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Pakistan should be closer friend to Russia if Pakistanis appove Russia's reemergence!

Good relations with all, sure. However; relations with Russia to be deeper is a complex issue, it seems to me. Like the US, Russia is an angry muscle flexing mode and does not seem to have evolved a framework for policy that is not only a persuasive challenge but enables those countries such as Pakistan to see their national self interest in that policy; after all, while the public mood in Pakistan is anti-american, this "sentiment" cannot be any kind of structure to build policy on.

And while much is made of the coming US-India strategic alliance, it is very difficult and expensive to change policy overnight. Pakistan does not need to counter every move, it needs to be driven by it's vision of what it is and what it's role in the world ought to be - simply saying that Russia is a better partner than the US because of the behaviour of the US and the sentiment in Pakistan, seems to me, insufficient and shallow.
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It seems Pakistan can never stand on it's own feet....Either USA, or China..or now Russia????:hitwall:

This guy really doesn't want this to happen, so Pakistanis should do it, by hook or by crook and that will break "self-sufficient" mother India's spine which is made of Russian bone.
This guy really doesn't want this to happen, so Pakistanis should do it, by hook or by crook and that will break "self-sufficient" mother India's spine which is made of Russian bone.

1) Well India not need 2 Billion USD Fund from Russia to Run itself, wile Pak Need Funds to Run Itself. Russian Economy is not that type which will give 2 Billion USd Fund Every for nothing.

2) India give Russia nearly Billions of USD Work, which PAk cant Give as of now, more they rather take then give.

3) India is not more or less reaching a self like Dhruv , Astra , ISRO Etc is all its scuess pillers. which is absent in PAK.

India Dont depend on Russia as much as Russia need India for its defence industry.

Can PAK Buy 1.2 Billion Carrer from Russia
1 USD Biilion for T90
and can invest 5 Billion is Future plane??

If you cant then u cant have russia also. Money works every where;)
I think we need to convince Russia on this that Pakistan’s role against Russia in Afghanistan was due to their role in 1971 war and since we now have all the accounts closed hence we need to start a new era of friendship.

Russians must also have some reservations on Indo-US nuclear deal and this will build mistrust between India and Russia.

If you know about the deal Its Russia who asked India go to US and make the deal pass by US becasue US has enoughf infuence in NSG to make the deal pass.

Though India gone by Russia and France Advice and asked US to make the deal pass bu NSG.

Indian Russian Relation is so Complex now they cant be apart even if they fight each other. They need each other. Russia can affort to loose India for Pak neither US
If you know about the deal Its Russia who asked India go to US and make the deal pass by US becasue US has enoughf infuence in NSG to make the deal pass.

Though India gone by Russia and France Advice and asked US to make the deal pass bu NSG.

Indian Russian Relation is so Complex now they cant be apart even if they fight each other. They need each other. Russia can affort to loose India for Pak neither US

We'll wait and see just how strong this bond between Russia and India is; I say within the next two-three years the truth will reveal itself.
The Russikies are Ideal Indian Allies, they have always been our all weather friends, Indian pilots and naval men train in Russia, this level of trust and friendship will continue.,,.. Do you know that our left'ists are actually funded by Russia...!!!:lol: ..... :agree: ,,Just let the Nuke deal pass the US congress and ppl here will be surprised as to which country will recieve the maximum number of orders!!!:lol:
The Russikies are Ideal Indian Allies, they have always been our all weather friends, Indian pilots and naval men train in Russia, this level of trust and friendship will continue.,,.. Do you know that our left'ists are actually funded by Russia...!!!:lol: ..... :agree: ,,Just let the Nuke deal pass the US congress and ppl here will be surprised as to which country will recieve the maximum number of orders!!!:lol:

as for PAK CHina friendship.. they have always kept our needs filled without even any major outputs from pakistan's side... they have always come to our help without pak offering billions of dollars as india has been pouring in russia's economy... once India stops buying russian products then its all over for fake INDO-russ relationship..
in 1980s and 1990s it was almost impossible for pakistan to get their hands on russian defence products but now the tide has been changed.. PAKistan has inducted new version of MI-17 and RD-93 engines.. and depending on India's stance one WEST or Russia and by the looks india is shifting towards west and it will just add up more cracks to fragile relations with russia..
The Russikies are Ideal Indian Allies, they have always been our all weather friends, Indian pilots and naval men train in Russia, this level of trust and friendship will continue.,,.. Do you know that our left'ists are actually funded by Russia...!!!:lol: ..... :agree: ,,Just let the Nuke deal pass the US congress and ppl here will be surprised as to which country will recieve the maximum number of orders!!!:lol:

True but there are no permanent allies, only interests. Russia didn't block sale of RD-93 to power JF-17, that explains the might of Indian lobby in Kremlin.
We're past Cold War and Russians love $$$. As soon as Pakistan is able to spend big money Russian doors will open.
True but there are no permanent allies, only interests. Russia didn't block sale of RD-93 to power JF-17, that explains the might of Indian lobby in Kremlin.
We're past Cold War and Russians love $$$. As soon as Pakistan is able to spend big money Russian doors will open.

Might Be But right i dont see anything .... for next few years.

And RUssia and India now in Joint Proj. I dont know how Pak get things in which India invvolved. ;)
Might Be But right i dont see anything .... for next few years.

And RUssia and India now in Joint Proj. I dont know how Pak get things in which India invvolved. ;)

dude thats not our point! we are trying to prove that in russ-indo case... only money talks and the relationship is nothing but fake, based on money and business..
only :china::pakistan: have true friendship.. :woot:
dude thats not our point! we are trying to prove that in russ-indo case... only money talks and the relationship is nothing but fake, based on money and business..
only :china::pakistan: have true friendship.. :woot:

Some Indians like to believe that they can make the world believe anything. In reality they are living in self denial as far as Russia is concerned. On Pravda Forum already many Russians are calling for fraternity between Pakistan and Russia. It's easy for these sly Indians to defend the Great Satan on this forum, but they won't dare do that on Pravda Forum for they know they'll have their rear end kicked hard over there.
dude thats not our point! we are trying to prove that in russ-indo case... only money talks and the relationship is nothing but fake, based on money and business..
only :china::pakistan: have true friendship.. :woot:

Well ...if You see, China Only wants India to Tie up Pak so that China can do progress and prevent India from Rising.

One Defence Personnel Phased " Its like As China put Pak Monkey on India Shoulders like wise China is Worried that US would Put Indian Monkey on China Back"

Why US is investing in India Giving Hitech Systems which Previously Denied??

Now US want India to tie China up so that China will have to focus to India which till now it is free. Like china armed Pakistan force India to look PAk first where China is free to do .

This is how the game Work.

If China is ur true friend how much they have given as economic asstiance??

You got 500 Million USD as financial Crisses where as India already INvested 1 Billion USD in Afgansthan.
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