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Pakistan team, thanks for making it this far!

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Hey people... My first mail and it is a blissful feeling to see Dhoni and co walk into final defeating Pakistan... As I told it to my friend, it was a fight of bravehearts vs piece of hearts... Congrats countrymates... We just got to win one more and hopefully one short man will make a certain 100... Amen!

There have been misses, iffs and buts and that is the beauty of sports that one team loses at the end of the day. What matters is the spirit of the game ... Pakistan took the defeat graciously and I certainly believe Afridi has every reason in the world to be proud of his and his team's achievement. Pakistan has been a revelation in this cup and everything that happened over that last 2 years with pakistan cricket aside, I think this team has some amazing guys with a clear stronger future and a strong character... For the first time in the last 2 years, I felt happy for Pakistan Cricket... This team can go places...

But above all, I think I want to raise my hand and say that Cricket should go back to Pakistan... Let's play a match in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan... Pakistan Cricket and it's players deserve much more...
Its not ethically right to deny a country with as much enthusiasm for cricket as india, the chance to host cricket tournaments on home soil. We bleed blue, they bleed green.....why deny them their chance to feel proud?
Thanks Afridi team to make to Semi and defeating Australia :) , just watching the highlights from that match.
Hey its Afridi's team who got two PMs to meet in India.
Thanks Afridi
I think afridi led Pakistan superbly and with lot of passion.. I was specially proud of him after yesterdays press conference.. He behaved like a thorough gentleman..

But I still think he missed a trick by underuntilizing AbdurRazzak.. IMHO, Razzak is a match winner and he was under utilized in both bowling and batting department...

In fact he had been a neglected player throughout his career.. He is a much better player then what he could do for Pakistan.. I'm sure he will not continue much in the future.. but he has been a wasted talent.
There were some faults in our fielding & power play and some was the effect of the pitch but whatever it was Our Team played well. One loss shouldn't over shadow all of our victories. We should learn to behave when we loose and not to mention this was the team without three prominent players and was termed as failure in beginning but still they made it to the end!

Players are not Gods or Angels. Humans are never perfect. And loss is not just about your own faults sometimes its also that others are better prepared!!!!!


P.S Team India played better and they deserve the victory.
Thanks Afridi team to make to Semi and defeating Australia :) , just watching the highlights from that match.
Hey its Afridi's team who got two PMs to meet in India.
Thanks Afridi


No one can take it away from Pakistan that they have played their traditional braveheart cricket and earned this semifinal and gave this opportunity to both the leaders to meet!

Hopefully, the gesture from Pakistan PM to accept the invitation and release a prisoner would lead to some more gestures from India... Hoping in hope for a better tomorrow!
The batting was a bitter disappointment today, but I thought our bowling was top notch. This side has had God knows how many makeovers, no one expected us to even reach the quarters. Afridi, kind words from you to the nation... a bit disappointed, but we all still love you and the Pakistan cricket team. Pakistan Zindabad! A very proud Pakistani :pakistan:
you should be grateful that if case of win you would have wasted more time.....

im saying that half of the team esp kamran, younus, umer gul played horribly, gul is not such a horrible bowler but he choked, younus played like a child, he choked, afridi went so defensive after sewag hard hitiing, he choked as captain, he didnt bat well and neither took wickets....

basically half of team choked under pressure, but afridi said pressure would be on hosts more than pak team, but they choked under pressure...
Congratulations to Pakistan to have reached this far , It wasn't easy after all the problems you guys have been through in the last few years.You have nothing to be ashamed of , Be very proud of your team and receive them well atleast if not like heroes.

I must say (this might sound weird after the disappointment today) that I feel very proud of my Pakistani roots, and (again, this might sound weird to some) I believe Pakistan proved itself to be a great nation today, even though it failed. But just getting to the semi-final was an achievement for this team, and Pakistan showed courage & character to be there:


Pakistan always picks itself up from all kinds of disappointments, this is the end of an era; but I know Pakistan will pick it self up, not just in cricket, but in everything. I know it in my heart, because Pakistan is a great nation. Pakistan Zindabad!!!! :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
Cricket? What cricket? Pakistan's national game is Hockey !
lot of members here are cursing misbah, but he stood his ground till the end. wickets were falling all around while he was standing helplessly at other end. had any batsmen supported him no one knows what would have been the result. in process of saving tailenders from facing bowlers he had to surrender 6-7 singles. now if those 6-7 singles are deducted then the margin was not much.
Yeah thanks. Thanks for what??? Playing pathetic in a semi final and losing it like idiots. Yeah thanks for that.
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