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Pakistan should be depicted with respect in Bollywood films: Indian directors

Indians cannot help. There is something fundamentally wrong with their Operating Systems which makes them do what they do. If they could treat Muslims of India with grace a 100 years ago, Pakistan would not have been created the first place.

What you see in movies is reality, they don't respect Pakistan or Pakistanis. Here the big question is not if they should give respect to Pakistanis or not - the real question is why do you expect positivity from them after knowing them since over a century?
Indians cannot help. There is something fundamentally wrong with their Operating Systems which makes them do what they do. If they could treat Muslims of India with grace a 100 years ago, Pakistan would not have been created the first place.

What you see in movies is reality, they don't respect Pakistan or Pakistanis. Here the big question is not if they should give respect to Pakistanis or not - the real question is why do you expect positivity from them after knowing them since over a century?

this is indian filmakers who are talking positively about pakistan .
Not needed. We know your reality and you can keep doing that. Infact you can't even stop doing that, you hate us because we ruled you for more then 1000 years, so being a slave to us for over that long time has put you in serious inferiority complex situation and for self esteem you either have to kill the poor souls that are in minority in your country or you can bark at us at media and in movies. Nothing more you can do. And to take this to next level, add a fake sur-Gi-kal strike to it (Minus Tej Bahadur story).
Not needed. We know your reality and you can keep doing that. Infact you can't even stop doing that, you hate us because we ruled you for more then 1000 years, so being a slave to us for over that long time has put you in serious inferiority complex situation and for self esteem you either have to kill the poor souls that are in minority in your country or you can bark at us at media and in movies. Nothing more you can do. And to take this to next level, add a fake sur-Gi-kal strike to it (Minus Tej Bahadur story).

pakistan ruled 1000 years ? why stopped ruling ? :D
if you are from mughal family come claim your throne .
fools will hate india ,hate the world and dance on the indian songs ....:enjoy:
just like how your indians dance to pakistani singers.

when a pakistani singer is singing indians usually have no care for bahrat mata
just like how your indians dance to pakistani singers.

when a pakistani singer is singing indians usually have no care for bahrat mata

we encourage pakistanis to get employment and bread butter in india . our big heart .:enjoy:
Pakistan needs to set up a special security department whose main aim should be to reduce the Indian soft-power. To begin with, they should try to help revive our local film industry which will subsequently eradicate the influence of Bollywood. Recent trend suggests that Bollywood viewers in Pakistan are declining, in contrast to what it was 2 decades back. By doing this we can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, we can save our precious foreign reserves from going to our nemesis. Second, we can help our local industry which we can use to project our soft power and earn dollars. Moreover, Pakistani films have great potential in Middle-eastern markets, as we have a lot in common.

Pakistan's problem is that it has brilliant minds who think that a special security department can reduce soft power.

@war&peace - you are not alone.

@war&peace @PAKISTANFOREVER Indian films have a large audience in Pakistan. Whenever an Indian movie is banned in Pakistan, there is protest in Pakistan and people try to bootleg a movie. So it would be appropriate to expect Pakistan is depicted in Indian movies with respect and dignity.

Movies like sports build bridges between nations. India is not mature enough to allow bilateral sports yet. They will come to that stage too. Its better for all us to lower hostilities and build bridges.

Remember fighting is very easy. Arousing fear, drumming up patriotism to fight a war does not require a leader. Bringing peace does need a leader.

I wish I had said that.

Let's agree to totally disagree on this..I don't even want to argue on this issue and I stand by my point because I'm not shameless or idiot

Some of us would like a second opinion. Even a deranged Parsi paediatrician will do; in fact, will probably fit the situation very well.
How can you build peace or negotiate with a nation and a race of people who call for the death and destruction of your race, nation and religion? It's impossible to do so.

Also, I beg to differ in your opinion. I have just got back from Pakistan a few months ago and the situation there is very different.


No wonder the London Stock Market is zooming.

