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Pakistan should be depicted with respect in Bollywood films: Indian directors

What has CPEC got to do with the demand for Bollywood going down in Pak?

Chinese and Turkish culture has become more prominent, out of all the foreign influences here. The Chinese and Turkish culture is the most influencial and dominant culture in Pakistan now. This is increasing with the money China is investing in Pakistan and with more Chinese people arriving here too.
Chinese and Turkish culture has become more prominent, out of all the foreign influences here. The Chinese and Turkish culture is the most influencial and dominant culture in Pakistan now. This is increasing with the money China is investing in Pakistan and with more Chinese people arriving here too.
Lol Chinese culture ? seriously
In recent times Bollywood has gone into over drive in anti Pakistani rhetoric by making exaggerated war films. Pakistan army is shown as an evil blood thirsty disorganised militia whilst Indian army are shown as true honerable Warriors. The comments section on YouTube are full of nationalistic comments and vile degrading abuse towards Pakistan. Greatest tragedy is Indians actually believe this to be reality.
Hahaha .. what a joke.. the Arabs would also laugh at your wits.
They will never accept you as one of them ever, Arabs think they are special, rest all converted folks are lesser than them. I know it will be hard for Pakistani Muslims to accept this fact.

The amount of Bollywood craze Pakistanis have is the proof that you have most in common with Indians.

Desis will always be Desis.

Who the F*** said we are like them? or we want to be like them? Pakistanis have also a lot in common with Iranians and Turkish. But we always consider our selves to be South-Asian and not some middle eastern. Yes, we have a lot in common with Indians as well. So stop spewing BS, and don't put your words in my mouth.
I was being mischievous, pulling your leg. Back in the day, 'I am curious - Yellow' and 'I am curious - Blue' stirred many south Asian hormones; they were what might be called charitably soft **** - by the standards of that day.

It you are referring to some book then sorry I have not read it though I can translate it into Swedish without any help from translators.. "Jag är nyfiken - gul" etc... I have read a few basic novel in Swedish as part of my Swedish language curriculum like "Mannen på stranden" and also watched a few classic Swedish movies though my wife might have gone through a lot of Swedish literature because she was born and raised here and also because she is crazy about literature and that's why TV stays off for weeks in our home ...except sometimes we want to see news or watch a movie but for that we use projector instead or go to the cinema if outing in on her agenda.

Sweden has a rich and fulfilling cultural hinterland, and I am sure you will find it enriching enough on its own. Personally, I only make detours into that hinterland - to use your very useful word - when referred to something specific, but of course, in translation. You are fortunate to be able to follow books and movies in the original.

But that was a detour... well I'm in favour of people watching international media but Turkish dramas are quite popular in Pakistan because shared history, religion and some culture... also it has a value of being new and different so it evokes curiosity.

Again I regret to say I was being facetious. Turkish literature and films - I haven't watched any live theatre - don't need introduction, Pamuk has made certain of that. Please ignore those posts ;-)

I'm not against learning about Indian culture or society rather I want Hindi to be taught at least as optional subject at university level but for that matter I even advocate teaching of Hebrew.

If done selectively. Watching movies - Bollywood or some of the excesses of Hyderabad and Chennai are particularly low-brow - is NOT a good introduction.

But Indian content produced by Indian film industry and TV channels is mostly against Pakistan, its culture and its national interests... so instead of spend money on filtering it rather just put a blanket ban until and unless people are educated enough that they are able to discern the difference and taking protective measures, be it for industry and trade or culture and society, is not a bad idea.

Apart from those times when I am busy, very busy, trying to be funny, do you find me disagreeing? I haven't watched a Hindi film for two years or more now, and no harm done. With YouTube and a wonderful friend (a PDF member who now lurks), I get all the good movies I want, from anywhere in the world. And that's good for me, without depending on Bollywood, thank you very much. Although to tell the truth, they have internalised the lessons of the alternative cinema of earlier decades, and the quality fluctuates violently between the really watchable and the run-of-the-mill bilge. I am going by reviews and friends' accounts.
I was being mischievous, pulling your leg. Back in the day, 'I am curious - Yellow' and 'I am curious - Blue' stirred many south Asian hormones; they were what might be called charitably soft **** - by the standards of that day.

