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Pakistan snubbed by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for giving 'sanctuary' to terrorists

No I was referring you planning 500 million to develop MIRV to defeat bharat. After all its pakistan who has first use policy.

Nuking another country is suicide for you.

MIRV to counter ABMs .. To have credible minimum deterrence. And to make sure its MAD and not a one way suicide..
I dont see any other reason why they hate you.

Clearly you don't know anything like other bharatis and is as ignorant as any other bharati can be.

Why Afghans hated pakistan in 70's and supported Baloch separatists when there was no Taliban or AQ or ISIS?

Why Afghans hated in 60's and invaded Pakistani territory to annex it when there were no Taliban back then?

Why Afghans hated Pakistan and supported greater Pukhtoonistan movement when there were no Taliban back then?

Why Afghans hated Pakistan in 40's and became only country to oppose creation of Paksitan in UN when there were no Taliban back then?

You bharatis need to stop cheerleading for Afghans. Defend only yourself not these opium sniffing losers.
Clearly pakistan policy of good terrorist, bad terrorist and your arrogance that pakistan controls the fate of Afghanistan is what that is clearly pissing them off.

I dont see any other reason why they hate you.

These one liners may look good on Star News or something but if you are going to say something substantial then be out with it.

Pakistan was fencing and attempting to regulate the border and then who started firing on who's forces? What happened when Pakistan army moved in to tribal regions and the Afghan Talibs and Haqqanis moved freely across the unguarded border while the hashish smoking Afghan army sold them their Nato funded gear? Blame that on Pakistan too? How about the fact that significant proportions of Afghans still support the Taliban because the so called national government in Kabul is full Drug Barons and war lords who have committed war crimes themselves?

But then again, as an Indian you are programmed to blame Pakistan for even a queer smell in your basement.
To be honest the great isolation Modi talks about so far has been Bangladesh, the couple of SAARC countries (too small to even remember their name) and Afghanistan.

These are pointless countries that offer nothing to Pakistan in return except cosying up to an Indian government every time they flash a few dollars.

Build the wall, send the Afghanis home and watch Afghanis and Indians self destruct. By closing the borders for Afghanis it will mean more and more Afghans would travel to India and claim asylum there, good let India deal with these mess of a people, who are internally ungrateful and most likely to stab you in the back.

Dont forget these are the same Afganhis who until a few months ago claimed that they would do jihad against their Indian brothers if they started a war with Pakistan.
Well i know the professionalism. You must be reffreing to the booking of the garden by Niazi for surrender ceremony back in 1971.
Give me one factor in Pakistan's favour in bengal that proves they could have fought any more or should not have surrendered?
or give me one reason which shows Pakistan army could have won that war if they were professionals?
or any 1 reason which shows Pakistan army was not professional in the war?
Mentioning the success of the Afghan-India Friendship Dam (Salma dam), Ghani said that the dam inaugurated by PM Modi has significantly helped the people of Herat significantly. He also spoke about the trilateral agreement signed between India, Iran and Afghanistan, terming it as a major step in “transforming Afghanistan frm land-lock country to land-bridge.”

“The project of Chabahar Port between India, Afghanistan and Iran is very important to us for connectivity,” he added. Apart from that he said the Air Cargo corridor between the two countries, to be launched shortly, will give Indian and Afgan consumers and producers “unimpeded access to each other’s products and services.”

The only thing I can agree with Ghani on is that the $500 million investment in Afghanistan is a complete waste of money. Might as well throw all that cash out into the Arabian Sea, as Kabul under its current political establishment is a complete and total mess. Going by their behaviour further, things won't be changing any time soon. I mean if you have known war criminals serving as your vice president then you know things are seriously messed up.


The vice presidents personal militia to this day are terrorizing civilians.


Also it is obvious that support for the Taliban is coming from many corners. They have a freakin embassy in Qatar for example (strong legitimizing the Taliban). When was the last time Ghani and company spoke out against Qatar's involvement in Afghanistan. Just shows what a bunch of hyper nationalist hypocrites are ruling in Kabul today, and the sole reason for their toxic statements against Pakistan is that from childhood they were brainwashed to hate Pakistan. They claim half of Pakistan as theirs but realize that other than whining and moaning they can do nothing tangible that will make these regions part of Afghanistan. So they have joined the bandwagon with India hoping against all hope that somehow KPK will become Afghanistan.
Clearly you don't know anything like other bharatis and is as ignorant as any other bharati can be.

Why Afghans hated pakistan in 70's and supported Baloch separatists when there was no Taliban or AQ or ISIS?

Why Afghans hated in 60's and invaded Pakistani territory to annex it when there were no Taliban back then?

Why Afghans hated Pakistan and supported greater Pukhtoonistan movement when there were no Taliban back then?

Why Afghans hated Pakistan in 40's and became only country to oppose creation of Paksitan in UN when there were no Taliban back then?

