjoying superiority in the surface vessel department.
I dont understand ,is pakistan buying chinese subs and then later own assembling in pk or is pakistan Jointly developing subs with china?.
the latter, jointly developing with china like JF-17 and then building 2 out of 6 here in pakistan.
read Adm N/Bashir's interview in this section - he states that PN is interested in chinese boats but it is too early to make any comments on the number required and the requirements.

find below:

"In the meantime, the PN's most pressing requirement is the replacement of two French-supplied Agosta 70 submarines operated since the 1970s. While Adm Bashir described the PN's fleet of submarines as the "backbone of our navy", he also admitted that "over a period of time our submarine strength has dwindled and today we have five submarines, which is far short of our requirement".

The navy has attempted to mitigate this capability gap with the purchase of three Agosta 90B submarines from France. However, Islamabad has stalled the purchase of further submarines, largely due to the country's economic constraints.

According to Adm Bashir, the PN had short-listed the Type 214 submarine, manufactured by Germany's Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft, as the platform of choice, but a contract has not yet been signed as "unfortunately the price tag is too high for us".

However, he did say that the PN is evaluating all possible options for the acquisition of submarines, including Chinese-manufactured options. "The exact details of the boats are not yet decided and so it is difficult for me to dwell on the issue at this stage," he said."
Since Pakistan needs its own specifications to be incorporated, thus it would not be the exact model the Chinese are fielding, but it would be based on it. So, in other words call it a new variant of some Chinese model.

Yeah, it may be time consuming and costly, but it will yield very positive results at the end and for any future acquisitions as we can built with Chinese help more efficient subs for ourselves and can have them in numbers to counter the adversary who may be enjoying superiority in the surface vessel department.

Sir any idea about the submarine would it be bigger than agostas, firepower, displacement etc...
gr8 move if truly the project is JV then we have not only Chinese missiles on the table but also babur and Pakistani missiles too and again like innovation in jf17 these subs can become a pain for enemy
So When will the deal be signed..and how much would it cost...???
And which submarines is PN going to retire...??
and will this submarine replace those retired once..?
babur is surface to air missile and not for navy if i am right
displacement wise yuan class are better then scorpian and U 214.


Only displacement doesn't not matter mate,u should also take sensors,armaments.etc..
can u put wat sensors and armaments does yuan submarine carry...
gr8 move if truly the project is JV then we have not only Chinese missiles on the table but also babur and Pakistani missiles too and again like innovation in jf17 these subs can become a pain for enemy
as far as i know babur is surface to surface....
Have pakistan tested submarine launched babur??
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