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Pakistan should be closer friend to Russia if Pakistanis appove Russia's reemergence!

Russian biggest and still growing trade partner is China. Indian arms market is constantly shriking with American and European entry which will automatically relaxed Russian defense exports to China. Pakistan-China are the closest ally in asia. This will naturally persuade the Russians to extend their corridor till Islamabad. Chinese backdoor diplomacy will assure the best..Turks are already forging their close relation with China, thanks for Pakistani backdoor diplomacy which will reduce the Russian threat factor and enhance bilateral confidence thanks once again to Chinese diplomacy. Iran, Pakistan and Turkey already have confident relations and improving further day by day. Iran will now have growing dependence on China due to western sanctions.

The future of Asia will see rise of quad-party power block able to influence events in the whole of "-stan" countries and Arab world. India on other hand will find itself subject to intense competition from superior rivals but hey competition is good. A strong power block to the north will also ensure improved indo-pak relations.

Puhleeese.. spare me this argument. Afghan war saw atrocities on both sides. The Mujahideen weren't crowning captured POW Soviet soldiers either. According to Geneva Convention, a POW is supposed to be treated with decency; not cut into a dozen pieces and get his head sliced off.

USSR foot soldiers did what was essential for their own survival on the battlefield. One cannot clap with single hand. If USSR were aggressive, Mujahideen were no angels.

The Russians were well prepared. One of the key part of plan was to neutralize Pakistan through India, an example of which was demonstrated in 1971 through direct soviet help. Unfortunately for the soviets, not only the Indians had to backoff due to Kissenger hardline retaliation warning but in a total face saving endeavor, had to detonate a borrowed nuke to save some dignity. Russians knew success in Afghanistan is dependent on suppressing Pakistan. We emerged as victors against multi-dimensional threat.
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The future of Asia will see rise of quad-party power block able to influence events in the whole of "-stan" countries and Arab world. India on other hand will find itself subject to intense competition from superior rivals but hey competition is good. A strong power block to the north will also ensure improved indo-pak relations.

I think India will do fine in the the new Asia.:tup:
Russians killed lots of innocent ! the march back home by the russians was truely shameful! begging mujahideen for a peaceful return?

The americans were fighting in tropical forest! scenerios like hamburger hill or valley of death etc are examples of american bravery!

Bombers had no effect!! viet congs were like monkeys.
And we know who was supporting the viet cong!

Chinese and the russians.... even then compare the dead vietnamese!

more bombs were dropped on Vietnam than the combined total of WW2. despite this, with Chinese and Russian help Vietnam downed over 1000 US fighters/bombers.

Less than 200 soviet aircraft of all sorts (including helicopters) were downed in Afghanistan despite US help.

also, the US had inflated kill counts because they labeled anyone that died a Vietcong, and STILL couldn't match up to Russian's 1:100 kill ratio. The total number of Russians was also smaller, so the USSR back then actually was a more efficient and disciplined military. The USSR also did not resort to chemical weapons as the US did.

The russians marched back home in shame, but have you seen photographs of how the Americans ran away from Vietnam? They even took their servants and maids with them, to this day some Vietnamese servants and maids live in the US, some of them thinking they're white, we have examples right in front of us!
pakistan got $$$$ to buy russian tech???

cuz i have heard several time that Russia is only sucking $ out of India as said by Pakistanis???

so of course russia will do same with pakistan!!
but the thing is that who's gonna do it? I think it has been more than 20 years since any of our leaders even visited Russia. . . we are still sleeping, and dont know what to do. . :lazy:
sir i think 10 percent or PM along with Defence Minister Mukhtar were there just 2 months back or so.
Pakistan and Russia ties don't have good record in the past.

In any Pakistan-Russia engagement ,Pakistan was on the opposite site.

Cold war,Afghan war,Tajikistan civil war etc.

The present Russian opinion on Pakistan,i guess, mirrors that of India s, based on RT reports on Pakistan.

Pakistan's membership at SCO might provide the stage for closer ties with Russia.
actually under Field Marshal Ayub Khan, despite certain events leading up to cold war and all, relations with the Russians (then soviets) were reasonably warm ---of course our wars with the eastern enemy would change the opinions of people on street and in the administrative/military circles @ twin-cities. They were afterall arming our foe (pure geo-politics)

somebody did bring up an interesting point......it is surprising that hindustan did not intervene when Pakistan and ''allies'' trained, funded and backed the mujahideen against the soviet invaders in Afghanistan. I guess the main reason was that indian did not want to get into a confrontation with the west out of fear perhaps. That was a time when world opinion by and large saw the mujahideen struggle as a noble cause, given the gross violations waged against Afghans by the red army.

