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Pakistan should be closer friend to Russia if Pakistanis appove Russia's reemergence!

Well ...if You see, China Only wants India to Tie up Pak so that China can do progress and prevent India from Rising.

One Defence Personnel Phased " Its like As China put Pak Monkey on India Shoulders like wise China is Worried that US would Put Indian Monkey on China Back"

Why US is investing in India Giving Hitech Systems which Previously Denied??

Now US want India to tie China up so that China will have to focus to India which till now it is free. Like china armed Pakistan force India to look PAk first where China is free to do .

This is how the game Work.

If China is ur true friend how much they have given as economic asstiance??

You got 500 Million USD as financial Crisses where as India already INvested 1 Billion USD in Afgansthan.

And US wants India to tie up China so that US can make progress.

AS you also mentioned.

And its not all about money. If money was the main driving force in the world for creating of making blocks well Israel has the strongest lobby in the world.
Jews are the most powerful economicaly still they need US to survive.
It seems Pakistan can never stand on it's own feet....Either USA, or China..or now Russia????:hitwall:

Well, it goes for india also, even it became a economic superpower but still it needs US , russia?:agree::lol:
Sunday September 14, 5:56 PM
Kim sends greetings to Russian leader amid health speculation

SEOUL (AFP) - North Korean state media Sunday reported official activities by leader Kim Jong-Il but a new report indicated his health may be worse than earlier believed following a stroke.
Kim, 66, sent birthday greetings to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, said the Korean Central News Agency, which has not reported any public appearances by the "Dear Leader" since around mid-August.
After Kim stayed away from a mass parade last week to mark the hardline communist state's 60th anniversary, South Korean officials said he underwent brain surgery following a stroke last month but is recovering well.

"He's recovered enough to brush his teeth by himself," a government official said on condition of anonymity.

Kim's health is the subject of intense speculation since he has not publicly nominated any successor among his three sons. He took over from his father, founding president Kim Il-Sung who died in 1994, in the communist world's only dynastic succession.

Seoul officials, fearful of potential instability in their nuclear-armed neighbour, have said he is still in control and no power vacuum exists.
But other reports have cast doubt on his long-term physical ability to run the nation, at a time when nuclear disarmament negotiations are deadlocked. South Korea's defence minister last week also confirmed reports the North is developing a new launch site for long-range missiles.

The North is also grappling with acute food shortages and a declining economy and increasing number of refugees are fleeing the country.

Seoul's Chosun Ilbo newspaper, quoting a diplomatic source in Beijing, said Friday Kim is suffering irregular convulsions and Chinese authorities believe his long-term ability to govern will be impeded.

Seoul legislator Chung Ui-Hwa said Kim is thought to have suffered some partial paralysis on one side.

On Sunday Japan's Mainichi Shimbun newspaper, quoting a Chinese official, said Kim has suffered occasional blackouts since April and has not been able to give full guidance on policy.

Kim also suffered heart and kidney problems last year, the paper said, and has cut back his duties to concentrate on medical treatment.

A dispute over how to verify the North's nuclear disclosures, which it made in June as part of a six-party agreement, is blocking progress on the aid-for disarmament deal.

There are fears that the North -- which tested an atomic weapon in October 2006 -- intends to restart its bomb-making programme.

Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun said the North has not replied to a new US proposal made in August on verification, possibly indicating that Kim is not well enough to make key decisions.

Japan's Kyodo News, citing multiple Chinese sources in a report from Beijing, said Kim is expected to recover almost fully from problems with limb functions but this would take a long period of rest and rehabilitation.

It said he collapsed from a stroke on August 14 and underwent surgery performed with the help of five Chinese military doctors.

Several analysts in Seoul fear the powerful military may secure more power in any post-Kim era and take an even tougher stance on denuclearisation and cross-border relations.

State media in the secretive and closed state have made no mention of Kim's health. The de facto head of state Kim Yong-Nam told Kyodo in Pyongyang last week there is "no problem."