Sweden has a rich and fulfilling cultural hinterland, and I am sure you will find it enriching enough on its own. Personally, I only make detours into that hinterland - to use your very useful word - when referred to something specific, but of course, in translation. You are fortunate to be able to follow books and movies in the original.

Again I regret to say I was being facetious. Turkish literature and films - I haven't watched any live theatre - don't need introduction, Pamuk has made certain of that. Please ignore those posts ;-)

If done selectively. Watching movies - Bollywood or some of the excesses of Hyderabad and Chennai are particularly low-brow - is NOT a good introduction.

Apart from those times when I am busy, very busy, trying to be funny, do you find me disagreeing? I haven't watched a Hindi film for two years or more now, and no harm done. With YouTube and a wonderful friend (a PDF member who now lurks), I get all the good movies I want, from anywhere in the world. And that's good for me, without depending on Bollywood, thank you very much. Although to tell the truth, they have internalised the lessons of the alternative cinema of earlier decades, and the quality fluctuates violently between the really watchable and the run-of-the-mill bilge. I am going by reviews and friends' accounts.
Yes I retreat sometimes to my summer house in north of Stockholm .. 4 hrs drive and I have some villager friends and I'm learning how speak, read and write in Swedish but I can hold normal discussion and read simple books without help while difficult ones .. I don't touch :lol::lol: but the number of books in Swedish in my home far outnumber that books in English .. I mean physical paper/printed books then I have audio books and ebooks and pdf and those are mostly in English and far outnumber the books in Swedish :) I get the chance to finish books while flying on long haul flights otherwise business, home and pdf do not let me study as much as I would like too.
Apart from those times when I am busy, very busy, trying to be funny, do you find me disagreeing? I haven't watched a Hindi film for two years or more now, and no harm done. With YouTube and a wonderful friend (a PDF member who now lurks), I get all the good movies I want, from anywhere in the world. And that's good for me, without depending on Bollywood, thank you very much. Although to tell the truth, they have internalised the lessons of the alternative cinema of earlier decades, and the quality fluctuates violently between the really watchable and the run-of-the-mill bilge. I am going by reviews and friends' accounts.
Well, your sense of humour is great but it is a bit dark and sarcastic... but I find funny at times and enjoy even though if it pinches a bit but sometimes I think you get too angry and loose the objective.. but it is a mix bag ..but when you positive, it is a fun to interact with you of course..
Yes I retreat sometimes to my summer house in north of Stockholm .. 4 hrs drive and I have some villager friends and I'm learning how speak, read and write in Swedish but I can hold normal discussion and read simple books without help while difficult ones .. I don't touch :lol::lol: but the number of books in Swedish in my home far outnumber that books in English .. I mean physical paper/printed books then I have audio books and ebooks and pdf and those are mostly in English and far outnumber the books in Swedish :) I get the chance to finish books while flying on long haul flights otherwise business, home and pdf do not let me study as much as I would like too.

Well, your sense of humour is great but it is a bit dark and sarcastic... but I find funny at times and enjoy even though if it pinches a bit but sometimes I think you get too angry and loose the objective.. but it is a mix bag ..but when you positive, it is a fun to interact with you of course..

I admit I am thin-skinned.
we encourage pakistanis to get employment and bread butter in india . our big heart .:enjoy:
And our hearts are even bigger :flame:
il show you the aukaat of indian women in the bollywood dance bars of dubai. come il send you a ticket.
Come see your auqat pakistanis heroins come to india to get bread and butter in big boss and indian films , i will send you ticket come see their auqat .
That is tip of the iceberg , real things i am not allowed to write here .
Come see your auqat pakistanis heroins come to india to get bread and butter in big boss and indian films , i will send you ticket come see their auqat .
That is tip of the iceberg , real things i am not allowed to write here .
their price will still not be as low as your 50 rupees indian bollywood dance bar women. And i cant mention the things they do for very little money in these bollywood dance bars.
their price will still not be as low as your 50 rupees indian bollywood dance bar women. And i cant mention the things they do for very little money in these bollywood dance bars.
Beta nanhe
things they do are same , are you proud of your pricey one?
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