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Pakistan Successfully Tested Babur 3 Cruise Missile launch from Submarine : ISPR

for further enhancing sea based deterrent the range of babur 3 should increase and which will with the time inshallah.

iwant to ask can shaheen 1A be considered for an SLBM ??it already has a range of 900km..opinions of senior members on this required

Torturing torturing yes it is torturing. :D

@django @The Sandman @Zibago @Hell hound @The Eagle @Jonah Arthur

Woke up with this excellent news. Alhumdulillah for taking another big step forward to face any shortcoming or enemies. Amazing start of 2017 and InshAllah a lot more to come.

Congratulations to all of you. :yay:

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:

CONGRATUALTION akhi on our success. Mau ALLAH AoJ shower Pakistan and all Muslims with His special mercy, ãmiin. This news has lifted my spirit sky high, الحمدلله:pakistan:

1. This marks the first completely successful test flight of Babur's SLCM variant. The system will require more test flights before it is ready for production and subsequent induction.
2. The test seems to have been conducted almost two weeks ago (27-28 Dec), when a corresponding Navigational Warning was issued. The reason for delaying public announcement is unclear at this moment.
3. The weapon was fired from a mobile underwater testing platform. No submarine was involved, however, I personally believe that Agosta-90Bs should be able to fire it from their standard 533mm torpedo tubes once the SLCM goes operational.
4. The range might be incorrectly mentioned as 450km for unknown reason(s). Since Babur-3 is the SLCM variant of Babur-2, both might have the same 650km strike range.
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LMAO history of South Asia. :lol:

Only 2-3 countries have some kind of navy in south asia. You downgraded IN by saying that it is the most powerful navy in South Asia.

Hhhhh, don't tarnish the Zionist Hindu Indian low level mentality!:pakistan:
BTW, congratualtions on our success akhi!
Wow. Amazing news.
Only a few weeks ago there was a post here that Pakistan was the only nuclear power without a submarine launch 2nd strike capability. Well what do you know.

Amazing achievement with so much global pressure. I bet that really upsets our neighbours.

Sad to see them upset but they can politely kiss our northern as5
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