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Pakistan should replace F-16 with F-35 ?

Pakistant need to replace F16 with F35 by 2020?

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    Votes: 61 42.1%
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    Votes: 84 57.9%

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Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US is replacing F16 with F35 in 2013.PAF need to work on replacement of F16 with F35.

What is opinion of our defence professionals of forum?

I think you are living in a fantasy world so please come out of it there is no harm in that because US is not going to give any modern planes such as F35 of F22 to Pakistan no way no chance. Please stop dreaming chief. What I believe is that Pakistan should work with China and Ukraine on DEFENCE field only they have helped more then US. US is only throwing old toys to Pakistan. If you want to have it your way then Pakistan should replace old dieing Cobra's with Apaches but US is not even giving that to Pakistan. Keep in mind when ever US makes something new that is high tech technology that is only going to be given to Israel mostly with transfer of technology and you are talking F35 for Pakistan waoo.
Pakistan cannot buy high tech technology from US its not that Pakistan cannot buy high tech stuff but US will simply not sell them to Pakistan, so talk what Pakistan can buy. US is not even giving F16 technology to Pakistan, the maintenance of F35 is double the price of F16’s maintenance. US is hardly doing any maintenance of F16 for Pakistan. Only Turkey has so far promised to that for Pakistan.
Please there is no need to talk on useless stuff or useless issues only talk on valid stuff or issues.:pakistan::china:
Hi, I have mentioned this many times and I will mention it once again. Buying anything like F-16s or F-35s (in the PAF's dreams) is a complete waste of money.

Pakistan cannot even operate its current F-16s planes without the USA's consent, is dependent on them for spares and support, these planes are followed and tracked by US personnel, and are sanction prone. These planes probably have trojan horses in them, and will not funtion unless it is desired by the owning party.

Look at the day and night diffrence on how the PAF is treated versus the IAF. PAF F-16s are under lock and key, whereas the IAF is offered production rights on F-16s for their MRCA program.

The US will never sell the F-35 to Pakistan. It is to high tech of a fighter for Pakistan to own. It might sell it to India, but with India having its own stealth aircraft program with Russia, the IAF does not need it.

Moreover, Pakistan just does not have the funds, to buy a plane as expensive as the F-35. Given its dismal economic scenario, the likelihood of it defaulting on its foreign debt, it should not be spending money on this.

Pakistan should stick to Chinese stuff and try to absorb as much technology as they can from China. Take care.
Some where in Pentegon a US general is laughing and rolling all over the pentegon floor F35 a country US can't even provide 50 F16 dreaming of F35 , where American flags are torched every other day ...

Dream to good thing hai , but we have to dream with in our limits

Here is the order of shipment for F35

If someone can provide some real numbers it would help understand the situation

USA (Must be few thousand planes)
Japan (few hundreds)
Israel - Turkey (few hundreds)
UK - might get few hundred
Canada might get few hundred

So after all these nations are done around 2030 - US will look to sell it to its South Asian Allies

Pakistan (Will have to go thru congressional approval, and then another aproval with
waiting time of 10 years)

So we are better off producing 500 JF17 thunders , and upgrading these by 500 per decade
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Agreed Wih Sir gabbar But F 16 only Lacks Stealth Against F 35 otherwise F 16 is proven in war time and at the other hand F 35 is struggling to get roll out of its factory and with Good Sam System Like S-400 F 35 Is useless we should go for Sam system rather than buying a thrice the money of jet and it cost more in maintannace better to buy High Tech SAM System and also make our own SAM system With help of China and turkey as they also wanted to buy Sam system and turkey already have opened tender for High Tech Sam System if pakistan bring China with Turkey and three Countries Invest in High tech Sam system programme as china and pakistan already got tech of missiles how they can fly in air and turkey have to provide radar tech and etc i think we can get good Sam system and thrice the low price of any jet and how much we want we can get no sanctions nothing
Pakistan is and remain close friend of US despite of our differences , this marriage will continue .

