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Pakistan team, thanks for making it this far!

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Thanks Pakistan for making this world cup spicy, unpredictable & unforgettable event.

thanks for ending australia's juggernaut

thanks for providing entertainment & above all thanks for providing this great game which will be remembered for generations to come
There was something in us that we did not deserve to win the Semis. Was it the pride, arrogancy or over confidence?

No it was lack of batting skills of our batsman and their poor shots
Their bowling were superb throught out the tournemnet but their batting and feilding let us down in almost every match..but any way better move on now and it was pleasure to see pakistani team performing in semi finals...Pakistani teams now need to learn and rectify their shortcomings..
Well played Pakistan throughout the match. It was never seen as one sided ever until last powerplay. Just have some mistake Pakistan team made which costs you. Sachin wicket miss and not good fielding.
younus khan, umer gul, and the one and only akmal brothers lost us the match

captaincy looked very average, seems like afridi captaincy was hyped up, afridi looked confident before the match, said the players werent taking the pressure, but their battin crumbled so shamelessly throuh pressure

younus khan was playing like a beginner child, i couldnt believe same old experienced guy was playing like that......

how could have pakistan won by dropping 6 fuccking catches, it was pretty much over then, i knew from it, pakistan's attitude there would lose them this game

Youns and Misbah (because of age and this and that) :wave:
Gul ok, just one bad match
Kamran Akmal when will Pakistan reliase they need specialist Wicket keeper not a batsmen
Umar Akmal ok

We need to find some one who can rotate striker and rather than 5 dots and one desperate shot some batsmen who can take 4,5 singles
Afridi is a gentleman! He earned my respect:cheers:

Undoubtedly. Shahid Afridi worked very hard to make his team play well and he carried himself with dignity!! :cheers:

But I could not understand why Misbah played the way that he did. He ought to have started firing much earlier, he let his side down, somewhat.
but who will compensate 7 dropped catches...that gave life to Indian team..
Do you actually believe this BS?This diplomacy thing will die in just few days.

Yes I do. Well it will be there for a few days at least.

Two countries, such as India and Pakistan, have to have their communication open.

See global, think local.
Pakistani team played really well in this whole WC but time has come to retire old players Razzaq, Misbah, Yunis make new team of youngsters and prepare them for next WC and T20Wc. :eek:
Just hang in there....You overcame difficulties and played well under difficult conditions...kudos for coming soooo far :)
Well done Pakistan. The team played really well to come so far. Hafiz, Umar Gul and Afridi have done commendable jobs. All the best for up coming matches. :tup:
But I could not understand why Misbah played the way that he did. He ought to have started firing much earlier, he let his side down, somewhat.

Thats typical Misbah

what i could not understand was why Pakistan was so desperate. Had one batsmen batted coolly with Misbah it was our game

But we had 2 young boys who took pressure, played a bad shot and got themselves out and a experienced batsmen who batted so well for his dot balls
We congratulate India on wining the semifinal. As a good will gesture, India can keep Pakistan's prime minister :) and if you win the finals, we will send our president too :)
Congratulations to Pakistani team for their best efforts , nice play & overall appreciate able struggle for Final.

I feel no sadness but i proud that they did their best.

Well played Pakistan. You guys did very well to get to the semis. Today was just one of those off days where things didn't go your way. Those catches should have been held and the batsmen seem to have played a little bit too cautiously.

I like Afridi. I think his behaviour and performance throughout the tournament has fetched him a lot of fans in India and we should be seeing more of him on Indian television.
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