US TV network FOX News, quoting a senior Bush administration official, reported last week that Kim is more impaired than regional reports suggest.

It said the US and China, the North's sole major ally, are holding highly confidential talks about what to do if the government in Pyongyang collapses.

The official was quoted as telling FOX there are no current signs of instability but the likelihood of a smooth transition of power is not high.
Well, it goes for india also, even it became a economic superpower but still it needs US , russia?:agree::lol:

Erm....I don't think you can compare India's relationship with Russia and Pakistan's relationship with USA or China.
dude thats not our point! we are trying to prove that in russ-indo case... only money talks and the relationship is nothing but fake, based on money and business..
only :china::pakistan: have true friendship.. :woot:

Whats true friendship? :crazy:
Its either money or geopolitics or both.
In India-Israel, Russia relations its not even geopolitics ;)

I really don't know why Pakistanis are so concerned about India buying weapons from Israel.

China (yes, your dear friend China) has Israel as its second largest arms supplier after Russia.
Germany is one of the biggest arms suppliers to Israel.
Turkey (your immediate neighbour) is on great terms with Israel and was one of the first nations to recognize its existence.

Before the Islamic Revolution, Iran and Israel were quite friendly and "natural allies".

Just some facts for you to consider before you decide to go off on another rant about how "Hindus and Jews are plotting to kill muslims."
I really don't know why Pakistanis are so concerned about India buying weapons from Israel.

China (yes, your dear friend China) has Israel as its second largest arms supplier after Russia.
Germany is one of the biggest arms suppliers to Israel.
Turkey (your immediate neighbour) is on great terms with Israel and was one of the first nations to recognize its existence.

Before the Islamic Revolution, Iran and Israel were quite friendly and "natural allies".

Just some facts for you to consider before you decide to go off on another rant about how "Hindus and Jews are plotting to kill muslims."

We are concerned beacuse the weapons bought from Israel are being used against Innocent Kashmiri Women, Childern and youth in Indian Held Kashmir for burtaly murdering them.

And BTW why Indians always jump into Pakistan specific threads if they dont have concern with us.
There is a big difference between rant and realities.

The State terrorism of India and Israel hardly need any rant.
Daily Analysis
Copyright 2008 by the Council on Foreign Relations. All Rights Reserved
Seeing Iranian Gains in the Caucasus
September 12, 2008
Author: Greg Bruno

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during the Caspian Sea leaders summit in Tehran. Oct. 16, 2007. (AP/Vahid Salemi)
Fallout over Russia's military moves in Georgia has already sidelined (MSNBC) one area of nuclear cooperation between Washington and the Kremlin. Now, the chill has triggered speculation that a process of much more immediate importance—the UN Security Council's efforts to block Iran's uranium enrichment program—will suffer (CSMonitor).

Each fall for the last three years, the UN Security Council has ushered in a new round of sanctions. It has been prodded by the Bush administration and Western states concerned that Iran's program is a cover for a nuclear weapons program, a charge Iran denies. Russia, one of five permanent veto-wielding members of the Security Council, begrudgingly went along with each previous round of sanctions. But with Washington pushing for a fourth round of sanctions, Moscow has warned that this year may be different. In an August interview with CNN, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin suggested Russian cooperation on the Iranian nuclear issue has run its course. Gary Samore, CFR director of studies and an expert in nonproliferation, sees the crisis in the Caucasus as the impetus. "The Georgia situation is going to tremendously complicate any efforts for the U.S. to form an effective coalition against Iran."

To be sure, Moscow appears to share Washington's desire to keep a bomb out of Iranian hands. CFR Senior Fellow Ray Takeyh and Nikolas Gvosdev of the U.S. Naval War College predict that Russia will continue to support (BosGlobe) international efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, if only because Moscow sees current policy as beneficial to its security and economic interests. Meanwhile, Russia continues to support Iran's civilian nuclear program. On September 8, the Russian state-run company assembling Iran's first nuclear plant announced that after five years of delay, the facility at Bushehr is nearing completion (AP). There are also reports Russia is considering increasing nuclear assistance to Iran. "Everything has changed since the war in Georgia," a source close to the Russian military told London's Sunday Times.

