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Pakistan shops for warships to replace British frigates, modernize Navy

I think Type-54A will be a welcome addition and it will keep coming. I expect at least 4 boats eventually.
Should really be 4 Units of 054A level , as we have overlooked this area for quite sometime.
It is merely filing a known void we had not necessarily an expansion.

Every Navy in Asia have 15-20 such large ships while we are may be getting our first of this category
Certainly would be a welcomed news

However untill the contract is signed too early to celebrate

Ideally the 4 Units should be on soft lease from China with 30-40 year flexible pay back model
Should really be 4 Units of 054A level , as we have overlooked this area for quite sometime.
It is merely filing a known void we had not necessarily an expansion.

Every Navy in Asia have 15-20 such large ships while we are may be getting our first of this category
Certainly would be a welcomed news

However untill the contract is signed too early to celebrate

Ideally the 4 Units should be on soft lease from China with 30-40 year flexible pay back model
IMHO the Type 054As are clearly going to be command ships ... one for the 4 F-22P, and one for the 4 MILGEM Ada during wartime and one for reserve and/or guiding the Swift Corvette and Damen OPV in policing the EEZ and SLOC during peacetime. While not as well-equipped as I would have liked (e.g. no OTHR or APAR like the proposed CSOC designs), the standard-fare AAW (with HHQ-16) will still provide an umbrella to each of those other ships (which would, at best, have PDMS). @Gryphon
Good news.just buy a submarine from France.chinese submarines will arrive in 2022.it will be very late.
PN is going in the right direction. 1 is confirmed. 2 more would be signed too in future. 1 or 2 more might be further added after first 3.

With Chinese subs, Ada corvettes and others ships in pipeline PN is definitely improving itself very fast
PN is going in the right direction. 1 is confirmed. 2 more would be signed too in future. 1 or 2 more might be further added after first 3.

With Chinese subs, Ada corvettes and others ships in pipeline PN is definitely improving itself very fast
slow and steady wins. I guess this is best for PN. 1 at a time I am sure the end result would be at least 4 and max 6

IMHO the Type 054As are clearly going to be command ships ... one for the 4 F-22P, and one for the 4 MILGEM Ada during wartime and one for reserve and/or guiding the Swift Corvette and Damen OPV in policing the EEZ and SLOC during peacetime. While not as well-equipped as I would have liked (e.g. no OTHR or APAR like the proposed CSOC designs), the standard-fare AAW (with HHQ-16) will still provide an umbrella to each of those other ships (which would, at best, have PDMS). @Gryphon

Chinese TYPE 054A Offers the central strength we need for a solid defensive posture

Reasonable approach
We do need something reasonable as below for minimum deterrance


Plus support from 2 squadron of JF17 Marine 2 Seater would be fantastic setup
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