If we can get F16 why not F35?

In next few years you will see F35 in PAF inshahallah

We will eat grass but defend Pakistan:pakistan:

But what if US tried to attack Pak nukes then what options u got on the table...????????:woot::cheesy:
Agreed Wih Sir gabbar But F 16 only Lacks Stealth Against F 35 otherwise F 16 is proven in war time and at the other hand F 35 is struggling to get roll out of its factory and with Good Sam System Like S-400 F 35 Is useless we should go for Sam system rather than buying a thrice the money of jet and it cost more in maintannace better to buy High Tech SAM System and also make our own SAM system With help of China and turkey as they also wanted to buy Sam system and turkey already have opened tender for High Tech Sam System if pakistan bring China with Turkey and three Countries Invest in High tech Sam system programme as china and pakistan already got tech of missiles how they can fly in air and turkey have to provide radar tech and etc i think we can get good Sam system and thrice the low price of any jet and how much we want we can get no sanctions nothing

I highly agree with ure suggestions.....it is faar faar better to invest in local produced sam tech rather to be like a beggar towards uncle evil sam,,,,,and compromise our defence to them all the time by buying anything like F-35 from this evil uncle...god forbid us from the blue eye devil.....even the American Indians(native Americans) say uncle sam as blue eye devil...:lol::woot::cheesy:
In the world of hypocrisy/intelligence there is no option of risk/negligence...no matter what...:coffee:
i dont think we need to replace f16 we can also buy f35 but f16 is the best i think in Pakistani hands :D
Anyway to my thinking it's not weapon systems, it's economy, it's trade that can be a more powerful weapon than any of these ships and acft and tanks

I agree to u bro to some extent but in case: what weapon we will use when the evil uncle sam will blame the act of terrorism on us and try to impose sanctions on us like they did to IRAN....then do we have any counter weapon to defend us???????:agree:...:woot::cheesy:
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if we have good sam system and radars which can track american styealth jets and high speed jets at very very high alltitudes and can destroy them before they enter in pakistan territory with pin point accuracy and no counter measure works against them which S -400 offer all these things i dont think so americans will ever think of sending jets in pakistan we are 20 years behind in sam tech thats why every day their drones come in pakistan our radars are just scrap if we make these things right you will soons see drones never come close to pak borders
if we have good sam system and radars which can track american styealth jets and high speed jets at very very high alltitudes and can destroy them before they enter in pakistan territory with pin point accuracy and no counter measure works against them which S -400 offer all these things i dont think so americans will ever think of sending jets in pakistan we are 20 years behind in sam tech thats why every day their drones come in pakistan our radars are just scrap if we make these things right you will soons see drones never come close to pak borders

If our radar had been so bad, we wouldnt have any nuclear installations in our country right now thanks to india and israel.

I cant say anything about bieng able to shoot down american jets, but I think, we are very much capable of shooting down drones if we want to. Why we dont shoot them down, i have no idea!!
Not equipped for launching satellites. Period.

If there is some, let me know.

Has Pakistan launched any satellite before? NO!

Why flame bitting :flame:?? Atleast they are trying some thing outside defence deals first time.. let them try...
well but still our Sam system are not good against high alltitude flying jets and we have only good sam likes of RBS,Anza for low level jets and only one sam spada which is good against medium alltitude jets but spada alone is not enough remmeber india will have around 2000 jets in future and we lack anti aircraft guns what we have are old and no high alltitude sam system we have
To Yahya...

Pakistan should replace F-16 with F-35 ? by 2020

1. Plane still under development...
2. First it will be provided to the partners (in program)...
3. How will Pakistan manage to get funds for F35...
4. How will you manage to agree :USFlag: that you need this toy for WoT...
5. While US sell F35 to Pak, How India and their team in US will react...

adding to this..

Strategically let us assume US sells F35.. when will you get it?? It will be no less that 2025 for sure... Assume Pakistan manages fund to buy the birds... what about its maintenance?? A real night mare
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