In fact completely different to what it was 10-15 years ago. The demand for indian films has virtually gone. No one cares or talks about bollywood like they used to in the 1990s. The CPEC effect has truely sank in, in Pakistan.

So you've seen Red Sorghum? Or perhaps you saw it, but it didn't 'sank' in?
Pakistan's problem is that it has brilliant minds who think that a special security department can reduce soft power.

@war&peace - you are not alone.

I wish I had said that.

Some of us would like a second opinion. Even a deranged Parsi paediatrician will do; in fact, will probably fit the situation very well.
Mate, I'm more of the opinion that education and awareness is the long term solution however in the meantime govt should ban any harmful content and Indian content is mostly harmful venomous be it news channels or movies so govt should should impose a ban on it.
Exactly, now people like to watch Turkish dramas and international content. We should raise literacy rate so people don't need to even think about cheap Gangadeshi content. In extended family, the average education is 16 years and thus there is none who watch Indian content.. if we want, we can enjoy quality international movies though most of prefer reading books and discussing them on a coffee table...

Swedish? You forgot Swedish.

I'll see if I can dig out an old copy of 'I'm Curious - Yellow'. You mightn't be read for 'The Seventh Seal' just at the moment.

The 5th Gen. Warfare, Bollywood is part of it in my opinion. Ordinary Pakistani watch Bollywood movies and become influenced by them. It is a real shame we don't have quality content ourselves to counter it, then again what of quality is left in Pakistan? Maybe just a few, the likes of IK and General Bajwa.

You confused me.

What are these two gentlemen supposed to be, aspiring Bollywood actors?

Mate, I'm more of the opinion that education and awareness is the long term solution however in the meantime govt should ban any harmful content and Indian content is mostly harmful venomous be it news channels or movies so govt should should impose a ban on it.

I totally agree with you - wearing my serious hat - about Indian news channels.

Mate, I'm more of the opinion that education and awareness is the long term solution however in the meantime govt should ban any harmful content and Indian content is mostly harmful venomous be it news channels or movies so govt should should impose a ban on it.

It IS about education and awareness, on both sides of the Radcliffe Line; very few pockets in either country are favourable towards good cinema.

The point remains, a superior policeman cannot bring in social change.
Swedish? You forgot Swedish.

I'll see if I can dig out an old copy of 'I'm Curious - Yellow'. You mightn't be read for 'The Seventh Seal' just at the moment.
It you are referring to some book then sorry I have not read it though I can translate it into Swedish without any help from translators.. "Jag är nyfiken - gul" etc... I have read a few basic novel in Swedish as part of my Swedish language curriculum like "Mannen på stranden" and also watched a few classic Swedish movies though my wife might have gone through a lot of Swedish literature because she was born and raised here and also because she is crazy about literature and that's why TV stays off for weeks in our home ...except sometimes we want to see news or watch a movie but for that we use projector instead or go to the cinema if outing in on her agenda.
But that was a detour... well I'm in favour of people watching international media but Turkish dramas are quite popular in Pakistan because shared history, religion and some culture... also it has a value of being new and different so it evokes curiosity. I'm not against learning about Indian culture or society rather I want Hindi to be taught at least as optional subject at university level but for that matter I even advocate teaching of Hebrew. But Indian content produced by Indian film industry and TV channels is mostly against Pakistan, its culture and its national interests... so instead of spend money on filtering it rather just put a blanket ban until and unless people are educated enough that they are able to discern the difference and taking protective measures, be it for industry and trade or culture and society, is not a bad idea.
Why are you so protective of these Arabs , they never reciprocate the same to non Arabs, especially South Asian Muslims.

Because when I lived in the Gulf, I was pretty close to quite a few Arabs and they treated me just fine. Like I said before, so long as you're not dark, dharmic or poor, they'll treat you nicely.

And you also exaggerate how far down the hierarchy Pakistanis are. Generally speaking, Pakistanis (and even Indians, Dravidians and Orientals excluded) don't work as labourers. It's not even legal for Pakistanis to work as maids in these countries.
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