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Pakistan should be closer friend to Russia if Pakistanis appove Russia's reemergence!

India has right to develop friendly relations with every country in the world including Israel. For that matter we also have good relations with arab countries and even palestinians.

India became the first non-Arab State to recognise the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as “the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people” and allowed it to open its office in New Delhi in January, 1975. India accorded recognition to the State of Palestine in November, 1988 and the PLO Office in New Delhi started functioning as the Embassy of the State of Palestine. In the wake of establishment of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), India opened its Representative Office in Gaza on June 25, 1996, for ensuring effective co-ordination with the PNA. India has always extended its consistent and unwavering support to the Palestinian issue.

India continues to offer scholarships under ICCR Schemes to Palestinian students for higher studies in India. India has also offered several slots for training courses under the ITEC Programme.

Certainly India has the right to be a double agent if it wishes, but in the end the story goes that these dirty bouble agents get the boot from both sides and I am pretty sure that'll happen to "mothet India".
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Certainly India has the right to be a double agent if it wishes, but in the end the stories goes that these dirty bouble agents get the boot from both sides and I am pretty sure that'll happen to "mothet India".

India hardly cares what you or others like you think about her. We don't give a damn about world opinion either. India will continue to do what serves her self-interest.
I really don't know why Pakistanis are so concerned about India buying weapons from Israel.

ahamm ahmm.. i think its india who has been begging and licking US congress feet to stop pakistan F-16 deal and other related military cooperations..

(An Indian trooper holding an Israel made Travor Assault Rifle (TAR-21) at a market in Shopian south of Srinagar, summer capital of Indian administered Kashmir.)

and guess what.. this gun is accountable for 40+ innocent deaths in last month srinagar violence.. :tsk:
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I would choose The United states as the superpower any day of the week compared to Russia. Its easy for people to just criticize everything the US does without looking at the Contributions a capitalist country like the US has given to the world as well.

Computers, Internet, Windows, Photo-shop, Telephones, Televisions, Radio, Refrigerator, Skyskcrapers, electric motors, calculators, air conditioners, NASA, Airplanes, photocopiers and a Million other things...

Communism Sucks BIG TIME.... i'd rather live in a Capitalist country than a socialist welfare state... Good luck with Russia
I would choose The United states as the superpower any day of the week compared to Russia. Its easy for people to just criticize everything the US does without looking at the Contributions a capitalist country like the US has given to the world as well.

Computers, Internet, Windows, Photo-shop, Telephones, Televisions, Radio, Refrigerator, Skyskcrapers, electric motors, calculators, air conditioners, NASA, Airplanes, photocopiers and a Million other things...

Communism Sucks BIG TIME.... i'd rather live in a Capitalist country than a socialist welfare state... Good luck with Russia

Mr. What is the use of these things given by the Americans when humans are being killed like goats? Haven't you ever thought that what would you feel like when US troops kills your family in the same way they are murdering Iraqis and Afghanis.
Before Pakistan can improve relations with Russia it has to do so with India cause I don't think Russia will ditch a 60 year old relation for a new and less attractive partnership. Indian-Russian relationship is at another level Russia gives inputs in formulating Indian military strategies, is in to joint production of hi-tech weapons with sensitive technologies (space, nuclear etc) with India etc

ps: What about Chechnya?
Nothing has influence the human civilization more than economic factors due to basic desires of every human to live comfortably and never ending needs...Its pathetic that we compete against India in every defense goal but ignore the most basic factors of human needs. If we reciprocate the same spirit of competition into civilian industry and economy we can beat India in prosperity in few decades.

Before Pakistan can improve relations with Russia it has to do so with India cause I don't think Russia will ditch a 60 year old relation for a new and less attractive partnership. Indian-Russian relationship is at another level Russia gives inputs in formulating Indian military strategies, is in to joint production of hi-tech weapons with sensitive technologies (space, nuclear etc) with India etc

ps: What about Chechnya?