on an aggregate level, I don't think Pakistan or Russia have any major irritants or animosity amongst eachother. On a diplomatic level, relations are reasonably good. Just not deeply established, the way ours are with Chinese for example (while indians, for mostly defence reasons are allied closely to Russians)

p.s. some old pictures of F.M Ayub Khan with the Russians (then Soviets)

Meeting Chairman Anastas Mikoyanof, President of the USSR


With Russian Premier Alexsai Kosygin, in Moscow


Holding talks with the Russian leadership


Visiting the Tank Academy in Moscow


Inspecting a Russian tank in Moscow


With the Deputy Defence Minister of Russia, Marshal A.A. Grechko, at the State Guest House, Rawalpindi, 10 March 1969.



Hunting pheasants outside Moscow

:rofl: this is too funny, have you ever read a book about the subject? Gorbachev and millions of protesting Russians had nothing to do with it?


Did Yeltsin play a significant role in the breakup and collapse of Soviet economy?
somebody did bring up an interesting point......it is surprising that Hindustan did not intervene when Pakistan and ''allies'' trained, funded and backed the mujahideen against the soviet invaders in Afghanistan. I guess the main reason was that Indian did not want to get into a confrontation with the west out of fear perhaps.

If India did have any fear of the West.
1.We wouldn't have conducted any Nuclear tests.
2.We would have backed down in 1971.

The simple reason for India not intervening in Afghan war was :The Soviets never asked for help from anyone

Besides diplomatically,India was the only NAM member which backed the Soviets.
If India did have any fear of the West.
1.We wouldn't have conducted any Nuclear tests

horrible example....india wasn't under much pressure; the only rebuke was from Canada, which had cut off exchange of nuclear materials and tech subsequent to the test.

many experts still claim that the ''smiling buddha'' was not as effective as portayed to be

(india was supposed to do another test in 1996 under Vajpayee but did not, we know why)

2.We would have backed down in 1971.

not necessarily, since the soviets dispatched 2 ships and a nuclear armed sub @ bay of bangal

The simple reason for India not intervening in Afghan war was The Soviets never asked for help from anyone

even if they did, it wouldnt have made a difference (i.e. the end result would have been the same)

probably best that indians stayed out....If the Soviets were genuinely your friend, they would have advised the same!!! :lol:

Besides diplomatically,India was the only NAM member which backed the Soviets.

Syria? Cuba? (among others) :what:

Did Yeltsin play a significant role in the breakup and collapse of Soviet economy?

no, he was instrumental in keeping Vodka industry in a strong position

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pakistan got $$$$ to buy russian tech???

cuz i have heard several time that Russia is only sucking $ out of India as said by Pakistanis???

so of course russia will do same with pakistan!!

No in fact Russia will give money to help Pakistan military and then use this tech to bomb idiots like you who come here to troll.
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dude thats not our point! we are trying to prove that in russ-indo case... only money talks and the relationship is nothing but fake, based on money and business..
only :china::pakistan: have true friendship.. :woot:

Its so funny since China using Pakis against US, India and to create disbalance in Asia region and prove their metal against US and in this region...and pakistanis those are away from truth...May I know when Russia used India in any point of time...? ..Pakistanis call India - Russia relationship based on Money and Finance but We call it business a very good business ..and By the way Only they do the businees who have money in POCKET...AND I THINK SOMONE OVER HERE DONT HAVE MONEY TO DO BUSINESS WITH CHINA ...and that country only gets FREE Gift from CHINA and under that influence pakistanis think that they are REAL friends ...HAVE EVER PAKISTAN THOUGHT WHY CHINA HELPING PAKISTAN ??? No one helps anyone without any profit and CHINA'S PROFIT IN DISBALANCE IN ASIA BY HELPING PAKIS AGAINST INDIA SINCE ITS TERRORISMS TORN COUNTRY IT AFFECTS US, INDIA AT THE SAME TIME ...China Cant go agaist russia becoz they know their level agaist russians ...SO CHINESE JUST HELPING PAKISTANIS FOR FREE WITHOUT Any SINGLE PENNY BUT USING THEM DEPLOMATICALLY AGAINST MOST OF THE COUNTRIES ....By the way Russia has given India so many times TOT or 100% technology transfer, has ever China thought to do the same with Pakistan ?

Long Live INDO-RUSSIA realationship ...A true relationship without any benefit or Without any profit ...
you Indians dont care about the world and I am damn sure you dont have any sympathy with Palestine. There is no difference between the Indian army and Israeli army. Both kill innocent people. But both of you are going to pay for your sins. . . :pakistan:

you guys pay you DEBT first ...and get rid of your own problems first then think about this non sense...:sniper::sniper:
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