For Iran, the benefits of cozier ties with Russia are more than nuclear. Beyond disrupting UN sanctions efforts and facilitating Iran's nuclear reactor construction, Russia is also being courted as a supplier of military hardware (RIA Novosti), including sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missiles. Trade between Russia and Iran is also on the rise, hitting $2.2 billion in the first nine months of 2007 (RIA Novosti). (According to 2006 numbers from Iran's trade promotion organization, Russia ranked 14th on Iran's export list.) But as Financial Times Middle East editor Roula Khalaf notes, Iran is aware of the risks of siding with Russia. "It is not unthinkable that Moscow would eventually try to buy its way out of the European crisis by offering more forceful help on Iran," Khalaf writes. Iran has also maintained diplomatic relations with Georgia since 1992, most notably in the energy sector. For these reasons, argues an analyst for EurasiaNet, Iran has proceeded with caution in solidifying its pro-Moscow stance.

Whether Washington needs Moscow's cooperation to scale down the Iranian nuclear program is unclear. Charles D. Ferguson, CFR senior fellow for science and technology, says a client-producer relationship between Iran and the world's nuclear energy states could move the issue forward faster than sanctions ever could (CSMonitor). Nor is Iran resigned to hanging up the diplomatic option (Reuters). But the aftermath of the Georgia conflict has clearly changed the tone of the debate.

Weigh in on this issue by emailing CFR.org.
I really don't know why Pakistanis are so concerned about India buying weapons from Israel.

China (yes, your dear friend China) has Israel as its second largest arms supplier after Russia.
Germany is one of the biggest arms suppliers to Israel.
Turkey (your immediate neighbour) is on great terms with Israel and was one of the first nations to recognize its existence.

Before the Islamic Revolution, Iran and Israel were quite friendly and "natural allies".

Just some facts for you to consider before you decide to go off on another rant about how "Hindus and Jews are plotting to kill muslims."

Israel and India are true buddies for no other nations have such blind hatred for anything remotely connected to Islam. What Israel does in Palestine in the name of "self-defence" India does the same in places like Gujrat or Kashmir. Naturally the Israelis and the Indians see each other as brothers in arms, others are just Israel's business partners.
Israel and India are true buddies for no other nations have such blind hatred for anything remotely connected to Islam. What Israel does in Palestine in the name of "self-defence" India does the same in places like Gujrat or Kashmir. Naturally the Israelis and the Indians see each other as brothers in arms, others are just Israel's business partners.

India has right to develop friendly relations with every country in the world including Israel. For that matter we also have good relations with arab countries and even palestinians.

India became the first non-Arab State to recognise the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as “the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people” and allowed it to open its office in New Delhi in January, 1975. India accorded recognition to the State of Palestine in November, 1988 and the PLO Office in New Delhi started functioning as the Embassy of the State of Palestine. In the wake of establishment of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), India opened its Representative Office in Gaza on June 25, 1996, for ensuring effective co-ordination with the PNA. India has always extended its consistent and unwavering support to the Palestinian issue.

India continues to offer scholarships under ICCR Schemes to Palestinian students for higher studies in India. India has also offered several slots for training courses under the ITEC Programme.
Whats true friendship? :crazy:
Its either money or geopolitics or both.

Russia can't lose India as an ally to the US, Russia has a huge military market in India. As seen at Aero India 2007 in Bangalore recently, Russians were very keen to have their Mig-35 Foxbat with AESA radar to be picked by Indian Air Force for their further requirements of 126 multi-role fighter jets. It would be hard for Pakistan to be as big of a buyer as India in this case.
Zero sum ideas are unhelpful - Befriending India does not necessarily mean or ought not mean emnity towards Pakistan and vie versa.