Has Russia become Indian jageer or estate?? A truly shallow statement indeed! what warrants Russia to enforce such a liability?? In fact its Russia which is paid the price of being played into cunning Brahmani politics. Did India come to rescue of its best ally in Afghanistan?? End of the day Russia is sovereign country and average Pakistan politician has always favored better relations with Russia. It was the communist mentality which could not outgrow "bigger is better" and their expanded taste for installing puppet communist government. In essence the soviets had no manner of international diplomacy and relations. The current Russia is no more soviet union.

I would choose The United states as the superpower any day of the week compared to Russia. Its easy for people to just criticize everything the US does without looking at the Contributions a capitalist country like the US has given to the world as well.

Computers, Internet, Windows, Photo-shop, Telephones, Televisions, Radio, Refrigerator, Skyskcrapers, electric motors, calculators, air conditioners, NASA, Airplanes, photocopiers and a Million other things...

Communism Sucks BIG TIME.... i'd rather live in a Capitalist country than a socialist welfare state... Good luck with Russia

Russia accomplished leaps and strides in science and technology until Stalin came with great purges killing all valuable scientists and intellectuals for the sake of take over by communist bigots. This sparked a reverse gear for Russian industry as all the able people would flee to Europe at first opportunity. A time came when soviet citizens were not allowed to travel anywhere even during vacations. A truly shameful state of affairs.

Communism killed Russia!
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very nice opinion but the thing is that who's gonna do it? I think it has been more than 20 years since any of our leaders even visited Russia. . . we are still sleeping, and dont know what to do. . :lazy:
you Indians dont care about the world and I am damn sure you dont have any sympathy with Palestine. There is no difference between the Indian army and Israeli army. Both kill innocent people. But both of you are going to pay for your sins. . . :pakistan:
Nothing has influence the human civilization more than economic factors due to basic desires of every human to live comfortably and never ending needs...Its pathetic that we compete against India in every defense goal but ignore the most basic factors of human needs. If we reciprocate the same spirit of competition into civilian industry and economy we can beat India in prosperity in few decades.

Has Russia become Indian jageer or estate?? A truly shallow statement indeed! what warrants Russia to enforce such a liability?? In fact its Russia which is paid the price of being played into cunning Brahmani politics. Did India come to rescue of its best ally in Afghanistan?? End of the day Russia is sovereign country and average Pakistan politician has always favored better relations with Russia. It was the communist mentality which could not outgrow "bigger is better" and their expanded taste for installing puppet communist government. In essence the soviets had no manner of international diplomacy and relations. The current Russia is no more soviet union.

Russia accomplished leaps and strides in science and technology until Stalin came with great purges killing all valuable scientists and intellectuals for the sake of take over by communist bigots. This sparked a reverse gear for Russian industry as all the able people would flee to Europe at first opportunity. A time came when soviet citizens were not allowed to travel anywhere even during vacations. A truly shameful state of affairs.

Communism killed Russia!

Did you read my post? All I said was why will Russia ditch India for Pakistan, where-in relation with India is old and trusted and lucrative (economy wise). There is tons of goodwill between people of both country and the level of engagement is maximum (read nuclear, space, joint production of Hi-Tech weapons, formulating policies, intelligence sharing etc). Russia is on record saying it will help India to become a super power etc now that's why I said with real bad relations with India it will be hard to have real good relations with Russia
Well u made American friends(who are against india,helped u in 1971),now,u know in which state pakistan is..
now u want russia as friend(India's closest Allies,and also pak had some conflicts with em)...if it happens,even god can't predict where will pakistan be...
may become a potential super power....
this just seems reactionary and direction less with no vision

having said that building bridges will always be helpful
I would choose The United states as the superpower any day of the week compared to Russia. Its easy for people to just criticize everything the US does without looking at the Contributions a capitalist country like the US has given to the world as well.

Computers, Internet, Windows, Photo-shop, Telephones, Televisions, Radio, Refrigerator, Skyskcrapers, electric motors, calculators, air conditioners, NASA, Airplanes, photocopiers and a Million other things...

Communism Sucks BIG TIME.... i'd rather live in a Capitalist country than a socialist welfare state... Good luck with Russia

With all that comes "the licking the boots of the Israelis", some see that as thorny shaft to be drilled into the ***** of every Muslim and that includes your *** as well.
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