You bharatis need to stop cheerleading for Afghans. Defend only yourself not these opium sniffing losers.
Yes clearly, bharatis don't know anything but your last line shows Pakistan's sentiments towards Afghanistan.

For time immorial you guys were saying Afghans, Pathan's, etc were proud people who don't bend to another's wish. How do you think Afghan people feel when they see your sentiments.

Of course you can dismiss everything others say, but pakistan has earned their disgust. How many roses you offer, they think of pakistan the same way.
Yes clearly, bharatis don't know anything but your last line shows Pakistan's sentiments towards Afghanistan.

For time immorial you guys were saying Afghans, Pathan's, etc were proud people who don't bend to another's wish. How do you think Afghan people feel when they see your sentiments.

Of course you can dismiss everything others say, but pakistan has earned their disgust. How many roses you offer, they think of pakistan the same way.

Yes my last line shows my sentiments towards them and I would say even more harsh words for them.

As for Afghans are proud people and all that BS. They might be proud or not. They are bunch of faggots who don't even know how to govern their country and are blaming Pakistan for all their failures. Same Pakistan whose existence they opposed. Same Pakistan who has grown to the extent that it can defend itself against them and their hollow dreams of greater Afghanistan.

We might have earned their disgust. This is good. You don't need to cheer lead for them.
These one liners may look good on Star News or something but if you are going to say something substantial then be out with it.

Pakistan was fencing and attempting to regulate the border and then who started firing on who's forces? What happened when Pakistan army moved in to tribal regions and the Afghan Talibs and Haqqanis moved freely across the unguarded border while the hashish smoking Afghan army sold them their Nato funded gear? Blame that on Pakistan too? How about the fact that significant proportions of Afghans still support the Taliban because the so called national government in Kabul is full Drug Barons and war lords who have committed war crimes themselves?

But then again, as an Indian you are programmed to blame Pakistan for even a queer smell in your basement.

Queer smell...that was good. I for once wasn't programmed to blame pakistan.

Fencing Afghan pak border is like fencing indo china border. The british just drew a line and left. It was left to egoistic people to properly demarcate the border. Do you think it's just easy to do it ?

As for drug smugglers just shoot them.

But please don't deny that pakistan has used these drug Lords and others to unite and fight against a bigger foe.

Yes my last line shows my sentiments towards them and I would say even more harsh words for them.

As for Afghans are proud people and all that BS. They might be proud or not. They are bunch of faggots who don't even know how to govern their country and are blaming Pakistan for all their failures. Same Pakistan whose existence they opposed. Same Pakistan who has grown to the extent that it can defend itself against them and their hollow dreams of greater Afghanistan.

We might have earned their disgust. This is good. You don't need to cheer lead for them.

I for once need not cheer lead for them, because I don't benifit from them. If you are active in this forum then, clearly you have seen contradicting comment from your own county men.
I for once need not cheer lead for them, because I don't benifit from them. If you are active in this forum then, clearly you have seen contradicting comment from your own county men.

Well you are cheer leading. Or it comes so natural to you guys that you don't even feel like it.

Anyways. Pride has nothing to do with your failures. You can be all proud and faggot at the same time.
Pakistan snubbed by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for giving 'sanctuary' to terrorists

NEW DELHI: Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani today snubbed Pakistan for exporting terror by saying that the $500 million promised by Islamabad for Afghan reconstruction would be better used fighting terrorism.

Cross border terrorism is a major concern and "we need aid to fight terrorism", said Ghani at the Heart of Asia conference in Amritsar+ .

"We need to identify cross-border terrorism and a fund to combat terrorism. Pakistan has pledged 500 million dollars for Afghanistan's development. This amount, Mr. Aziz, can be spent to contain extremism," Ghani said, directly addressing Pakistan's foreign policy chief Sartaj Aziz+ , who is also attending the conference.

"Afghanistan suffered the highest number of casualties last year. This is unacceptable...some still provide sanctuary for terrorists. As a Taliban figure said recently if they had no sanctuary in Pakistan, they wouldn't last a month," Ghani said.


Ghani is spot on here, there is a saying in Pashtoo له خیره دی توبه خو دا سپي دی در کوری کړه which literally translates into, please keep you dogs away we couldn't care less about your assistance.

So we culdnt care less about the aid that you promised, just keep your assets away from Afghanistan.
Maybe Ghani should have talked about the sanctuary pakistan gave to millions of Afghanis refugees during the last 30 years.

But then again its no secret, Afghans are the biggest Namak Harams in the world and right now they are going to follow anyone who wants to give them $$$
Fencing Afghan pak border is like fencing indo china border. The british just drew a line and left. It was left to egoistic people to properly demarcate the border. Do you think it's just easy to do it ?

Nice example. Only difference is that Chinese say they never signed or accepted British imposed borders unlike Afghanistan that has done both not once but several times. :)
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