The imbalance created by the GWOT is being addressed ona economic level, however; Russian policy towards others cannot be seen as just "not U.S" - it has to have it's own framework, one in which other countries can see their self interest.
We are concerned beacuse the weapons bought from Israel are being used against Innocent Kashmiri Women, Childern and youth in Indian Held Kashmir for burtaly murdering them.

And BTW why Indians always jump into Pakistan specific threads if they dont have concern with us.
There is a big difference between rant and realities.

The State terrorism of India and Israel hardly need any rant.

Yea yea , We all saw in TV who is taking Women and KIDS under GUN to Hide in J&K. Would u like to see those TV footage again where PAK terrorist after killing unarmed people and taken kids and women hostage? I dont know even those TV footage shown in PAK or those News ever shown in PAK TV ?

You are concerned because Israeli Weapons start killing ur Kashmir Militants.
Yea yea , We all saw in TV who is taking Women and KIDS under GUN to Hide in J&K. Would u like to see those TV footage again where PAK terrorist after killing unarmed people and taken kids and women hostage? I dont know even those TV footage shown in PAK or those News ever shown in PAK TV ?

You are concerned because Israeli Weapons start killing ur Kashmir Militants.

well dear dont talk about who is killing who in Indian held Kashmir otherwise you will not be able to watch the brutal killing by Indian army.

Trauma Of Daily Violence In Jammu And Kashmir

Telling Upon Mental Health

By Syed Junaid Hashmi

Countercurrents.org - 20 June, 2007

Ravaged by conflict, traumatized by lack of accountability and strangled by social taboos, people in Jammu and Kashmiri have been both witness to and victims of violence which has had a significant effect on their mental health. While a sustainable political solution to "K" problem seems far away, psychological wounds inflicted by violence and impunity on the Kashmiri society continue to increase and go well beyond socio-economic problems.

Studies and survey's conducted by various reputed organizations and institutes have confirmed that Psychological problems have been increasing in Jammu and Kashmir. According to one survey conducted by state mental health society (SMHS), around 80,000 people from Kashmir valley visited various mental health professionals during the year 2005-2006 and nearly three-fourths were diagnosed with serious psychological disorders. This represents an over twenty percent increase from 2005 and reveals that the emotional and mental damage caused by the conflict continues to surge.

A survey report on Jammu and Kashmir by a Holland-based humanitarian group M‚decins Sans FrontiŠres (MSF) maintains that a third of its respondents suffered from psychological distress. Nearly one in 10 people reported having lost one or more members of their immediate family due to violence in the period from 1989-2005. The survey reported that almost half ( 48.1%) of the respondents said they felt only occasionally or never safe.

It also indicated that violence or the threat of physical violence seems to have had a significant effect on the mental health of people. It revealed that respondents suffered from high levels of anxiety such as nervousness, tension and extensive worrying.

The survey stated that a substantial number of people interviewed by them admitted to having thoughts about ending their life (33.9%). "Such a high percentage of suicidal tendencies within a population holding strong religious beliefs that condemn the act of suicide, is a worrying indicator of the level of despair and hopelessness in which people in Jammu and Kashmir are living," stressed a neurologist.

The survey also indicated high rates of physical complaints including headaches (23.5%), body pains such as joint and back complaints (20.5%), and abdominal complaints (16.9%). It reported that poor health placed a substantial burden on the area's health facilities, with most people saying they visit health clinics frequently ( 63.9%); some even four times or more. Medicine consumption was also high, with over one-third taking six or more medicines in the previous 30 days (37.9%).

According to MSF, Interviewees reported witnessing (73.3%) and directly experiencing themselves ( 44.1%), physical and psychological mistreatment, such as humiliation and threats thus causing extensive damage to their psychological health. A shocking finding of the survey was that torture appeared to be widespread suggesting that a strategy of intimidation and fear has been employed by army and paramilitary forces.

