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Pakistan snubbed by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for giving 'sanctuary' to terrorists

snabbed by whom ? a guy can not hold his country ? how many % afghanistan is under ghani ?

If India is sincere with Kabul, let her use the money to build a wall on Pak-Afghan border, seal it off completely. Modi ka shauq to isolate Pakistan bhi pura ho jayega. :raise:
Indian trolls had been in hiding and out in full force here and now ... well done!

As rightly said before, stray dogs bark and chase the moving car ... so let them bark
General Tariq was right....it's time to bomb their cities every time they do a misadventure against Pakistan. If we had a leadership that had balls then I would stop all supplies to their country...I don't care if there people suffer...enough is enough.
General Tariq was right....it's time to bomb their cities every time they do a misadventure against Pakistan. If we had a leadership that had balls then I would stop all supplies to their country...I don't care if there people suffer...enough is enough.

Every action has a consequence and strong nations defend their self respect with cold brute force. Afghanistan should have been bombed after APS massacre and all ties cut.

Now they are spitting in your face even when you are offering to help. Cut all ties off, block their trade, bomb their cities and finish Fazlullah TTP childing murdering Afghani b**tards.
Mr.Ghani you talk of providing sanctuaries to terrorists, what about the sanctuaries pakistan provided to millions of poor Afghan refugees in the last 30 years? we gave them free food, free medicine, free school, jobs.

there is a reason why the whole world sees Afghanis as Namak Harams, their president is living proof of this.
Well you are cheer leading. Or it comes so natural to you guys that you don't even feel like it.

Anyways. Pride has nothing to do with your failures. You can be all proud and faggot at the same time.

See this is why no one likes pakistan. In this thread, who is abusing whom ?...lol. clearly shows your frustration. I was only talking about Afghan point of view.

Anyways the president of Afghanistan has spoke. They have clearly snubbed pakistan.

I mean you might have seen this coming. But brave of aziz to attend. That much has to be said.
See this is why no one likes pakistan. In this thread, who is abusing whom ?...lol. clearly shows your frustration. I was only talking about Afghan point of view.

Anyways the president of Afghanistan has spoke. They have clearly snubbed pakistan.

I mean you might have seen this coming. But brave of aziz to attend. That much has to be said.

Here is reality:

Indians are blinding and killing children in Kashmir

Afghans are becoming terrorists and killing themselves, Pakistanis and anything else they can find for money to their families.

But here we are India and Afghanistan pushing the same narrative over and over again for eternity. There is a clear agenda and I hope Pakistan will deal with both in due course.
Pakistan is a big headache for all the SAARC nations.

We need to find a practical way of dealing with Pakistan, think it will help if Pakistan wasnt fully controlled my the military.
If India is sincere with Kabul, let her use the money to build a wall on Pak-Afghan border, seal it off completely. Modi ka shauq to isolate Pakistan bhi pura ho jayega. :raise:

We would like to complete building a wall on India pak border first. Fed up with all the terrorists trying to cross from our western border.
Here is reality:

Indians are blinding and killing children in Kashmir

Afghans are becoming terrorists and killing themselves, Pakistanis and anything else they can find for money to their families.

But here we are India and Afghanistan pushing the same narrative over and over again for eternity. There is a clear agenda and I hope Pakistan will deal with both in due course.

When has reality been the basis of diplomatic offensive? like ever ?

We say whatever against pak and everyone seems to listen. Pak shouts about kashmir every chance it gets, but all it gets is deaf ears.

Why is that ? Pls think about it. Actions speak more that words. It is because of pakistan that pakistan is isolated.

Gone are the days wars are won with bullets and muscle. !!
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