Maintaining that sexual violence has impinged upon the mental health of people in Jammu and Kashmir more than physical violence, the survey reported that sexual violence has been used as a common strategy to intimidate people in conflict. 11.6% of interviewees said they had been victims of sexual violence since 1989. Almost two-thirds of the people interviewed (63.9%) by MSF had heard over a similar period about cases of rape, while one in seven had witnessed rape.

The worst hit have been the children among whom the major effect of the violence reported in this survey has been fear (24.6%). School-related problems also scored highly, such as being unable to attend school (15.5%) and having problems studying ( 16.3%) due to the lack of professional teachers and study material.

Respondents told the surveyors that people deal with stress by isolating themselves (22.3%) or becoming aggressive (16%). They further informed them that talking confidentially to someone they trust is helpful when confronted with tension ( 89.4%). It is essentially this survey which brought out the real picture of the mental health of people in Jammu and Kashmir. The findings of the survey revealed a bleak picture of the mental health of people in the conflict-afflicted region and raised important questions about the government's failure to adequately provide mental health services to the population.

Overburdened, understaffed, and in-demand, this is the state of mental health care in Kashmir. The Psychiatric Diseases Hospital at Kaathi Darwaza is the only refuge for mental patients in Kashmir, and its doctors, facilities, and supplies have long been grossly inadequate. According to one report, records from the out-patient department (OPD) of Srinagar's Hospital for Psychiatric Diseases show that more than 300 people arrive every day.

It stated that most self-admitting patients are women aged between 16 to 25. Because of the social stigma associated with psychological disorders, doctors believe that no more than 10 percent of those in need of psychiatric care are actually approaching the hospital. One outcome of this under-treated trauma is an increase in teenage girl suicides.

According to another report published in a local daily, 19-year-old Jameela witnessed her aunt being killed while working in the kitchen and later also witnessed a shootout in her locality. With no history of psychiatric problems, she began suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders: recurrent, intrusive and distressing recollection of the events, marked irritability, outbursts of anger, difficulty in concentrating, sleeplessness, sadness, and disinterest in all social, domestic and college activities. Following a minor altercation with her sister, she consumed pesticide and ended her life.

A statistical report of the state health and medical education department revealed that on an average, two to three cases of attempted suicide are admitted into Srinagar's two main hospitals on regular basis. A large number of people from the villages die on the way or in local health centers.

Psychologists maintain that people living at a place ravaged by conflict are often faced with a number of Psychological problems. They say that the physical environment in which people live and survive has a direct bearing on their mental health. "Stress caused by feelings of insecurity and dependency can deplete physical and psychological buoyancy leading to varied mental problems, this has happened in most of the cases in Jammu and Kashmir," said Dr.Adarsh Bhargav He maintained that crackdowns, frisking by security forces and round-up raids in villages have a deep impact on the mental health of the people. "When you find yourself in the middle of a situation where your movement gets restricted, where you have to follow orders, where you are abused and humiliated, where your imaginations fail to take a flight and where your identity always remains a suspect, you are bound to suffer from Psychological disorders," added the young practicing Psychologist.

A young neurologist Dr.Nida who is presently doing her masters from a reputed institute in Delhi maintained that since 1990, the number of mental patients in Kashmir Valley have increased from 1500 to nearly 1 Lakh in 2006.

"Around 60 to 70 percent of these patients are suffering from depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia; all of these disorders are of serious nature, apart from these problems, there are many other psychological complications associated with violence which can be easily noticed among the people in Kashmir valley," added Dr.Nida.

She maintained that situation has come to a stage where people feel so unsafe that they prefer staying in hospital than going home. Increasing psychological and neurological problems among the people in Jammu and Kashmir begs further discussion of the continuing situation of impunity in Kashmir for those who perpetrate acts of terror and violence without any fear of being caught and held accountable. Until this atmosphere of impunity is not addressed, psychological problems are bound to increase.

Trauma Of Daily Violence In Jammu And Kashmir Telling Upon Mental Health By Syed Junaid Hashmi
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